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7 февруари 2010
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Незнам дали имало ваква тема отворено до сеа, но безразлика мислам дека е многу битно да се информира целата јавност во врска со mind control преку окултистичките симболи во последно време највеќе изразени во песните и спотовите на познатите пеачи како lady Gaga, Jey-z, Rihanna, Beyonce... кои бомбардираат со информации и сублиминални пораки за насилство, сексуално злоупотребување, робство, контрола на умот итн.. и влијае врз подсвесниот ум на слушачот т.е. гледачот ако не е свесен за нивното постоење и цел.
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lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet

Aug 4th, 2009 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.

Essential Background Information

What do you mean by “mind control”? I suggest you research “project MK Ultra” to get a little background information on the subject. Here’s a quick overview taken from the surprisingly accurate Wikipedia:
Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.
Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a “cover story.”
An outgrowth of that project is unofficially referred to as “Project Monarch”. It is a mind control technique which exposes the subject to a trauma so violent that his/her mind creates a dissociation. The victim’s brain becomes compartmentalized and a new personality, which is then molded and educated by the manipulators, emerges.
“When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.”
Butterfly Symbolism

During their reeducation, subjects are said to be exposed to numerous symbols such as trees, spider webs, masks, mazes, butterflies, etc. They are also shown movies which contain specific symbols (or “triggers”) such as The Wizard of Oz and many Disney Movies. The same way those subjects are brainwashed and reeducated, mass media conducts a large scale mind control project, which starts at birth with Disney movies and continues with Hollywood flicks and music videos.
OMG! What does this crazy stuff has to do with Lady Gaga? I luv her!!
What we must retain here is the symbolism Monarch project engendered and its use in mass media. Monarch is a type of butterfly and became the ultimate “insider’s”symbol of mind control. Symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga, in her pictures and videos, mixes those symbols with occultism of secret societies.. Her vacuous, robotic and slightly degenerate persona embodies all the “symptoms” of a mind control victim. Let’s look at what Lady Gaga represents, starting by the basics: her name
Her Name

Gaga is a term that immediately refers to absent mindedness. Here are some synonyms taken from a thesaurus:
Given to lighthearted silliness: empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy, harebrained, lighthearted, scatterbrained, silly. Slang birdbrained, dizzy.
Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness: brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong.
“Gaga” is probably the easiest word to say in the English language, as it is often the first sound emitted by babies trying to imitate speech. So her name basically says: I’m a lady and I’m empty-headed. This empty head can filled with any crap you want. Imitate me young people. This state of mind is achieved after successful mind control.
Her name is also said to be inspired by Queen’s song “Radio Gaga”. The video of this song contains many scenes of the 1927 movie Metropolis. As seen in my article onBeyonce/Sasha Fierce, the motion picture tells the story of a woman from the working class that was chosen by the elite to give life to a robot, through a mix of science and Black magic.
Scene from Metropolis – Maria giving her likeness to a robot. Is this a metaphor for mind control? Notice the inverted pentagram in the background: Black magic and Satanism.

This robot becomes a sexy and alluring performer and is given the goal to corrupt the working class. References to this movie abound in music videos, as if it was very significant for the occult elite. Madonna, Beyonce, Kylie Minogue and many others have taken the likeness of this female robot and, as you’ll see in the “Paparazzi” video, Lady Gaga also continues this “tradition”.
Her Logo

Her logo is pretty revealing and particularly fitting. Its a headless female body with a bolt of lightning going through her and exiting her genitalia. There is once again a focus on the lack of conscious thought by the singer. The body looks like the weird headless mannequins you find at clothing stores. The bolt of lightning implies that her thoughtless body has been “charged” with a force that gives it life (interesting note: trauma-based mind control is often induced using electro-shock treatments).
All-Seeing Eye Symbolism

You only need to look at a couple of Lady Gaga pictures or videos to notice that she is constantly hiding one of her eyes. Most people will simply interpret this as ”a cool thing to do” or a “fashion statement”. Those who have passed the 101 of Illuminati symbolism know that the All-Seeing Eye is probably its most recognizable symbol. The gesture of hiding one eye, usually the left one, goes way back in occult orders. Here’s an explanation of the origin of the Eye of Horus.
Horus, the sun of Osiris and Isis was called ‘Horus who rules with two eyes’. His right eye was white and represented the sun: his left eye was black and represented the moon. According to the myth, Horus lost his left eye to his evil brother, Seth, who he fought to avenge Seth’s murder of Osiris. Seth tore out of the eye but lost the fight. The eye was reassembled by magic, by Thoth, the god of writing, the moon and magic. Horus presented his eye to Osiris, who experienced rebirth in the underworld.
-Dictionary of the Occult
One thing is for sure: Lady is Gaga for the All-Seeing Eye.

This last picture is very significant. It confirms the fact that the closed eye is used in the context of esoteric symbolism. Her left eye is in her hand, referring to the Hand of Fatima (evil eye). Also, one can’t ignore the resemblance with good ol’ Baphomet.

All Seeing Eye on the backs of Gaga’s dancers during her Monster Tour.

Baphomet Reminiscent horns

How about this ad…could there by more pyramids and eyes?


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7 февруари 2010
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Her Videos Almost all of Lady Gaga’s videos contain occult symbolism and not-so-subtle hints referring to mind control. We’ll first look at a short video used as an intro during her tour.
Intro Tour Video

Lady G is talking in a vaporous and robotic way, as if she was lobotomized, about a man who “swallowed her brain”. Gaga is questioned by a man who is talking in a very strange and hypnotic matter. If this is not about mind control, I have no idea what its about.
Paparazzi Video

This video is loaded with symbolism but we’ll focus on the main story. It basically describes the fall and rise to the top of Lady Gaga, who, during the process, went through a huge metamorphosis.

Lady is in a bedroom with her boyfriend and they’re “getting it on”. Notice the Masonic checkerboard pattern on the wall and a ram’s head, representing Satanism. He takes her outside on the balcony (which also features a checkerboard pattern). After noticing cameras taking pictures, the guy starts acting strangely and things get violent. He finally pushes Lady off the balcony.

While falling down, the background becomes a swirling pattern, typically associated with hypnotism. Lady Gaga falls down rather stylishly, hinting the fact that this descent is not physical. It represents the “trauma” victims of mind control have to go through in order to be “rebuilt from scratch”.
Lady Gaga then enters a mansion in a wheel chair and gradually takes off her clothes.

She slowly starts walking, with the help of crutches, representing her reeducation by the occult elite (she is inside a mansion). She is dressed like a robot, hinting Maria from the movie Metropolis, as seen above. Another scene shows her dancing in a half white/half black wedding dress. This signifies her (forced) association with the “dark Brotherhood”. Her transformation is then complete.
We then see her next to the boyfriend that pushed her off the balcony.

She is wearing Mickey Mouse clothes, hinting once again Monarch programming. She is behaving in a very robotic way, as if her thoughts and actions were controlled by someone else. Gaga then proceeds to poison the guy and smiles very weirdly about it. The fact that she murdered her boyfriend refers to the level “Delta” of the Monarch project, which is also known as the “killer” programming. Here’s a description of it
DELTA. This is known as “killer” programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.
-Dr. Corydon Hammond, Project Monarch Programming Definitions
After carrying out her murderous mission, Lady Gaga is more popular than ever and reaps the rewards of being an Illuminati slave.
If you are still doubtful of the occult themes of this videos, check out this snapshot from the Behind the Scenes video of Parazzi (available ).

The director of the Paparazzi is wearing a Venom shirt, bearing the face of Baphomet and the Sigil of the Church of Satan. So, there is a chance that the director is slightly aware of those kinds of things.​
Sigil of Anton Lavey’s Church of Satan

Literally bound by “the Illuminated”

To Conclude

Lady Gaga incorporates in her videos, photos and shows symbolism that refers to the Illuminati and mind control. Her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual yet she makes song like “Just Dance” which is about being totally numb. This paradoxical aspect of Lady Gaga is something that deserves to be analyzed and understood. While masses of young people imitate Gaga’s gestures, her act is part of a bigger system that incorporates many other stars with the same symbolism. She is creative and a gifted song writer. But at the end of the day, the “Lady Gaga” persona is a Fame Monster, doing everything required to be an international superstar, including incorporating in her act the symbolism of the elite, making her an Illuminati puppet.
What’s your opinion on the subject, Lady Gaga?

That’s what I thought

Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance – The Occult Meaning

Nov 15th, 2009 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports Lady Gaga’s videos and performances are extremely symbolic and filled with hidden messages. Her latest video, named “Bad Romance”, describes the dark and ritualistic inner-workings of the entertainment industry, by symbolically depicting Gaga as a sex slave. This article examines the occult symbols present in the video and its hidden meaning.

The video for the song Bad Romance is a mix of deep symbolism with sheer randomness, creative fashion with corporate product placements and modern day decadence with religious imagery, all rolled up in a great big music industry celebration. Gaga uses her odd-ball theatrical presence to its full extent to shock, creep-out and fascinate the viewers. If you’ve read my other articles on Lady Gaga (see Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet pt 1 and pt 2), you’ll already be aware of the occult symbols permeating her imagery. I’ve mentioned the presence of mind control elements, of the horned god Baphomet, of secret societies and so on. Far from steering away from those themes, Gaga’s latest offering incorporates all of them in this video, which is a great big metaphor for the music industry. Let’s look at the song.
Concept of the Song

Bad Romance is the first single out of Gaga’s Fame Monster album. If you look back at her past works, the main message of her music is that she is willing to do anything, even sacrifice herself, to obtain fame. The video continues in the same vein by depicting Gaga as a willing victim in the music industry’s shady inner-workings. She wants to live a Bad Romance with the abusive, cruel and satanic music industry. She’s aware of all of its flaws but she still desires to be part of it more than anything else. She is a Fame Monster…she feeds off of fame…she enjoys being famous…if she is not famous, she’ll die or something…you get the picture. At face value, the song lyrics seem to be about her wanting to get “banged” by a kind of psychopath, but the video reveals that the psychopath is in fact the music industry.
The song starts with a weird chant that goes
Want your bad romance

This is the type of senseless crap drunk people like to yell in those disco dance parties you crazy kids go to. Is there a deeper meaning to it? Gaga announces it in a weird, gothic accent, in the manner of a ceremonial/incantation, a little like the “Bum-bum-bedum” of Rihanna’s Disturbia (article here). Ra, as the name of the ancient Egyptian sun god, is still of great importance in today’s occultism (see the “Eye of Ra”, the All-Seeing Eye). Roma may be a reference to the roman catholic church, but I’m not sure. This could be interpreted in many ways so I won’t linger on it.
I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

I want your drama
The touch of your hand
I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

Right away, it is obvious that the love that Gaga is seeking is wrong and sick. She’s a sex slave and apparently, she likes it. She knows that the industry is ugly but she still wants in. There is an obvious sense of sadomasochism, as she seems to know that this love (of success in the music industry) will hurt her and treat her badly, but she’s up for it. As we will examine in the video, there is also a spiritual meaning to the lyrics where fame equals submitting to the dark, satanic side of the music industry. In other words, the song is also about submitting to evil and the imagery of the video corroborates this fact.
I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love-uuhh)

I want your psycho
Your vertigo stick
Want you in my rear window
Baby you’re sick
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

Here again, there is a mix of the “horror” of evil with hardcore sex references, which convey the fact that she wants to be “penetrated” by this evil influence in order to gain its favors. There are references to Hitchcock movies (Psycho, Vertigo) that are cleverly turned into sexually explicit lyrics.

During the bridge, Gaga sings emotionally “I don’t wanna be friends“. She does not want to be an outsider of the music industry, she wants to be part of it. Later she says “I want your love and, All your lovers’ revenge”, which means that she wants all of the attention of the music industry to the point that she also wants the “hate” of the artists who are jealous of her.
Of course, the lyrics are open to interpretation but the visuals of the video really give a particular meaning to the words. Gaga is not singing to a person, but to a group, an entity, an organization. She is singing to the Illuminati, to the music industry, to Baphomet: to the ones that have the power to make her famous. She wants to be part of that sinister and corrupt system and write a Bad Romance with it


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7 февруари 2010
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Analysis of the Video

The video is dense with symbols and odd images. Some are significant while others seem to be random. It is obvious that the whole concept is a huge allegory for the reality of fame. She plays the role of a mind-controlled and drugged sex slave who is prepared to get auctioned to members of the Russian mafia. Here’s the video.
Main Story Line

The video starts with Gaga emerging from what looks like a high-tech coffin or maybe a sensory deprivation tank.
At the beginning of the video, she is deprived of her senses. Either her eyes, her ears or her nose are covered. Sensory deprivation is a torture technique used on prisoners or mind controlled slaves in order to “break” them and to facilitate their re-education. She is a beginner, an amateur and she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.
Gaga can’t see or hear anything

In one scene, she is wearing thick sunglasses and talking to herself through a mirror.

This is reminiscent of The Who’s Tommy movie, where a deaf, dumb and blind boy only becomes responsive when staring at the mirror.
The Who’s Tommy is a movie about a boy who becomes deaf, dumb and blind after a traumatic event.

Gaga then bathes herself to “wash off her sins” as Gaga said in an interview about the video. She is “wide-eyed” and innocent but we’ll see that she’ll gradually turn into a “Fame Monster”.
Innocent Gaga taking an innocent bath with her big innocent eyes

She is then roughly handled by two women. She fights them but she finally accepts her fate and even raises her hands in praise.

Throughout the video, there is a back and forth between her being forced to go through with her duties as a slave and her willingness to go through with them. She is then forced to drink some vodka, which is in fact an MTV-friendly substitute for drugs. Mind controlled sex slaves are heavily drugged to numb their thoughts and make them easy to manipulate.
Gaga is then undressed and forced to perform in front of a bunch of men. Those mafioso can represent the Illuminati, the dark force ruling the music industry. The masks represent their hidden nature. Each individual represents a record company, and they are bidding to see who will sign her.

Gaga seems to be well aware of what is happening and she chooses to charm a particular guy, who seems to have what she wants. The masked man seems to enjoy what is happening to him and bids to obtain her.
One second left to the auction for the services of Lady Gaga

Gaga is then required to fulfill her duties as a sex slave by…you’ve guessed it… having sex with the winning bidder. So she proceeds into a very symbolic room.
Her hands are strategically placed under the horned heads. Immediately after, a fire ignites the room.

On each side of the bed are gazelle heads, who symbolically refer to Baphomet, the horned idol of Western occultism.

If you’ve read my other articles on the music industry, you already know of the frequent use of the likeness of Baphomet in music videos and pictures. My past articles on Gaga have shown her posing in the same way as the image above. Strategically placed horned heads have appeared in her past videos and photo shoots. Having said that, the presence of those horned heads in that room is not merely decorative, it is very symbolic.
Gaga is “offering herself” at the altar of Baphomet in order to become initiated and accepted into the Order. She does not want “to be friends” with the music industry, she wants to be an insider (she’s not a “Fame Monster” for nothing). So this offering gets consumed by fire, and not sex, because it is about Baphomet and not the Russian guy. He was just a means for her to obtain what she wanted..fame.

When the fire starts, another scene plays simultaneously showing Gaga and masked dancers dressed in red, the color of sacrifice and initiation. The virginal white garments she wore during most of the video are replaced by bloody red, a visual confirmation of the fact that she is now initiated and accepted as an insider. In my article on the 2009 VMA awards (article here), we see that Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift start out the show wearing white garments and, after a symbolic performance, they appear completely dressed in red. The codes of the music industry seem to be used over and over again, in videos, award shows and photo shoots.

Gaga then makes her trademark “Eye in the triangle” hand gesture after her initiation to make it clear who owns her now…the Illuminati.
The final scene shows Gaga lying in bed with the burned skeleton of the Russian mafiosi.

Notice how everything is burnt except the two gazelle heads. The real “intercourse” happened between Gaga and Baphomet. The guy was a tool, a middle-man who was sacrificed in the process of Gaga’s initiation.
So Gaga basically went through the steps a mega-pop star has to go through in order to “make it big” in the music industry. She ultimately got what she wanted and apparently played the game on her own terms. Let’s see how that works out for her.
Other Symbols

Aside from the main storyline, the video is riddled with numerous symbols and images which are occult in nature. Here are some of them:
Sun Symbolism

There are many symbols referring to the sun in the video. As said above, Ra is an Egyptian sun god who is mentioned many times in the magic incantation-like “Rah-rah” chant. Sun worship has always been at the center of occult mysteries as it is considered to be the ultimate representation of God.
Image of the sun in the razorblade shades. She is wearing a golden dress. Gold is representative of the sun in occultism.

Golden sunlight bringing her back to life

Gaga at the center of planetary orbits

Anti-Christian Symbolism

Christianity has always been at odds with occult secret societies. Persecutions and accusations come from both sides and one often defines itself by the negating the other. This is also represented in the video.​
The word “Monster” with a Christian cross underneath it creates a not-so-subliminal unconscious association

The cross associated with the word “Monster” is also seen on her promotional pictures:​
Notice the position of her hands

A cross placed right on her “privates”. No matter what religion you are, you know this is not a sign of respect

In this choreography, Gaga does what looks like the sign of the cross but her hand gesture describes a triangle instead (classic phallic symbol). Enjoy my brilliantly drawn triangle to help you visualize it.

Reptilian Monster Symbolism

In some scenes, Gaga gradually starts to look like reptilian monster, with a focus on the spine.
Emphasis on the spine

Why is her spine glowing?

Angry looking bat on her head

Bulging spine… I’m not sure of what she is doing with her fingers either.

There is a great resemblance with the devil in this painting by Michael Pacher. Notice the spine.​

In Conclusion

Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance is by far the densest and most symbolic video I’ve ever analyzed. It is a metaphorical yet accurate description of the steps which must be taken in order to become part of the “mega-pop-star machine”. Submission, control, business negotiations, initiation, secrecy and the embrace of dark forces are all represented in the video. Once decoded, the song describes indeed the Bad Romance of the music industry. The machine uses artists, it pimps them, it cheats on them with new, hotter artists and it finally dumps them when the initial appeal is lost.​
Gaga, the “Fame Monster” wants to be treated that way, knowing that there is not any other way to obtain world-wide fame. One might be extremely creative and talented, however fame can only be achieved through the exposure provided by the media corporations. They are owned by a secretive elite, represented by the masks on the faces of the bidders in the video. Bad Romance, more than simply serving the required dose of subversive symbolism to the MTV generation, offers a chilling description of a music industry ruled by the elite. And now comes the hardest part: getting this damn song out of my head


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7 февруари 2010
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The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”

Mar 14th, 2010 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports Lady Gaga’s 9-minute video featuring Beyoncé is steeped in weirdness and shock value. Behind the strange aesthetic, however, lies a deeper meaning, another level of interpretation. The video refers to mind control and, more specifically, Monarch Programming, a covert technique profusely used in the entertainment industry. We’ll look at the occult meaning of the video “Telephone”.

Just when I thought I’d written everything I had to write about Lady Gaga, Telephone comes out. An inevitable deluge of e-mails instantly followed, demanding an article about it. So I watched the video and, gosh darnit, the people who wrote those e-mails were right. There are, yet again, a whole bunch of Illuminati/mind control symbols in Lady Gaga’s latest video. I can’t say I was surprised, however, knowing that Jonas Akerlund co-wrote and directed the video. In the article Lady Gaga, the Illuminati puppet (which I suggest you read before this one), I dissected the Akerlund-directed video Paparazzi and its references to mind-control programming. Telephone acts as a sequel to Paparazzi, where Gaga still plays the role of a mind-controlled drone who kills people. This concept is never openly discussed by the artists when they are asked to explain their videos because it is not meant to be understood for the masses. The hidden meaning of the video actually depicts the elite’s contempt for the general population, hence the scene of ritual murder of average Americans in a diner by mind-controlled slaves. Don’t know what the hell I’m talking about? Keep reading.
The Hidden Meaning of the Song

When I first heard Telephone on the radio, I thought the song was about Lady Gaga receiving phone calls from an annoying dude while she’s out in a club. I could already picture a video of Gaga on a dance floor not answering her cellphone. I’ve imagined this video because I was interpreting the song at its face value and going by its literal meaning, like most people do. Akerlund’s video has however infused a second, deeper meaning to the song, giving it an entirely new dimension. In an interview with E! Online, Gaga herself explained this fact:
“There was this really amazing quality in ‘Paparazzi,’ where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a commentary on fame culture. In its own way, even at certain points working with Jonas Åkerlund, the director of both videos really achieved this high art quality in the way that it was shot. I wanted to do the same thing with this video—take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper.”
- Source
What is never stated, however, is that this “deeper meaning” found in Gaga’s video relates to mind control, a covert practice used by the military, the CIA, religious cults and the Illuminati elite. It is used to program human beings to become mental slaves and to execute specific tasks. In Paparazzi, Gaga plays the role of a mind-controlled slave who was “programmed” to poison and kill her boyfriend. Telephone is a continuation of this story, where Gaga goes to jail for her crime.
In the video, the “telephone” is a metaphor for Gaga’s brain and the fact that she is not answering that phone (her brain) means that she has “dissociated” from reality. Dissociation is the ultimate goal of Monarch mind control. It is induced by traumatizing events, such as electroshock therapy or torture, to force the victim to dissociate from reality. This enables the handlers to create in the victim an alter personality that can be programmed to perform various tasks, such as carrying out an assassination.
“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.
Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. Already dissociative children are prime “candidates” for programming”.
- Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., The Relationship Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse
Gaga’s brain as a non-answering telephone is represented in two separate occasions during the video:
Gaga’s head is the telephone. She is not answering that phone, which is symbolic of her dissociative mind state.

The telephone receiver is made out of hair and covers her left eye, representing Illuminati mind control

So in the context of the video, the telephone is Gaga’s mind and the dance club is representative of her dissociative state, the “magical place” mind-controlled slaves are trained to escape to during traumatic events.​
“Hello, hello, baby
You called, I can’t hear a thing.
I have got no service
in the club, you say, say
Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh?
You’re breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I’m kinda busy.
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy

Sorry, I cannot hear you, I’m kinda busy.”
By “kinda busy”, Gaga means she has dissociated from reality. Real life is calling her brain but she “has no service”, she’s not there. The chorus pretty much epitomizes this concept.​
“Stop callin’, stop callin’,
I don’t wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin’, stop callin,
I don’t wanna talk anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.”
Gaga is not thinking or talking for herself anymore, her head and her heart have been dissociated from her core personality due to Monarch programming.​


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7 февруари 2010
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Video Analysis

The video is a Quentin Tarentino-esque short film which is heavily inspired by Thelma and Louise and peppered with tons of product placements and transvestites. That surely wasn’t the video I was picturing when I first heard that song. From the comments I’ve read, the video left many fans confused about its meaning. This is quite understandable, knowing that most viewers have no idea what the song is really about. When the hidden “mind control” meaning is brought to light, the symbolism of the video becomes evident and the storyline becomes more coherent. I will now attempt to go through the many symbolic scenes of the video and explain their occult meaning. Here’s the video:
The video starts with Gaga entering the “Prison for Bitches”. So, yeah, I know, she addressed that hermaphrodite rumor and many think it was the most hilarious thing ever. I’ve never really cared about those gossipy rumors so I won’t elaborate on them.
In the prison yard, Gaga walks around chained up and wearing sunglasses made of lit cigarettes.
Do the cigarettes covering her eyes represent her blindness to her highly toxic life as a mind controlled drone?

Gaga then sits down and “gets busy” with a weird-looking inmate, but is interrupted by a phone call. She seems to be enjoying a special status in the jail … maybe due to the fact that she is a slave only obeying orders … and that she is needed again.
Gaga is then bailed out by Beyoncé and leaves prison. Inside the car, Gaga and Beyoncé engage into a highly dissociative conversation. It basically sounds like dialogue between two mind-controlled slaves. The phrase “Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it’s broke but you can still see the crack in the motherfucker’s reflection” can refer to a cheating boyfriend and can also refer to the permanent damage caused by the fragmenting of one’s personality in mind control.
The dynamic duo then enters an all-American, good ol’-fashioned diner. Beyoncé meets with probably the biggest douche in the universe (played by Tyrese Gibson) and proceeds to poison him. At this point, Gaga comes out of the kitchen with poisoned honey and serves it to the customers.
Gaga stares blankly (the way a dissociated mind-controlled assassin would stare) while Tyrese eats the poison

The mass murder begins … people eat up Gaga’s poisoned honey and die. Does this represent the Illuminati elite poisoning the masses with toxic media?
Lady Gaga turns the a-ok hand in front of her eye (representing the Illuminati’s “All-Seeing Eye”) into a gun pointed towards the viewer … the masses eating all of the poison served to them.

The entire clientele of the all-American diner gets poisoned and dies. You might have noticed the emphasis on “bees” and “honey” during the entire video. Gaga calls Beyoncé “Honey Bee”. She also serves poisoned honey to the diner’s customers. What does this signify? Beyoncé and Gaga’s poisonous honey is actually their music and videos, which are served to the general public through mass media. You can figure out the rest.​
While the customers are agonizing and dying, Beyoncé puts on the Mickey Mouse sunglasses, the same glasses worn by Gaga in Paparazzi while killing her boyfriend.
Beyoncé wearing Mickey Mouse sunglasses

Gaga with Mickey Mouse sunglasses in Paparazzi

In both videos, the singers wore the glasses during the killings, hinting to the fact that they are programmed to execute the poisonings. As stated in previous articles, Mickey Mouse ears or designs often occultly refer to mind control , probably because Disney films were known to be used on MK slaves during their programming.​
Gaga and Beyoncé then start dancing in “patriotic” outfits surrounded by the lifeless bodies of dead Americans … pretty disturbing. In her interview with E! Online about Telephone, Gaga stated she wanted to take​
“the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology and turn it into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are.”
- Source
So, to sum up the situation in the diner, we have Lady Gaga and Beyoncé dancing around dead people and singing about the fact they are dissociative, mind-controlled drones.​
“Can call all you want,
but there’s no one home,
and you’re not gonna reach my telephone!”
Gaga and Beyoncé finally flee the crime scene. Gaga is then shown in front of the Pussy Wagon wearing a leopard-print suit, a reference to “sex kitten” programming.
Beta (aka Kitten) Programming

BETA. Referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level.
-Ron Patton, Project Monarch
In the final scene, Gaga and Beyoncé prance around wearing dresses by Emilie Pirlot. Beyoncé’s black dress and the veils hint to the ritualistic nature of the murders.

Illuminati Signs

As stated in previous articles, the hiding of one eye and the “a-ok” sign (which seemingly means 666 in the music industry) are flashed by all Illuminati artists, apparently to show their allegiance. There are a truckload of them in this video.
One Eye Hidden

Gaga dressed in police tape, covering one eye. Knowing the trauma mind control victims must go through, her body is truly a crime scene.

A-Ok Handsign

Electroshock Therapy

Electroshock therapy is the main tool employed by mind control handlers to induce dissociation and fragmentation in the victims. This horrifying practice has been referred to several times in Gaga’s works. Here are two examples.
Manifesto of Little Monsters

In this interlude video of the Monster Ball Tour, Gaga clearly gets electroshocked:

David Lachapelle Photoshoot

Another instance where Gaga gets electroshock therapy.
In Conclusion

Telephone is yet another Lady Gaga product permeated with references to mind control and Illuminati symbolism. Gaga’s “commentary” on today’s youth is certainly not a positive one. The video basically says: America is ready to eat any poisonous crap the elite serves them, and that is accomplished through controlled puppets. I will now pre-address comments I’m bound to receive:
“How is Lady Gaga mind controlling me? I’m not feeling controlled to do anything”
I am not saying that Gaga is controlling your mind. I’m saying her video is ABOUT mind control. This disturbing theme keeps reoccurring in pop music.
“She is doing it on purpose to piss you off”
I heard this comment when Bad Romance came out and after her Grammy performance, where her hype man alluded to her “mind-controlling music”. As much as I would like to believe that I’ve got that much influence on today’s biggest star, I highly doubt that Gaga, her staff, her video directors and her record label with its millions of dollars would concentrate all of their creative efforts to piss off one blogger. The truth is: She was doing this before this site was even online and she keeps doing it now. Her works, like the works of many other pop stars, are part of a greater agenda. It used to focus on exposing the youth to materialism and sexual promiscuity, but it has now expanded to occult symbolism, mind control and transhumanism.
Am I reaching you or is your telephone busy

Еве и нешто поинтересно во врска со овие работи.
Ова видео е малку подолго, но вреди да се види бидејки разоткрива многу нешта поврзани главно за jey-z, а ги фклучува и другите негови колеги Kanye west, Rhianna, Obama и многу други работи поврзани со масонството и окултизмот како и нивната агенда


Ај вака. Гага прави СÈ во обид да го натера светот да каже „уау Гага, закон си, мн те сацуфкаме“, значи ги прави сите глупости познати за човечката раса. Сигурен сум дека со подетална анализа на Гагајството ќе се откријат тајни пораки во Библијата и Гилгамеш, пророштва за n+1-вото доаѓање на Далај Лама и колку сол Јованка ставала во компир манџата на Тито.


Член од
8 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Почувствуваа конзервативните религии дека нивните филозофии не држат вода, и се на пат кон неповрат, па сега прават очајни обиди преку познати фаци да ги оцрнат Масоните, Окултистите...да не беа тие досега сеуште ќе живеевме како во среден век...:toe:

Секогаш плукаат на слободното изразување, се плашат да му погледнат на животот и слободата во очи...порано Мадона не чинеше, сега Лејди Гага...секогаш кучињата ќе си лаат, но караванот ќе ги гази овр енд овр аген...


Член од
4 март 2007
Поени од реакции
Член8 мое е да ти кажам дека имаш фина тема но можеш да се потрудиш и да преведеш по нешто :) барем најважните детали од секој нов пост :smir:


Член од
7 февруари 2010
Поени од реакции
Почувствуваа конзервативните религии дека нивните филозофии не држат вода, и се на пат кон неповрат, па сега прават очајни обиди преку познати фаци да ги оцрнат Масоните, Окултистите...да не беа тие досега сеуште ќе живеевме како во среден век...:toe:

Секогаш плукаат на слободното изразување, се плашат да му погледнат на животот и слободата во очи...порано Мадона не чинеше, сега Лејди Гага...секогаш кучињата ќе си лаат, но караванот ќе ги гази овр енд овр аген...
Мен ју ар токинг крејзи. Каква врска имаат религиите со Гага и компанија?:vozbud:


Член од
8 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Мен ју ар токинг крејзи. Каква врска имаат религиите со Гага и компанија?:vozbud:
Имаат внучко имаат, кој шири невистини за Масони и Окултисти...сигурно некој кој страшно го засега...а кој го засега најмногу...хехеххе погајџај од прва...:vozbud:

Ти на не си мислиш дека Ватикан и компанија само сегат и силуваат деца, море работат, ако не работат ојдоја и тие и децата...


Член од
7 февруари 2010
Поени од реакции
Член8 мое е да ти кажам дека имаш фина тема но можеш да се потрудиш и да преведеш по нешто :) барем најважните детали од секој нов пост :smir:
Ок бе тоа и ми беше во план али сеа баш неможам неам време али коа ке имам ке го пишувам и моето мислење како и најважните детали :helou:

Имаат внучко имаат, кој шири невистини за Масони и Окултисти...сигурно некој кој страшно го засега...а кој го засега најмногу...хехеххе погајџај од прва...:vozbud:

Ти на не си мислиш дека Ватикан и компанија само сегат и силуваат деца, море работат, ако не работат ојдоја и тие и децата...
Еј а што мислиш дека Ватикан и компанија не се заедно со масоните илуминати?:nesum:


Член од
8 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Ок бе тоа и ми беше во план али сеа баш неможам неам време али коа ке имам ке го пишувам и моето мислење како и најважните детали :helou:

Еј а што мислиш дека Ватикан и компанија не се заедно со масоните илуминати?:nesum:
Тие не сакаат да се видат, очи ќе си извадат...уствари Масоните, Илуминатите си ја тераат својата работа и не се замараат многу...овие Ватиканциве и остали религии драпаат муда, шират омраза...сум гледал документарци со заговори како ова што си го презентирал, и сета вина се обидуваат да ја стават на НВО, Масони, Илуминати...како тие сакале да го контролираат светот, да ни ставаат некакви чипови, преку музиката не наведуваат на неморал итн...и сега која е целта што е на видикот? Целта е да го убедат народот дека тие го поседуваат вистинското знаење и божјата реч и дека секое слободно изразување е неморал и е казниво со пекол...сакаат да не вратат во среден век, само што нема да им успее хехеххе

Денес Окултистите можат слободно да се изразат без да бидат спалени на клада:

Член од
17 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
Тие не сакаат да се видат, очи ќе си извадат...уствари Масоните, Илуминатите си ја тераат својата работа и не се замараат многу...овие Ватиканциве и остали религии драпаат муда, шират омраза...сум гледал документарци со заговори како ова што си го презентирал, и сета вина се обидуваат да ја стават на НВО, Масони, Илуминати...како тие сакале да го контролираат светот, да ни ставаат некакви чипови, преку музиката не наведуваат на неморал итн...и сега која е целта што е на видикот? Целта е да го убедат народот дека тие го поседуваат вистинското знаење и божјата реч и дека секое слободно изразување е неморал и е казниво со пекол...сакаат да не вратат во среден век, само што нема да им успее хехеххе

Денес Окултистите можат слободно да се изразат без да бидат спалени на клада:
Ма можеа и порано. Се разбира дека сега состојбите се многу порелаксирани, но ако добро имам прочитано ниту Елифас Леви, ниту Матерс Мекгрегор или Кроули, ни теозофите (Штајнер, Блавацки, Бесант и др.) или новопаганите не биле нешто посебно прогонувани и малтретирани (не биле жртви на отворена и беспоштедна хајка). Тоа важи и таквите учења и групи (Golden dawn, OTO, AA, Wicca и сл.).
Сакам да кажам дека веќе подолг период овие мистични здруженија нашле начин да се манифестираат преку медиумите, литературата музиката, филмот и сл. Така, Гага не е никакво изненадување. Секој сака да шокира со нешто различно и контроверзно( а што е поинтересно од conspiracy theory?). Шоубизнис. Би било чудно ако не е така.


undergoing construction
Член од
31 март 2009
Поени од реакции
Тие не сакаат да се видат, очи ќе си извадат...уствари Масоните, Илуминатите си ја тераат својата работа и не се замараат многу...овие Ватиканциве и остали религии драпаат муда, шират омраза...сум гледал документарци со заговори како ова што си го презентирал, и сета вина се обидуваат да ја стават на НВО, Масони, Илуминати...како тие сакале да го контролираат светот, да ни ставаат некакви чипови, преку музиката не наведуваат на неморал итн...и сега која е целта што е на видикот? Целта е да го убедат народот дека тие го поседуваат вистинското знаење и божјата реч и дека секое слободно изразување е неморал и е казниво со пекол...сакаат да не вратат во среден век, само што нема да им успее хехеххе

Денес Окултистите можат слободно да се изразат без да бидат спалени на клада:

Jas neznam ti so si gleal, ali mislam deka ne si u pravo. Ima nekolku pricini zasto mislam taka,

1. Site religii sto nastanale niz vekovite se siluvani od institucijata (sreden vek)
2. Tokmu vo sredniot vek se trgnalo naopaku posto narodot pocnal da se budi i nastanuva raziduvanje na crkvite
3. Kolku poveke se razedinuvaat, tolku pogolema mok imaat tie sto stojat pozadi instituciite
4. Kolku raste mokta tolku poveke konflikti se javuvaat megju niv
5. Cim ima konflikti megju niv, ima i lugje koi ke se izrazuvaat slobodno
6. Site vakvi lugje generiraat novo svetsko dvizenje nareceno Humanizam i Renesansa
7. E tuka institucijata pocnuva da si ima problemi i naogja alternativni nacini za povtorno da go postigne toa sto go postignala u sreden vek - da ima masivno vlijanie vrz narodot
With that said, eve ti nekolku alternativni nacini za religiska promocija:
1. Vatikan prodava bileti za vo raj ili pekol
2. Religijata se koristi za sirenje na omraza megju rajata (Alah, Bog, Isus i tn)
3. U posledno vreme instituciite ne se stremat da go ubedat narodot deka tie go imaat vistinskoto znaenje, tuku sakaat da ja pretvorat religijata vo biznis (Kuvajt za da gi "ohrabri" tamosnite studenti da studiraat teologija, vo tekot na nivnoto studiranje im dava plata i "staziraat" po 3 dena u edna nedela).
Sto e celta na celata fama so Lady Gaga i drugite izveduvaci, spored mene toa e da se raznisa sistemot na vrednosti i da se navede narodot kon "gresenje", za posle toa da se "pokajat" za da ne idat u pekolot, e tuka stapuvaat na scena ne religiite tuku religioznite institucii.

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