книга број 3.
"This book isn't real" - Chris L. Chambell во pdf. верзија. Книгата не е комерцијала и воопшто не е позната. Ја најдов на еден странски форум каде што се дискутираше за реалноста, философијата на живот и такви "чудни" работи.
Имам искуство со такви книги која повеќе пере мозок со мешање на религии која повеќе ги отавара очите.
Во оваа книга научно со физички (познати) експерименти на квантната физика се докажува односно ја преставува реалноста од друга перспектива односно со други леќи.
Доколку имате положено физика 2 (модерна) со макс поени (теорија) како мене ^.^ многу добро ќе ги сфатите работите, експериментите односно книгава.
Како и обично од секоја книга вадам еден тон забелешки, некои ќе ги споделам со вас.
"It has been discovered that our brains
make some 90% of our decisions before we are consciously aware of having the option."
"it is impossible for a man TO LEARN what he thinks he already knows"
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring."
"We blame, blame, blame, blame and if we can’t find a person to blame
we can always blame God."
"Albert Einstein:
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
"It is because a
small number of few people make a relatively HUGE amount of money by filling our tell-avisions
with nothing more than brain pollution. I heard from an old man once that the
news is used to keep the keep the population at a sixth grade education level and in a
constant state of fear. This man is probably wearing a tin-foil brainwave helmet right now,
but as much as I would love to believe that the news is serving us with the un-biased and
unfiltered truth, it saddens me to see the contrary. It seems as if 80% of the news is
focused on negativity in the world, and the other 20% is spent harping on and on about the
most useless topics. This is because they want to hold our attention. Fear and stupidity are
the two most interesting topics in our society today. Need proof? Turn on the TV.
‘Hello, this is Kathy with Meaningless News. Today we have an
exciting half-hour interview with a 65 year old woman who
thought a raccoon was her cat, took it to bed with her and
lived to tell the story.’
‘That sounds exciting Kathy’
‘Sure does, Bob. Let’s see what John Jacobs has to say about
this story. He is with the woman right now, live. Hey John!’
Wow. That was stupid. The rest of the news consists of this: woman raped, man raped,
child raped, animals raped, trees raped, world raped, startling new evidence that Jesus
may have been raped, your house may catch on fire, your kid might get kidnapped, terror
level red, nope, I meant yellow, GOTCHA! It’s red. Sugar may be killing children, air is killing
children, children are killing children! A guy on some island says the world is coming to an
end! Pooping is bad for you. Scratching is bad for you. The whole world wants to kill us, oil
CEOs say so. COMMERCIAL BREAK. Insane, cannibalistic, serial killer on the loose. Look out
the window he may be in your backyard. That noise could be him. He kills people and eats
them. Seriously. This guy is nuts. And he loves people who fit your description. WEATHER.
While bad things do happen, good things outweigh the bad. It may not seem like it, but I
can guarantee it. You can’t really trust anyone to tell you what to think, do, act like, say,
eat, touch, or even watch on TV….It all boils down to you. Either you become stronger or
weakened by what you perceive to be ‘outside’ of you if you accept everything outside of
you to be true. Most people do and the news spreads paranoia and pessimism like a virus.
Accepting ‘outside’ reality as real, you give it power, power to lead your thinking any way
it wants to. Remember, you can believe whatever you want! A paranoid believes everyone
is watching him. A confident businessman believes he is good at business. You act
according to your beliefs and people respond according to how you act."
“Hell isn’t a physical place, it is a state of being”
"The mind can
only see what it is prepared to see. –Edward Bono"
"If you don’t take control of your brain
someone will always be there to do it for you"
"A famous experiment called the ‘double slit experiment’ (as you will
see), proves unquestionably that the act of observing an experiment changes the
experiment’s results, and the results vary depending on who is observing. It literally shows
us that our presence literally changes the physical world around us at a level too subtle for
the naked eye. It is our conscious awareness and our expectations that create what we
experience in reality."