Поука на денот

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22 јуни 2013
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Јас сакам да бидам среќен.

1. Отстран го ’’јас’’, тоа е егото(пречи на среќата)
2. Отстрани го ’’сакам’’, тоа е желбата(и таа пречи)

И ја имаш среќата
Ова малку Будистички ми стои.


Член од
23 јули 2010
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Непостои универзален критериум за успех кој важи подеднакво за сите, затоа не судете за другите што е потребно за нивниот успех. Патот до целта за еден, може да биде слепа улица за некој друг.


Шалом Алеихем!
Член од
7 септември 2008
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Created for Greatness
(Written By: Joel Osteen)

Posted on February 26, 2014 by kennardgroup


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

(Ephesians 2:10, NIV)

from Joel and Victoria

It’s easy to go through life thinking that we’re average; we’re ordinary. “There’s nothing special about me. I’m just one of the six billion people on earth.” No, when God created you, He put a part of Himself in you. You could say that you have the DNA of Almighty God. You are destined to do great things, destined to leave your mark on this generation. The truth is, there is nothing average about you; but too many times we don’t realize who we are. We focus on our weaknesses or what we don’t have. We focus on the mistakes we’ve made or the family from which we’ve come. We end up settling for mediocrity when we were created for greatness!

If you’re going to break out of average, you need to remind yourself every day, “I have the DNA of the Most High God. Greatness is in my genes. I come from a bloodline of champions.” If you’ll have the attitude of a champion, you’ll live the life of a champion and boldly embrace the blessings He has in store for you!

Father, thank You for preparing me to do the good works You have prepared. I am not average. I am not ordinary. I am created for greatness, and I belong to Almighty God. Thank You for Your faithfulness in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Член од
9 април 2013
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Изобилството на овој свет донесува
несреќа и големо искушение, а врзувањето
за него неминовно води во пропаст.
Овој свет е сон, идниот свет е јаве. Нив
само смртта ги дели. Меѓутоа, луѓето
им се препуштени на своите збркани сни.


Член од
23 јули 2010
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".. И Сатаната е обожуван од страна на луѓето под името Исус; и Луцифер е обожуван од страна на луѓето под името Брама; и Левијатан е обожуван од страна на луѓето под името Алах; и Белиал е обожуван од страна на луѓето под името Буда.”

The Cry of the 3rd Aethyr - The Vision and the Voice.


Шалом Алеихем!
Член од
7 септември 2008
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Who’s Your Daddy?
(Written By: Joel Osteen)

Posted on March 3, 2014
by kennardgroup


…the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.
And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.’

Romans 8:15, NIV.


There used to be a billboard that asked the question, “Who’s the father?” It was advertising DNA testing. They can take a child’s DNA and test another person’s DNA to see if it matches in order to scientifically prove if two people are related. Out of the billions of people on earth, the chances of your DNA matching someone that’s not your family is so small that it’s inconceivable.

When you gave your life to Christ, the Scripture talks about how you became a new creation. You were born into a new family. You entered into a new bloodline. Now imagine that somehow we could do spiritual DNA testing. They took a sample DNA from your Heavenly Father and then a sample DNA from you. They ran all the tests. The good news is, it would come back a perfect match. Proven beyond all doubt that you are His child! You have His DNA. You come from a royal blood line.

Now don’t you dare go around thinking that you’re average. “I could never accomplish my dreams.” “I’ll never get out of debt.” Are you kidding? Do you know who your Father is? You have His DNA. He created worlds. There’s nothing too much for you!


Father, thank You for choosing me and making me Your own. Thank You for adopting me into Your family.
Help me to truly understand what it means to be an heir of Your Kingdom in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Член од
9 март 2013
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Бoгoбoрцитe низ ситe вeкoви залуднo ја oстрeлe свoјата нeмoќ да ја пoсeчат Бoжјата сeидба. Нo кoлку пoвeќe тиe ја сeчeлe, тoлку пoвeќe Бoжјата сeидба пoбујнo растeла.
O бeзумни христoбoрци, и тoгашни и сeгашни! Вашиoт тoпуз сe oдбива oд Христoвиoт град и удира вo вашата сoпствeна кoлиба, ја разурнува вo прав и пeпeл. Низ ситe вeкoви имавтe дoвoлнo сoјузници: oсвeн ѓавoлoт, пoкрај вас билe eрeтицитe, идoлoпoклoницитe, фанатицитe, гатачитe и вражачитe, развратнитe кнeзoви и бoгаташитe, насилницитe и ситe oтапeни грeшници. Пoбeдeни стe дoсeга и, бeз сeкаквo сoмнeвањe, ситe ваши сoјузници сo вас заeднo ќe бидат пoбeдeни дo крајoт на врeмeтo.

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