Потеклото на Албанците


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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мислам дека некој треба да им одели почесни награди на "anaveno" и други за вложениот труд да се разјасни албансо - илирската историја и нивната врска... секоја чест... барем јас лично ви благодарам од срце заради тоа што од темава некој албанец научил нешто за своето потекло и навистина жалам за оние кои не знаат скоро ништо или се во заблуда за нивното потекло...


Musika Fshatarake Shqiptare

Albanian vocal music is famously transformed as one crosses the River Shkumbin, from the monophonic ballads of the northern Gegs to the polyphony with drone accompaniment of the Tosks and Labs.

The Albanian language is claimed to be unique, but Benno Hдupl, the CD's annotator, estimates that nowadays this is true for only about 20% of the vocabulary, the remainder being of Turkish and Slavic origin...

Hдupl notes that Albanian music takes in and translates 'Serbian guslar epics, Epirotic dirges, Bulgarian orthodox hymns and Turkish vocal improvisations'....

As A L Lloyd points out in his notes to the famous Folk Music Of Albania anthology (Topic TSCD904), the kaba is Albania's distinctive version of 'a powerful recitative-like instrumental form of vast territorial extent. Possibly originating in Persia, this kind of melody extends eastward as far as Tibet and Cambodia [and westward to] Albania and Algeria'. This extract from Vome Kaba features the clarinet of Jonuzi Me Shoket, who appears on five tracks, and is believed to have been a gypsy (sound clip)...

Elif Allah (Allah is the 'A'), by Nush Bushati and Shoqnija Vjerdha (presumably singer and orchestra respectively) is monophonic, and hence presumably north Albanian, but it is also located firmly within the wider world of Islamic music, with a vocal line that can fairly be described as Albanian qawwali..

Од фолклорот на лажните Илири...
Член од
5 мај 2005
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Bravos. :) Siminjam kapa. Dokaza deka znaes da citash. E sega, kazi mi kako spored tebe kje smenish mislenje na site albanci niz cel svet, kje ja smenish celata istorija samo poradi toa deka nekoj napravil nekoi si analizi vrz nekoi si pretpostavki.

Takvi analizi na primer, imaat i grcite i nivnata teorija deka Makedonija e grcka teritorija. Znaes shto pravish ti? Kako sega jas da zemam grcki zapisi, da pravam Copy Paste na forum, i da se nadevam deka ti kje kazhesh, ok, turi mu go stapot, ne sum vekje Makedonec, od deneska sum Grk, deka taka pishuva na net. Mislam helou??
Sporedbite shto gi pravish, se samo pretpostavki. Nacelno, kazi mi ti primer, anticki makedonski iminja, koi se koristat vo deneshninata?? Jazikot definitivno ne e ist. Azbukata e smeneta. Spored shto togash ti si makedonec, i antickite makedonci se predci na denesna Makedonija? Ete takvi sporedbi pravish :)

Licno, jas ne ja negiram Makedonskata istorija. Ja podrzuvam. Licno, ne me zabole shto ti ili nekoj drug misli za mojata istorija. Ja znam. Dovolno dobro, za da znam koj sum i shto sum. Toa shto ti, takvi ko tebe, se trudat so nekoi si zapisi da smenat neshto shto se slucilo so godini unazad, vo vreme koga nemalo nacionalno edinstvo voopshto, tuku raspoznavanje lugje spored teritorija kade ziveele, i da kazhesh ovie bile tie bile, e degenericno. Ama ok, imash vishok vreme, nemash zhenska kaj da se praznish pa te razbiram. Prodolzi taka so tvoite istrazuvanja, se nadevam deka eden den kje ja ubedish celata javnost deka albancite ustvari doshle od Kavkaz, i deka deneshnata republika Albanija ne bi trebalo da postoi, ama ete, ja priznava cel svet. Se nadevam deka tvojot trud na kraj kje pokazhe rezultat :) pa da pocnesh posle da ja istrazuvash tvojata istorija, i da ja branish za i Makedonija da ja poznae svetot a ne da bidesh etiketiran firomec :)

Pozdrav :)
Член од
4 декември 2007
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GEGO-MIRDITITE nemaat nikakva veska so TOSKO-SKIPERI ili denesnite Albanci. Prvite se "diviot gen" naselen od Kavkaz neznam tocno koja godina so cel islamizaranje na pravoslavnoto naselenie. Kakvi ILIRI. Albancite nemat vrska so Ilirite I koga da ke go dobijat dolgo ocekuvanoto zasluzeno...
Член од
30 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
shkendia, ovoj anaveno ke pukne nekoj den, sledi gi vestite, ahahah



City Lists:

Член од
30 ноември 2007
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Cel svet veli deka , albancite se naslednici na Ilirite, ima nekoi sto se bolni od srpskiot falsifikat, ali tie se osudeni na srcevi zaboluvanja,


http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=albkalorse2bq.jpg ( jako a )


Ancient Illyria: An Archaeological Exploration

by Arthur Evans

Illyria is the name given to the ancient region of the Balkans on the Adriatic coast from which most historians of the Balkans believe modern Albanians descend. This illuminating work by the celebrated archaeologist, Arthur Evans, examines the lives of the ancient Illyrians and contains penetrating insights into the region. Drawing on his extensive travels in the area in the 1880s, Ancient Illyria presents for the first time Evans' original analysis of the diverse archaeological sites of the region to construct a full and fascinating history. Never before published as a single volume, this classic work is still the best account and contains the most detailed research into the subject. Fully illustrated and including pictures of Roman inscriptions which were destroyed during the Serbian occupation of Kosovo, this guide to the history and archaeology of ancient Illyria is an essential text for historians and those with an interest in the Balkans. 192p, illus (IB Tauris 2006)


http://www.ibtauris.com/ibtauris/display.asp?K=9781845111670&aub=Arthur Evans&m=1&dc=2




Uste li sakas, pa site go velat istoto , a toa sto srbite sakat preku istorija da ja obrazlozat okupacijata na albanskite teritorii nema da im pomine, posto mali se oni za svetskite istoricari, ajde pukni sega

Bada Bing!

Член од
14 јули 2006
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Не сфаќам.

Што е Илир?

Што е Албанец?

Што е албанец?

Сакам да ми ги објасните поимите и припадностите.


Лажните илири,во минатото се викале Арбан...Арван.

Mцngke: Encyclopedia II - Mongol Empire – Organization
Mongol Empire - Military setup. Main article: Military advances of Genghis Khan The Mongol military organization was simple, but effective. The organization was based on an old tradition of the steppe, which was like today’s decimal system: the army was built upon a squad of ten, called an "arban"; ten "arbans" constituted a company of a hundred, called a "jaghun". Ten "jaghuns" made a regiment of a thousand – "mingghan". Ten "mingghans" would then constitute a regiment of ten thousand ("tumen"),

Turkic etymology:
Middle Turkic: jarman- (Sangl.)
Turkmen: jarma«-
Khakassian: ‰arban-
Shor: ‰arban-
Oyrat: jarman- (Верб.)

Semitic etymology:
Gurage: End. arb„n~n~„, Wol. arb„n~n~o, Msq. Sod. arban~n~„, Sel. arp†anno, Gog. arwan~n~„ 'hare' [LGur. 85].

Mongolian etymology:
Written Mongolian: arban 1
Middle Mongolian: xarban (HY 43, SH), ḥarbān (IM), hărban (MA) 1
Khalkha: arav, arvan 1
Buriat: arba(n) 1
Kalmuck: arwṇ 1
Ordos: arwa 1

3начи отаде КАВКАЗ.
Член од
30 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
epa neli bil SKUPI , nie albancite go narekuvame SHKUPI, vie SKOPJE , kaj lici poveke ??
Nie go narekuvame SHKODRA vie SKADAR
Nie Dyrrahu , Durressi, vie Drac
Nie Ulpiana ilirite Ulpiana , za vas ne znam
Nie Mati- ilirite Mathi

Dodeka drugite namerno si gi izmesal
jas ti prativ eden post za iminjata


kade ima ilirski SHK ????????.........
Ulpiana=Ulpiana It was founded in the 2nd century od RIMJANITE (LATINSKI)
Mati=Gk. metron "measure," from PIE base *me- "measure" (cf. Gk. metra "lot, portion," Skt. mati "measures," matra "measure," Avestan,
O.Pers. ma-, L. metri "to measure").

Ni edno edno lazno-ilirsko ime!


Bистината за јазикот на лажните Илири:

The Albanians inhabit the rugged lands which were known as
Illyricum and Epirus in classical times. Secluded within the
narrow, trough-shaped relies of ancient mountain folding, the
natives had no immediate contact with their Greek neighbors on
the south, or with Serbians on the north. Hence Albanian has
survived in the most inaccessible portions of the Dinaric rocky
country. In its grammar Skip or Modern Albanian is exclusively
Aryan in form. Nevertheless only four hundred entries out of
a total of 5,140 (КАКОВ Е ТОЈ ЈАЗИК СО 5140 ЗБОРОВИ????? )
listed in G. Meyers' Etymological Dictionary of Albanian can be
classified as unalloyed old Indo-European. The intrusion of
Tatar modified into Turkish words is considerable and amounts
to no less than 1,180 words. Romanic enters into the total to
the extent of 1,420 forms, thus predominating. Some 840 words
are Greek, while 540 are of Slavic origin...

In the belief of some etymologists the name Albania is related
to the old Celtic form Alb or Alp, which means mountain. Com
parison with the Celtic form "Albanach," used in Scotch
vernacular to name the mountainous section of Scotland, is of
utmost interest and significance. The Albanians, however, do not
call themselves by this name. They designate themselves as
Skipetars or rockmen, .....


Questia Media America, Inc. www.questia.com

Publication Information: Book Title: The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe. Contributors: Leon Dominian - author. Publisher: Henry Holt. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1917. Page Number: 192.

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