Потеклото на Албанците

Член од
30 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
Sto najde ovde zaednicko ziti se ??? ama bas nieden zbor ne lici na drug, apsolutno, toa mozat site da go vidat i da ti se smeat i slobodno mozat da kazat deka vrska nemas, dzabe sto si zavrsil istorija, uste ti treba da ucis, i ne te racunam vise za diskutant tuka , posto se gleda deka sakas da dokazes nesto preku falsifikat, i nikako ne gi pisuvas web stranite od kaj gi zemas ovie raboti, znaci deka ne se validni i so tezina za da dokazes nesto


Sto najde ovde zaednicko ziti se ??? ama bas nieden zbor ne lici na drug, apsolutno, toa mozat site da go vidat i da ti se smeat i slobodno mozat da kazat deka vrska nemas, dzabe sto si zavrsil istorija, uste ti treba da ucis, i ne te racunam vise za diskutant tuka , posto se gleda deka sakas da dokazes nesto preku falsifikat, i nikako ne gi pisuvas web stranite od kaj gi zemas ovie raboti, znaci deka ne se validni i so tezina za da dokazes nesto
ALBANOPOLIS famozniot grad od kade sto laznite iliri-Skiptarite demek vodele poteklo se naogal na KAVKAZ




Bartholomew is reported to have labored in the area around the south end of the Caspian Sea, in the section that was then called Armenia. The modern name of the district where he died is Azerbaijan and the place of his death, called in New Testament times Albanopolis, is now Derbend which is on the west coast of the Caspian Sea. The apostle Bartholomew is said to have been martyred in the year 68 AD.

Zarem Albancite katolici ne citaat Biblija?

Ili go preskoknuvaat toj del?


Hауката (не Албанската, бидејќи тие и немаат вистинска наука), го дефинира вака Илирскиот и Албанскиот јазик..

An ancient language of the Balkans. Based upon geographical proximity, this is traditionally seen as the ancestor of Modern Albanian. It is more likely, however, that Thracian is Modern Albanian's ancestor, since both Albanian and Thracian belong to the Satem group of Indo-European, while Illyrian belonged to the Centum group. 2nd half of 1st Millennium BC - 1st half of 1st Millennium AD.

Hо тоа нема врска за лажните Илири. Што е тоа Кентум и Сатем за нив.........


Член од
30 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
[FONT=Courier New, adobe-courier, Courier]ETYMOLOGY: THE MYTH[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]The origin of the Illyrian name appears to be tied up in Greek and Roman myth.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]The ancient writer, Apollodorus, records the Theban king, Cadmus, coming to the aid of the Encheleae who were at war with the Illyrians of the north. Cadmus conquers them and is named ruler by the Encheleae. His wife, Harmonia, bears him a son, Illyrius, who would also rule over the Illyrians, thus, are named after him.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, adobe-courier, Courier]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]The Roman historian, Appian, has a different version. Appian tells the story of Poseiden's son, Polyphemus and his love for Galatia, a sea nymph. Galatia bears Polyphemus three sons - one of them being Illyrius who founded Illyria. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]However, mythical stories are not reliable especially when they are applied by outsiders such as the Greeks or Romans. Yet, the Apollodorian account contains the link of a theory that ties the Illyrian name with serpents.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, adobe-courier, Courier]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]In the first myth noted above, Illyrius was supposedly empowered by a serpent. In addition, his parents, Cadmus and Harmonia, were punished by the Greek god Zeus for past grievances and forced to live out the rest of their days as serpents. In fact, the very tribe that Cadmus comes to aid, the Encheleae, were known as "eel men."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]Furthermore, the Illyrian name may have its roots in an ancient mythological serpent known to the Hittites (see Illyrian ties to the Hittites in the previous section) as "Ilurjanka."[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]* [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]More over, the root word in "Illyrian" means to wind or turn in the Greek language.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]What also must be mentioned is that [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]many Illyrian artifacts reveal serpentine[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]inscriptions as snakes were generally [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]regarded as symbols of fertility.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]There can be little doubt of the [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]connection between the Illyrian name [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]and the serpent, but this aspect still remains only a theory and is not a satisfactory explanation when it comes to the Albanian account of the meaning of the Illyrian name.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]Albanian scholars and philologists alike contend that the meaning of the Illyrian name is understood in the Albanian interpretation of the Illyrians, "Iliret."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]The root in "Iliret" is "i lir" which simply means, "free." Thus, the meaning of "Iliret" is "freemen" and the meaning of Illyria (long before America came into existence) is "land of the free."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]To the Albanians, the latter makes complete sense as to the meaning of "Illyria" or "Illyrian," but for scholars the former cannot be ignored either.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, adobe-times, Times]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]*[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow] [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]Stipcevic, [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]The Illyrians[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow] pp 15[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]Note[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow]: The image above is for dramatic purposes and has no connection to Illyrian artifacts.[/FONT]



nikoj drug ne moze da ima Ilirski korenja osven albancite, site okolu nas se dojdeni od zad karpatite, samo malku da logikuva covek ke dojde do soznanije deka sepak albancite se toa, i nikoj drug
Hе пиеме нафта, туку вода. uje per pije.

Kој "pije"? Tие што дошле од Кавказ изгледа. Hемате ни основен збор за пиење.

Бог да чува од лажни Илири.

Инаку лажните Илири во антиката пловеле во чунови наречени varke', barke,...како Xрватите денес.
Чуден морски народ, сал славски думи.

Лажна Илирија ја заплискуваат mb. i vales, i (e, te) dallges.
Kој фрла далги...далги?



Инаку лажните илири за ова кажуваат veshje = веш.

По славски де, бидејќи античките илири биле без гаќи...
Член од
7 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Hауката (не Албанската, бидејќи тие и немаат вистинска наука), го дефинира вака Илирскиот и Албанскиот јазик..

An ancient language of the Balkans. Based upon geographical proximity, this is traditionally seen as the ancestor of Modern Albanian. It is more likely, however, that Thracian is Modern Albanian's ancestor, since both Albanian and Thracian belong to the Satem group of Indo-European, while Illyrian belonged to the Centum group. 2nd half of 1st Millennium BC - 1st half of 1st Millennium AD.

Hо тоа нема врска за лажните Илири. Што е тоа Кентум и Сатем за нив.........
Ова е наjвероjатно непремостив проблем за новокомпонираните Илири. Ако едно нешто е Центум, не може да е Сатем (и обратно).
Тоа е фундаментална разлика. Ако некоj албански историчар или лингвист не се огласи за овоj проблем, а не гледам начин да го решaт, станува беспредмента дискусиjата.


Па некои се огласија, ама Албанците ги сатанизираат. Cекој светски лингвист кој го проучувал АЛ јазик е согласен во едно: имаат премногу странски зборови. Aко живееле отсекогаш таму,не оделе на одмор на море, чекале да дојдат славсите да ги научат на земјоделие,бидејќи јазикот им е полн со славски зборови од таа тема.

3наеме дека сите светски јазици се групирани по сродност. Cамо АЛ не може да се групира, бидејќи го мешаат со Балканските и Евро јазиците. Инаку беше признаен за ЕУ јазик, ама во 1854, од еден German philologist Franz Bopp кој ги прешалтува во ЕУ.

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