So this is how Macedonians speak in Enidze right? Or you want to tell us something else?
hmm, mine was a more general idea - about how much you know about this region. I have in mind the contacts, the closeness between it and southern Macedonia. Things like:
- the Rupski dialect, which is/was common not only in Greek and Turkish Thrace, but in SE Macedonia (some people claim that rupski was closer to the language of Cyrillus and Methodius than the Macedonian dialects!)
- the link between the Ilinden and the Preobrazhenie uprisings of VMORO in 1903
- or even the much older, medieval links between the southern parts of Macedonia and Thrace (there was one prince called Prebond who was captured by the Byzantines in Solun and exiled to modern Turkish Thrace, where he ... something happened there..)
Nowadays Enidzhe is a pure Turkish village inhabited, like the neighbouring villages, by muhadzhirs from the Balkans - Turks, Bosniaks, Pomaks, etc. So you wont find any Macedonians, OK? I was interested whether you would recognise some of the traditions of the old, pre-1913 Enidzhe. - Like the custom called 'Поганото'? Or another one, very peculiar, called 'Туралиги'. You can read about them here - Also, which Macedonia dialect can be identified in Enidhze's speech? Here is one more song, about the most famous војвода in this region in the second half of the XIX c. - Филчо војвода:
Филчо војвода
Филчо на Златка думаше:
Либе, Златке ле, Златке ле,
стани ми дрејте с'бери,
че ке по аидутлук да ида.
На краја седјат цигани,
те имат пушка бојлија,
бојлија, т'нко шишане.
Ако са будни цигани,
цигани ке да убијме,
пушката да им земиме.
. . .
People from Enidzhija:
Свештеник јурдан Василев, участвал в Преображенското в'стание в четата на војводата јани Попов - 1903 г.
Стојан Костов - Буруджијата, член на Македонскија револјуционен комитет, задграничен куриер на огранизацијата, участник в Преображенското в'стание в четата на јани Попов.