Најомилена (култна) сцена од филм


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Дефинитивно темане до земја за Јода кратко и моќно нешто сцена и филозофија во нејзе бесмртна:


Steve Ray

Texas Huriccane
Член од
24 ноември 2007
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A Clockwork Orange opening scene


--- надополнето ---

Френсис Форд Копола
Член од
6 јуни 2009
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Сцена на 2010, од It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
забелешка: подобро е да се доживее во контекст на филмот, така и ќе се забележат некои работи кои нема да се забележат вака, пример преминот од тоа во тоа другото. Значи сценава не е спојлер во главниот тек на приказната ама е во доживувањето на филмот. Како е да е, треба да се спонми во темава.

Член од
1 ноември 2008
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Радо би го одбрал цел филм ама некако сценава со Кузман и берберот-пророкот ми се издвојува :)



Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Ја скршив чашава со пиво на сценава, од оние со рачки на гробишта за душа што ги даваат, ајде Велигден Духовден сега ќе има други чаши :icon_lol:.


Ако одам во Битола..
Член од
11 јули 2007
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Не многу го обожавам филмов ама сценава е крај!

Кум, Мајкл.. :)

8 rules of Fight Club!


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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  • Ми се допаѓа
Reactions: wot


Зона на самракот
Член од
26 август 2007
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Preacher. I'm Preacher Pauley.
Yes, how are you tonight? Rita Veder, how are you tonight, girl?
I've been tossing about this case I'm on.
- Tossin', right. - I've been having these...
really strange feelings.
I felt I needed to talk to someone that I could trust.
You come to the right place. Tossin' and havin' strange feelings.
- And then I heard the voices. - You heard voices.
- Yes, like they were inside my head. - In your head?
Really. Does this make sense? Is it possible?
You' d be surprised what's possible.
I'm just afraid of ending up like my mother, afraid I'm losing my mind.
Afraid you're going crazy, that's good. It's good to get that out.
You fear you're going crazy, tell people. You need an outlet.
- I get it out in my paintings. - You paint?
- Yes. - It's good to paint.
You know, when I was young, I used to paint...
Preacher Pauley! Come on. Everybody's waitin'.
- I don't know if right now's... - Go ahead.
The Lord waits for no one. Get your butt in here.
Right now is not a good time!
What did he say?
God damns anybody who doesn't glorify in His work!
It's a hell of a night outside. Let's do the sermon on the lawn.
Come on, sister. Goddamn! Shit. Ex cuse me.
Can we bring it down just a little, please?
Brothers and sisters, please quiet down. Thank you.
We come here time after time and we talk about the same old same old.
Hey, quiet down.
- We talk about Jesus. - That's right.
Jesus said and Jesus wept.
Jesus heard and Jesus walked over.
I don't wanna talk about Jesus.
Cos as the big man teaches us, there's two sides to every story.
Not one but two. A story is not one-sided.
A story has duality. There's two sides to every story.
Which brings to mind the phrase "necessary evil".
I know many of you hear that phrase and say,
"That don't even make no sense to me.
"Can't be no such thing as necessary - how's evil necessary?
"That don't match. That's plaids and stripes, evil and necessary."
You see, because without bad, there is no good.
Without light, there is no dark, you need both these things.
You hear what I'm saying?
If every day is a sunny day, well, then, what's a sunny day?
Well, the bottom line, what I'm trying to tell you tonight,
is that evil...eeeevil... is necessary.
Evil is necessary, thereby, if it's necessary, evil...
- Evil... - ...must be good.
Evil is good.
That's what I think. Evil must be good, must be good.
- Let me hear y'all say it... - Evil is good.
Evil is good. Take Brother Brown, one of our strongest deacons,
pillar of stability.
Brother Brown was on Bushwick Avenue last night with a two-dollar whore.
- I didn't know she was no whore! - You lyin' dog,
- you said you was at your mother's. - Now, that's evil.
When you tell your wife, "I'm going to see Mama,"
then you go get you a two-dollar ho, that's evil.
But Brother Brown had a good time with that two-dollar ho.
You can push a two-dollar ho and she don't have no limits!
Evil and good walk hand in hand.
- Evil is as evil does. - I thought I' d find you here.
- What are you doing here? - The captain has something for us,
info on those stiffs in the dumpster. What's wrong?
- Remember Nikki. - You fucked her, didn't you?
We got us another one!
- Fucked who? - You know damn well who. Nikki.
- You know damn well! - What?
Nikki! The whore of Babylon. That's what she was.
- The whore of Babylon. - I never touched that girl.
Then you should change your shirts more often.
- Her lipstick's on your collar! - Lipstick on his collar!
What kind of man are you? It's a shame and a shock!
- It didn't happen like that. - Tell her.
Don't be ashamed of yourself, boy.
Don't be ashamed cos you went out and got you a little ass!
- Ass is good! - That's right!
I know many of y'all may be saying, "How can he say ass is good?"
How y'all think y'all got here?
Ass is good! Evil's good and ass is good.
And if you get you a piece of evil ass...
Rita, where are you going? Rita, you buggin'.
- This is ridiculous! - Then forget it.
No. I left after you went to bed!
- You don't have to explain. - No, she bumped into me.
I was at the station. Five guys'll swear it.


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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