Dear Eygló Harðar – Syria is Calling, is a platform to write the minister of Welfare a letter publicly. The idea is to show the government that there exists a will to receive even more refugees from Syria than the 50 that have already been discussed. We want to push the government – show them that we can do better, and do so immediately! In 1973 we received 4,000 refugees from the Westman Islands overnight after a volcanic eruption, when everyone helped – and we should not forget the number of foreign volunteers that came to the country to help then.
Refugees are human resources, experience and skills. Refugees are our future spouses, best friends, our next soul mate, the drummer in our children’s band, our next colleague, Miss Iceland 2022, the carpenter who finally fixes our bathroom, the chef in the cafeteria, the fireman, the hacker and the television host. People who we'll never be able to say to: "Your life is worth less than mine."