deus ex machina
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- 30 мај 2009
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Нема да дозволат Асад да падне... Само не се замараат премногу за Сирија да се исчисти од срања, можеби напротив.Со паѓањето на Асад се отвара можноста за гасоводот од Катар до Турција и Европа преку Саудиска Арабија, Јордан и Сирија
Прегледај го приврзокот 436910
Се слагам тешки времиња беа и буквално Русија ги извади калта, ама имаа време да се консолидираат и спремат подобро сега
Автоматски споено мислење:
Reasons for the Militants' Success in Aleppo - Analysis by Russian Special Forces affiliated Telegram Channel "Archangel Spetsnaz"
Observing the events in Syria, several key factors can be noted that contributed to the success of militant groups in capturing the western outskirts of a major Syrian city. Panic and disarray within the ranks of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) have worsened the situation, leading to more of Aleppo falling under militant control. Many Western outlets are already analyzing the situation, but here, we offer our perspective.
1. Effective PR Operations:
- Skillful management of online channels during the offensive heightened the panic among Syrian units, causing them to retreat faster in response to the militants’ rapid advances, often filmed and broadcasted.
- Use of messengers and trunked communication systems to prevent information leaks.
- Deployment of sleeper cells and exploitation of the civilian population.
- Prior intelligence groundwork conducted in advance.
2. Active Use of Drones and Heavy Weaponry:
- Militants efficiently utilize drones for frontline surveillance and reconnaissance.
- Small kamikaze drones are employed to strike positions, and today, they began targeting the Kuweires airbase.
- Bombs dropped from drones are effective against outdated SAA fortifications.
- Use of heavy weaponry, including 120-mm mortars and 240-mm MLRS.
- Although traditional heavy artillery is less actively used, its absence is offset by drone operations.
- Tanks are minimally employed, but the acquisition of dozens of armored vehicles from the Syrian army has significantly boosted the militants’ combat potential.
3. Deployment of Trained Fighters for Tactical Objectives:
- The most combat-ready units are utilized as spotters, scouts, and field commanders for assault groups.
- Modern equipment, including thermal imaging and night vision devices, enables nighttime raids.
4. Professional Coordination:
- Militants operate under centralized command, indicating clear operational planning and preparation.
One should not overlook the role of the Turks, who provided training, planning, and participation.
In essence, what we are facing is a fully organized military unit.