Катче за инспирација - мудри/поучни/мотивирачки текстови

Член од
9 март 2009
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Најголемиот жив мудрец е поголем будала од најголемиот мртов будала, зошто? Бидејки мртвиот будала знае што после смртта ;)!


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Се може да помине и ништо не може да помине истовремено, има почеток и крај и нема почеток и крај, се што постои не постои и се што не постои постои. Вистината е вистина а лагата е лага, лагата е вистина и вистината е лага, реалноста е реалност а илузијата е илузија, реалноста е илузија и илузијата е реалност.

Лично моја мисла :icon_lol:.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Нешто за егото
A monkey came to the Buddha. He claimed that he could do everything, that he was no ordinary
monkey. He was like Alexander the Great. He said, 'Impossible! The very word does not exist in my
dictionary. I can do everything.' He was a great monkey -- at least that was what he believed.
Buddha said, 'I will have a wager with you. If you are really so clever and so great, jump clear of the palm
of my right hand. If you succeed I will tell the Jade Emperor to come and live with me in the Western
paradise and you shall have his throne without more ado. But if you fail you shall go back to earth and do
penance there for a KALPA before you come back to me with your talk.'
'This Buddha,' the monkey thought to himself, 'is a perfect fool. I can jump a hundred and eight thousand
leagues while his palm cannot be as much as eight inches across. How could I fail to jump clear of it?'
'You are sure you are in a position to do this for me?' he said.
'Of course I am,' said Buddha.
He stretched out his right hand, which looked about the size of a lotus leaf. The monkey put his cudgel
behind his ear and leaped with all his might.
'That's all right,' he said to himself, 'I am right off it now.' He was moving so fast that he was almost
invisible and Buddha watching him with the eye of wisdom saw a mere whirling shoot along.
The monkey came at last to five pink pillars sticking up in the air. 'This is the end of the world,' said the
monkey to himself. 'All I have got to do is to go back to Buddha and claim my forfeit. The throne is mine.'
'Wait a minute,' he said presently, 'I had better just have a record of some kind in case I have trouble with
the Buddha.' So at the base of the centre pillar he wrote: THE GREAT SAGE, EQUAL TO HEAVEN,
REACHED THIS PLACE. Then to mark his disrespect he relieved nature at the bottom of the first pillar
and somersaulted back to where he had come from.
Standing on Buddha's palm he said, 'Well I have gone and come back. You can go and tell the Jade Emperor
to hand over the palaces of Heaven to me.'
'You stinking ape,' said Buddha. 'You have been on the palm of my hand all the time.'
'You are quite mistaken,' said the monkey. 'I got to the end of the world where I saw five flesh-coloured
pillars sticking up into the sky. I wrote something on one of them. I will take you there and show you if you
'No need for that,' said the Buddha. 'Just look down.'
The monkey peered down with his fiery, steely eyes and there at the base of the middle finger of Buddha's
hand he saw written the words: THE GREAT SAGE, EQUAL TO HEAVEN, REACHED THIS PLACE.
And from the fork between the thumb and first finger came the smell of monkey's urine.
Член од
11 јануари 2011
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Одлични текстови, разни содржини, разни поуки и слично. Се на едно место, прекрасно.
Член од
11 август 2010
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Стравот осакатува побрзо од какво било оружје! Go ahead, don't be afraid ;)


Член од
12 јануари 2008
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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Член од
6 септември 2008
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Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.


Член од
3 јуни 2011
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koga ke pristignes vo pregratkite na tvojata dusha ., vie ste pristignale vo svojot dom;)


Cannabinologist, MMD
Член од
18 јануари 2008
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Од сите отпори на триење, тој што најмногу го забавува човековиот напредок е игнорантноста, којашто Буда ја нарекол „најголемото зло на светот“. Фрикцијата која резултира од игнорантноста може да биде намалена со ширењето на знаење и обединувањето на хетерогените елементи на човештвото. Ниеден напор не би можел понезалудно да биде потрошен.
Член од
5 јануари 2008
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не гледај - би можел да видиш
не слушај - би можел да чуеш
не мисли - би можел да научиш
не донесувај одлуки - би можел да згрешиш
не оди - би можел да се сопнеш
не трчај - би можел да паднеш
немој да живееш - би можел да умреш
не се менувај - би можел да напредуваш!

what do we have to lose?

зен приказна

За време на граѓанските војни во феудална Јапонија, напаѓачките армии брзо влегувале градовите и ја превземале контролата. Во едно село, сите избегале пред да пристигне армијата – сите освен некој ЗЕН господар. Љубопитен за стариот човек, генералот на армијата пошол во храмот да се увери лично што човек е тој господарот. Кога не добил почести и поклонување како што навикнал да добива, генералот збеснал. „Будало,“ викнал и посегнал по својот меч, „не сфаќаш дека стоиш пред човек кој што може да те пресече на половина без око да му трепне!“ Но и покрај заканата, господарот изгледал смирено. „А ти дали сфаќаш,“ одговорил смирено, „дека стоиш пред човек кој што може да биде пресечен на половина без око да му трепне?“ 

When A Baby Sees a Staircase

Ever noticed what happens when a baby sees a staircase?

"I gotta get to the top! I gotta get to the top!"

Before you know it, they're busy climbing the stairs without fear or hesitation.

And if they happen to take a tumble on the way up, after 5 minutes of crying it off, they're back up on the stairs again.

From their point of view, getting to the top is just too much fun to let a little tumble get in the way.

Ever Hear a Baby Say the Following?
You never hear babies give the following excuses:

* It looks too difficult. I can't even see the top of the stairs
* Those steps look too high. I don't know if I can do it
* It's too risky. I might fall down halfway
* I don't have a degree in stair-climbing
* I don't have the time and energy after playing with my toys
* I need to go back to school to learn more about stair-climbing
* I need someone to look after my toys when I'm climbing the stairs
* What will the other kids at the playground say

Is there any REAL reason why you can't achieve your own goals?

scene in Alice in Wonderland.

It occurs after Alice has shrunk, and she's exploring the dark, mystical forest - desperately attempting to find her way.

Suddenly the disappearing-reappearing Cheshire Cat appears, perched high in a tree, and offers to give her directions: "Where you are going?"

"I don't know!" replies Alice.

The cat responds: "Well, if you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there!"

In other words, our intention sets our direction . :)


Член од
3 јуни 2011
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koga veke sme go dobile neprashani zhivotot ne mozheme da barame se od sozdatelot-sopstveniot del mora samite da si go odrabotime;)


Телемит, Темплар, Масон, Сциентолог во целибат
Член од
30 април 2010
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Kajgana Shop

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