Love thy "enemy"?
People have said that they can't understand why I say we must love those that seek to control us and
perpetuate human suffering. But love is Oneness and so love is the balance of all things. Hatred comes from
the illusion of division. Hate is not the other polarity of love because love is Oneness and Oneness has no
polarities. If we hate those who cause the mayhem we are holding ourselves in the illusion and, therefore,
the control of those we hate. This is yet another loop. The manipulators are full of hate and fear; so do we
want to join them?? To love someone is not to stand by and let them impose their will upon you or others.
Love stands up for what it believes to be right no matter what the challenge or intimidation. It is possible to
expose what is going on and change that reality without hating those involved. It is essential to do this
because, otherwise, we are the same as that which we claim to dislike. We see this all the time when we
delude ourselves into believing that the methods we condemn, when used by others, can be justified for us
to employ because we are trying to do "good". You do not achieve what you believe to be right by doing
what you know to be wrong. Friedrich Nietzsche put it like this:
"He who fights with monsters might take care; lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long
into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into You."
How often do we see those who challenge "evil" turn into a mirror of those they condemn? Look at the
political Left and Right as one prime example. The far Left hates the far Right and vice versa. Yet they are
the same in both thought and method. Hatred, resentment and a need for revenge are cancers of the soul.
When we feel these emotions, who are the victims? We are. The targets might be having a great time,
unaware of how we feel about them, while we cook in our own stew of seething fury at the expense of joy
and happiness. Hatred and resentment are, with fear, the ultimate in self abuse. It's time to let them go and
see them for the illusions that they are. We don't need to fight the Illuminati, but change the reality in which
they exist. Scientist" and philosopher Buckminster Fuller said: "You never change things by fighting the
existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Wise monkeys
In the years since that mound in Peru, I have seen the awakening of the human heart gathering in both
numbers and power. The transformation I was told about in 1990 is coming to pass, even as the forces of
control also appear to be increasing their power. But this is, in fact, the final card of a gambler who forgot
the golden rule: don't play with those w):1o know more than you do. The Illuminati plays Oneness = four
threes plays a full house. The awakening is challenging the domination of Illuminati reality in the collective
unconscious - consensus reality. The 'hundred monkeys' are pooling their realisations on the human
'Worldwide Web' and there they can be accessed by anyone attuning to that awareness. This is happening at
an ever quickening pace. It can be seen in the millions on the streets in protest at the invasion of Iraq - many
of whom had never done anything like that before. It can be seen in their articulated understanding that
those in authority are pedalling lies to sell a secret agenda to the people. It can be seen in the empathy with
those of other skins and other cultures who face the violence of the so-called civilised world. The hundredth
monkey syndrome means that people are spontaneously awakening with a knowing that something is
seriously not right with the direction they are being taken. Now is the moment to push on. We need to
become even more vocal with this knowledge and consciously connect with the Infinite knowing, Infinite
Love, that will dismantle the freeze vibration of 'solidified' ignorance. Those who know about the
suppression and manipulation in science, politics, the media and all the other vehicles for control need to
speak out and expand the understanding of the people for what is unfolding. If you know something, say so.
The fear of doing this will not even register compared with the consequences for you and your children of
looking the other way. Come on, let's go.
Live, love, laugh and be happy
This is such an exciting moment to be here in the five-sense illusion. We are witnessing and manifesting a
transformation of reality that will change our conscious experience on a scale that will beggar belief.
Oneness put the kettle on we're coming home. But then, we never left; we just deluded ourselves that we
had. Laughter is so important in all this. The voice that speaks to me is full of fun and laughter and having
experienced where it comes from, I am not surprised. There are no tears in 'heaven'; no pain in the One.
And, anyway, isn't it all such a bloody hoot? What can we do, but laugh? On the second night of ayahuasca
in Brazil, I could hardly stop laughing at what the voice was saying. For hours Pam and I were in hysterics
as the voice told me about the nature of human reality. It is so hilarious. Here we are running around a Time
Loop like a mouse in a wheel, believing in 'time' that doesn't exist. The quicker we 'move' 'forward', the
quicker we 'go' 'back', when, in truth, we never go anywhere. What a laugh. Our bodies only 'die' because
we think they do. We only feel pain and suffer illness because we think we do. We only grow old because
we think we do. We bang our heads against a solid wall that cannot be solid; we bang our toe on a table
when the table is an illusion and so is the toe. We fear the future when there is none. We regret the past
when there is none. We fear the unknown when we are the All-Knowing. In the words of .a Chinese saying:
"Finally, at the end when everything is finished and all questions answered, there is nothing left to do but sit
down and have a good laugh."
Ha,ha,ha,heh,heh,heh,heh,whoop,whoop,whoop,ha,ha,ha,heh,heh,heh, whoop, whoop, whoop. You mean
the Moon isn't real? Nope. Ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop, ha, ha, ha, h~tt, heh, heh,
whoop, whoop, whoop. And what about the Sun? Nope. Ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop,
whoop, ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whopp;whtJop. But I'm walking on the Earth, right? Nope, you are
standing on Yom.own mind. Ha, ha, ha,heh,heh,heh,heh,whoop,whoop,whoop,ha,ha,ha,heh,heh,heh,whoop,
whoop, whoop. OK, I'll see you tomorrow? There is no tomorrow. It is happening now, just like yesterday.
Ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop, ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop.
What's the time? Whatever you think it is. Ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop, ha, ha, ha,
heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop. No, really, you're joking, right? You're having me on? Nope, it's true,
honest. It's really true? Yeah - if you think it is! Ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop. Ha,
ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop, whoop.
Hold on, I've got a pain. No, I can't have, pain is an illusion, ha, ha, ha, heh, heh, heh, whoop, whoop,
whoop. Hysterical. But what a wonderful realisation. We are Infinite Oneness. We cannot 'die' and we are
whatever we choose to be for all eternity. Whatever happens we make happen and have the infinite power
to change. My daughter, Kerry, would not think of herself as a philosopher, but she is and she lives her life
by manifesting what she needs whenever she needs it. One of her-gems is: "It's all good and if it's not it will
be because it always is in the end." Perfect.
Infinite love is the only truth; everything else is illusion. Nuff said. Over and out.