Ако си крокодил слободно јади ги.[DOUBLEPOST=1427656035][/DOUBLEPOST]
Бидејќи си толку информиран, те молам објасни ми како со конзумирање од 20 % од калориите во шеќер имаат луѓето ослабено.
How does sucrose affect weight loss?
Given that so many fingers are pointing at sucrose as the “bad boy” of the nutrition world, it’s worth taking a closer look at how this particular sugar affects your ability to lose weight.
Researchers from Florida examined the impact of four diets containing different levels of sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on the amount of weight lost over a 12-week period [2]
A group of 247 overweight or obese subjects was divided into five groups. The diets in groups 1-4 were designed to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day. The fifth group made no changes to their diet and acted as a control group.
- Group one got 10% of their total calories from HFCS
- Group two got 20% of their total calories from HFCS
- Group three got 10% of their total calories from sucrose
- Group four got 20% of their total calories from sucrose
If sucrose or HFCS was “flipping a switch” that tells your body to store fat, you’d expect to see a greater rate of weight loss in the two groups consuming the least amount of sugar.
Of the 162 participants who completed the study, there was no statistically significant difference in weight loss between the groups.
Was there a big difference in the amount of lost weight coming from muscle and fat? Here are the results for each group:
Ако калории не се калории како човеков ослабнал со јадење твинки?
Ослабнал 12 кила.