If you can keep your head on your sholders when everyone around you looses it and blames YOU for that;
If you can trust yourself when nobody does, even enlarging their doubts. If you can wait, not being boared waiting;
If you don’t lie, even when you’re cheated, don’t hate when hated, and even then not you’re not too good or too wise
If you can be a dreamer, but don’t let the dreams overcome you, if you can thing, but don’t let become your dreams become your aim
If you can cope with your success or your disappointments, and still see those two things as equal;
If you can cope with that, that some bad people tried to change the truth, so they could make traps for fools, and look at the falling down of everything that you believed in, trying to make something good with old bad remainings
If you can gamble with everything you have and loose it all, and then you start all over again, not saying anything about your loss
If you can force your heart and your nerves to work for you, even if you don’t have them anymore, and find out that you have nothing left but hope that tells you: “Keep fighting!”
If you can talk with te lowest ones and save your dignity, or walk with the kings, and don’t loose your understanding for common people;
If noone can affront you, never mind if he’s your friend or an enemy;
If everyone appreciates you, but not too much, or talk the worst about you without any reason
If you can fulfill just one unforgetable minute with something that lasts sixty seconds, the world and everything in it will belong to you, and even more
Кајгич, утрово станав со поетско фрустриран пенисовиден орган и метални подочњаци. На блискиот рид со големи бели букви пишуваше ИСУС ТЕ САКА!!!