Дали медитирате?

дали медитираш?

  • да

    Гласови: 90 34,2%
  • не и не ме интересира

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  • не, ама сакам да знам повеќе

    Гласови: 139 52,9%

  • Вкупно гласачи
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Vipassana (insight) meditation is the method the Buddha himself taught, involving
concentration upon the breath. As the Buddha said of the meditator, ‘Mindfully he breathes
in, mindfully he breathes out’. In these simple words lies the kernel of the practice. One is
‘mindful’ of the breath to such an extent that not a whisper of it passes in or out unnoticed.
The meditator watches the breath with the total awareness with which a good sentry
watches the comings and goings at the main gates into the city.
Normally, this watching is done at the tip of the nostrils, where one is most sensitive
to the feeling of the cold air entering and the warm air exiting. But an alternative is to be
aware of the gentle rise and fall of the abdomen. Both places are equally acceptable The
former is more subtle, the latter in closer touch with the body. Choose which you prefer, but
don’t keep switching between them. And if you decide on the nostrils, be careful not to
follow the breath down into the lungs. The sentry does not leave his or her post without
Once this mindfulness of the coming and going of the breath has been fully
established, the meditator develops insight into the breathing. As the Buddha put it,
‘Breathing out a long breath [he] knows “I breathe out a long breath”, breathing in a long
breath he knows, “I breathe in a long breath”.’ And ditto for a short breath. What the
Buddha was emphasizing was an awareness of the quality of the breathing, and once the
concentration has deepened to this point the meditator can at last allow the sentry to leave
the gates of the city and, using a technique called sweeping, allow awareness to travel
minutely down the face, down the arms, down the body and legs, and back up again to the
nostrils, travelling with infinite slowness and becoming conscious of each subtle sensation
as it goes.
Gaining insight in this way immeasurably strengthens the powers of concentration
and perception, and allows the meditator in due course to turn the attention upon the mind
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Riječ meditacija koristi se na mnogo različitih načina. Stoga postoji velika nejasnoća i zbrka glede toga što meditacija doista jest i kako je provoditi. Često se riječ meditacija pogrešno koristi kao nešto čime se označuje razmišljanje i kontemplacija. Ponekad se rabi i kao naziv za sanjarenje i fantaziranje. Meditacija, meĎutim, nije ništa od svega toga već je to potpuno različiti proces kojega je važno shvatiti u cijelosti. Meditacija je posebna tehnika kojom se smiruje razum i kojom se postiže stanje svijesti potpuno drukčije od normalnog budnog stanja. U meditaciji je osoba budna i pozorna, a razum nije usredotočen na vanjski svijet ili na dogaĎaje koji se zbivaju oko nje. Razum pri tome ne spava, niti sanja ili mašta. Upravo suprotno. Razum je jasan, relaksiran i usredotočen prema unutra. Korijen riječi meditacija istovrsan je riječima liječnik ili liječiti. Korijen svih tih riječi uključuje smisao »obraćanja pozornosti« na nešto. U meditaciji ćete pridati pozornost vlastitim dimenzijama koje se vrlo rijetko poznaju. Te unutrašnje razine dublje su od procesa razmišljanja, analiziranja, maštanja ili doživljavanja osjećaja ili sjećanja. Meditacija uključuje vrstu unutarnje pažnje koja je tiha, koncentrirana, a u isto vrijeme relaksirana. Ne postoji ništa teže ili napornije od stvaranja te unutarnje pažnje; u stvari, otkrit ćete daje meditacija proces s učinkom odmaranja i smirivanja razuma. Na početku se kao najveća poteškoća pojavljuje činjenica da razum nikada nije bio vježban za stvaranje te unutarnje pozornosti.


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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--- надополнето ---

Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Step 1: Let the Mind Do Its Thing

Don’t try to stop [the mind]. It is very natural to you; you will go crazy if you try to stop it.

It will be like a tree trying to stop its leaves; the tree will go mad.

The leaves are very natural to it. You are a mind person. If you try to become a heart person you will create so much trouble for yourself, and unnecessarily, because there is a way which goes from the mind itself. There is no need to change yourself into a heart person. That will be against your intrinsic nature.

To be utterly in tune with your nature, to follow your nature, always listen. To be natural is to be religious, and to be utterly in tune with your nature is all that is needed. So the first thing: don’t try to stop your thinking; it’s perfectly good.

Step 2: Enjoy the Mind Doing Its Thing!

Just not stopping [the mind] will not be enough — enjoy it. Play with it! It is a beautiful game. Playing with it, enjoying it, welcoming it, you will start becoming more alert about it, more aware of it.

Start enjoying the thought process. Just see the nuances of thoughts: how they run together, how one thing leads to another, how they get hooked with each other. It is really a miracle to watch. Just a small thought can take you to the farthest end, and if you look you don’t see any connection.

A dog starts barking and your thought process is triggered. The dog is forgotten; you remember a friend who had a beautiful dog. Now you are off! Then the friend is forgotten; you remember the friend’s wife who is beautiful, and so you go on, and then other women.… Where you will end, nobody knows; and it all started with a dog barking! Just watch and see the association of thought — how thoughts are linked, chained together.

Go on easily, take it easy. Awareness will come to you but it will come indirectly. It will not be an effort to become aware. That’s what you have been doing: you are trying to become aware. Then the mind distracts you and you become angry at it. You feel that this is an ugly mind and it is constantly chattering; you want to be silent and it doesn’t allow you. So you start feeling inimical towards the mind. That’s not good; that is dividing yourself into two. Then you and the mind become two and conflict and friction starts.

All friction is suicidal because it is your energy being wasted unnecessarily. We don’t have that much energy to waste in fighting with ourselves. The same energy has to be used in joy.

To fight is to destroy yourself. There is no need to fight — love! All fighting energy has to be transformed into love energy. Just enjoy it, and soon things will start changing." Osho
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Silence of mind precludes the thinking activities of the mind.
Stillness precludes motion.
Formlessness precludes mental concepts of form.
No-Mind dwells prior to active mind.
Voidness precludes perceptions.
The Unmanifest lies beyond the manifest.
The Unseen resides ahead of the seen.
The Ungraspable lies beyond knowledge.
The Non-Definable precludes definitions.
The Undetectable subsists previous to the observable.
The Unmeasurable rests beyond the reach of science.
Changeless Existence precludes evolutionary change.
Shapeless Reality precludes the physical world.
The Uncreated precludes creation.
No-Thing exists before something.
The Unborn is beyond birth and death.
The Uncaused is beyond being affected.
Essence precludes substance.
Emptiness exists prior to space.
Non-locality underlies location.
Non-duality resides beyond duality.
The All precludes individuality.
Infinity is beyond all limitations.
The Absolute lies beyond relatives/relativity.
One underlies the many.
Source is the foundation of life.
The Self precludes notions of self.

Consciousness precludes mentation.
Awakeness precedes erudition.
A subtle intuitiveness lies before notions and ideas.
An innate comprehension resides prior to intellectualizing.
Epiphanies dwell prior to conceptualizing.
Insight lies in advance of perceiving.
All-Knowing Awareness precludes thinking.

No thoughts preclude thoughts of "me", "myself", "mine", and "I".
A selfless state precludes the self.
Selflessness precludes selfish thought and behaviour.
Humility exists previous to ego, vanity, and righteousness.
Full-blown acceptance exists before the formation of judgements.
Truth dwells beyond opinions and beliefs.
Love precludes self-indulgence.
Ecstatic Bliss precludes emotions.
Ineffable Joy precludes negativity.
Profound Peace lies before "you".


значи фактички
Член од
18 септември 2009
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Јас не можам да седнам со скрстени нозе а не па ке медитирам :) Мада интересно е и би сакал да пробам :)
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Јас не можам да седнам со скрстени нозе а не па ке медитирам :) Мада интересно е и би сакал да пробам :)
Тоа со асана положбата на телото е поврзана повеќе со јога.
Инаку еве ти некоја техника што немора да има врска со положби на тело и слично.

Mark Renton

I live by the tune, I die by the book
Член од
12 ноември 2009
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basic steps only :D


значи фактички
Член од
18 септември 2009
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Тоа со асана положбата на телото е поврзана повеќе со јога.
Инаку еве ти некоја техника што немора да има врска со положби на тело и слично.
Фала за линкот ама ја ако го читам и тоа Еxplination што е за секое посебно ја ке станам експерт во областа на медитирањето......а и пошироко :)
Член од
8 април 2010
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Ниче вика дека сите стари мудреци и воини, стравот го истерувале со медитација, а Ниче знаел многу работи.:)

Јас ја сакам трансцедентната, промовирана од Линч. ;)
За неа треба "Учител".(y)


Член од
3 јануари 2012
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Интересна дискусија. Еве мал придонес околу ефектите од медитацијата:



Samo na minuvanje...
Член од
21 март 2010
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Се што е за учење има цел...таму нема ништо
Член од
10 јануари 2011
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"Медитацијата е добра али алкохолот и сексот се подобри" :cenzura:


Член од
17 септември 2011
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The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). In the belief system of 'Tantra' and 'Hatha Yoga' there is a concept of Kundalini .

'Hatha' Yoga is a branch of Yoga and it involves indulging in various physical exercises and breathing routines (known as Pranayam.) Many things in 'Hatha Yoga' and Tantra are common' . In this article, without going into the details of Tantra, Hatha Yoga or Pranayam.
It has been discovered that there are seven chakras (or points of consciousness) in our body. These Chakras (literally Chakra means rings) are situated at different points in our body. Among these Chakras, the 6th Chakra is known as ' Aagya Chakra' located between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of the mystical "third eye".

The physical location of this chakra is at the center of our forehead. Just above the place between our eyes. It is believed that Kundalini (the energy field) travels from the first Chakra (also known as Muladhara Chakra, situated at the base of our spine) and travels to 2nd, 3rd, 4th…..chakra to reach the 7th Chakra of Sahasrara. Here it meets with the Supreme Consciousness- Shiva. The 'Agya Chakra' is the 6th chakra (the second last Chakra in the path of Kundalini).

This 3rd eye meditation revolves around this 6th center of consciousness - Agya Chakra. This Agya Chakra' is considered as the center where our third eye resides. Though there is no physical third eye present in the body but at a more subtle, spiritual plane it has been experienced by many people that a stimulating center of consciousness exist here. Trataka (or third eye meditation) is the meditation technique of 'Agya Chakra'. When we focus our awareness on third eye, we automatically and instantly attain a meditative state.

Now without further going into the scientific explanation or spiritual significance of this meditation technique let us learn the exact method of this simple meditation technique of 'Trataka' which may take you into a meditative state instantly.

Here is the method:

[Please don't do this meditation in train or bus i.e. while traveling. You'll not be able to do it properly when your body is in motion. ]

Sit in the lotus pose (cross legged). [if it not possible for you then sit comfortably on chair or bad]

keep your spine straight.

close your eyes.

inhale and exhale deeply for 3 times.

Now concentrate on the middle of your forehead around the area which is a few centimeters above the middle of your eyes.

Keep your eyes closed and draw both of your eyes towards this center point of 3rd eye. I mean just look upwards with your eyes closed . Focus your closed eyes at 20-25 degrees above just at the center of the forehead (at the place of third eye.) Now slowly at about two-second interval, start counting in your mind backward from one hundred to one (that is 100,99,98,97....and so on). As you do it, keep your eyes centered towards the third eye.

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