We begin by investigating the literary conditions under which both the translators and the writers lived at Alexandria.
In the middle of the second century B.C. Polybius642642ap. Strab. 797 found Alexandria inhabited by three races, the native Egyptians, who occupied the site of the old seaport Rhacфtis, the mercenary class (τὸ μισθοφορικόν), who may be roughly identified with the Jews, and the "Greeks"(измислица) of the Brucheion, a mixed multitude claiming Hellenic descent and wedded to Hellenic traditions (εἰ μιγάδες, Ἕλληνες ὁμοῦ ἀνηκαθεν ἦσαν, καὶ ἐμέμνηντο τοῦ κοινοῦ τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἔθους). (КАДЕ ПИШУВА ГРЦИ?!?)
This fusion of various elements in the "Greek" (измислица) population of the city must have existed from the first. The original colony was largely made up of the veterans of Alexander's Macedonian army, volunteers from every part of "Greece" (ИЗМИСЛИЦА), and mercenaries from the "Greek"(ИЗМИСЛИЦА) colonies of Asia Minor, and from Syria.
Even in the villages of the Fayыm, as we now know, by the side of the Macedonians there were settlers from Libya, Caria, Thrace, Illyria, and even Italy643643Mahaffy in Flinders Petrie Papyri, i. p. 42. Cf. Empire of the Ptolemies p. 178 f., and Alexandria presented without doubt a similar medley of "Hellenic" types. Each class brought with it a dialect or idiom of its own. The Macedonian dialect, e.g., is said to have been marked by certain phonetic changes644644As the change of φ into β (Βερενίκη for Φερενίκη, &c.), cf. Sturz, de dial. Mac., p. 51, n., and the use of barbarous terms such as 292ἀδή = οὐρανός, βεθύ645645A list of these words, collected from Hesychius and other lexicographers, may be seen in Sturz, p. 34 ff. = ἀήρ, δανός = θάνατος and of Greek words in unusual senses, as παρεμβολή, 'camp,' ῥύμη, street646646From Q. Curtius (De rebus gestis Alexandri M., vi. 9. 36) it appears that the Macedonian and the native Greeks understood one another with difficulty. Some of these passed into the speech of Alexandria, and with them were echoes of the older dialects—Doric, Ionic, Aeolic—and other less known local varieties of Greek. A mongrel patois, ἡ Ἀλεξανδρέων διάλεκτος, as it was called in the title of the treatise of Demetrius Ixion, arose out of this confusion of tongues......
Гледаме дека,во Коинето имало и нехеленски зборови. А кои се па Хеленски?
Greek etymological dictionary [Beekes] :
Greek: •~kagra~(j)
Grammatical information: m.
Meaning: katafaga~j, Salam…nioi H.
Origin (see intro): GR
Etymology: From kata- and grЈw, Bechtel, Gr. Dial. 1, 421.????????????????
Greek: ••paisЈ
Grammatical information: n. pl.? ?????????????????
Meaning: plako'ntia par¦ Kиoij (Iatrocl. ap. Ath. 646f.)
Origin (see intro): XX
Etymology: Unknown.
Greek: •bЈbion
Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: `baby' (Dam. Isid. 75)
Derivatives: Names s. Robert, Noms Indige°nes 368.
Origin (see intro): ONOM
Etymology: A Syrian word. S. Pok. 91 (Eng. baby). Elementary creation. S. babЈzw. Here babЈlia `cradle', Oehl IF 57, 11ff.
Greek: –‡skai
Grammatical information: f. pl.
Meaning: `fungus growing on oaks and walnut-trees (Aet. 7, 91, Paul. Aeg. 6, 49)
Other forms: Ыskai uncertain reading Aet. 7,91.
Origin (see intro): PGX
Etymology: Unknown. If the variant is reliable (Fur. 367), it would point to a Pre-Greek word.хе..хе..предгрчки грчки??????????
Greek: –Фa 2.
Meaning: `border'
See also: s. кa ????????????????????????
Greek: –Фllix, -ikoj
Grammatical information: f.
Meaning: `wooden cup for drinking' (Pamph. ap. Ath. 11, 494f.)
Origin (see intro): XX
Etymology: Unknown.
Greek: –Фmwroj
Grammatical information: ? ??????????????????
Meaning: `a Sicilian bread' (Epich. 52, Sophr. 27).
Other forms: Cf. Фmoura sem…dalij ˜fq», mšli œcousa kaˆ shsЈmhn H.; also Сmor…taj Redard, Noms en -thj 90.
Origin (see intro): XX
Etymology: Unknown.
Greek: sur…thj
Grammatical information: m.
Meaning: `stone found in wolf's bladder' (Plin. 11, 208).
Origin (see intro): XX
Etymology: Unknown.
Greek: `·adinЈkh
Meaning: persian name for a badly smelling oil found in Arderikka east of Susa (Hdt. 6, 119).
Origin (see intro): LW Iran.
Etymology: Prob a pre-Iran. LW.
Greek: `·aib…aj
Grammatical information: ? ????????????
Meaning: ўzhmioj dh~moj H.
Other forms: ·ambЈj Р d»mioj H.
Origin (see intro): XX
Etymology: Unknown.
И така уште илјадници unknown wordѕ.
Каков е тој грчки јазик без етимологија, или со арапски зборови во него?!?
Тоа ли е славното коине и писмото на новиот завет?
Знае ли некој каде може да се купи ГРЧКИ ЕТИМОЛОШКИ РЕЧНИК, ама печатен?!?