Дали има основа Исус да се поврзе со Охрид?



Demetrius Phalereus, the first head of the ancient Alexandria Library and one who was also instrumental in creating the Mouseion, advised Ptolemy I to "collect together books on kingship and the exercise of power, and to read them".

It seems likely that Ptolemy I at least attempted to follow this advice, judging from his success in governing the territories under his authority.

He sought to consolidate the religions of the Egyptians and Macedonian.. "Greeks bulls..t" by actually creating the worship of a new god named Serapis, which was in reality a composite deity made up of both Egyptian and Macedonian gods .." Greek bulls..t .

Ptolemy I established for this god the Sarapeion in Alexandra, a temple dedicated to the god which also held a daughter library to that of the Great Library of Alexandria.

He was also responsible for many other temples and temple additions in Egypt, which undoubtedly proved useful with his relationship to Egypt's powerful priesthood.

This is not to say that Ptolemy I was entirely successful. Serapis, though becoming a popular god not only with the Macedonians in Egypt but elsewhere in the world, seems to have never really attained that stature among the Egyptians themselves, who went about mostly worshipping their old gods.

In addition, choosing Alexandria as his capital segregated the Macedonians of his generation and their descendents from the Egyptian people. In fact, Alexandria came to be considered more of a Macedonian city in Egypt, rather than actually an Egyptian city.


Simply put, Serapis (Sarapis, Zaparrus) was an invented god. He was a composite of several Egyptian and Macedonan-Hellenistic bulls..tt deities who was introduced to the world at the beginning of the Ptolemaic Macedonia Period in Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I, though his legacy lasted well into the Roman period........

"In the city on the borders of Egypt which boasts Alexander of Macedon as its founder, Sarapis and Isis are worshiped with a reverence that is almost fanatical. Evidence that the sun, under the name of Sarapis, is the object of all this reverence is either the basket set on the head of the god or the figure of a three-headed creature placed by his statue. The middle head of this figure, which is also the largest, represents a lion's; on the right a dog raises its head with a gentle and fawning air; and on the left the neck ends in the head of a ravening wolf. All three beasts are joined together by the coils of a serpent whose head returns to the god's right hand which keeps the monster in check."

Macrobius, Saturnalia (I.20.13)

Early Christianity

Serapis may have finally had certain ties with the early Christian community. There were certainly some similarities between Serapis and the Hebrew God. Serapis was a supreme god, and it seems that some early worshippers of Christ amongst the Gentiles could have possibly worshipped Serapis either purposefully, or confusing him with Christ, though the confusion seems more likely to have been one of language.

A correspondence of Emperor Hadrian refers to Alexandrian worshippers of Serapis calling themselves ‘Bishops of Christ’:

Egypt, which you commended to me, my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent, and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshipers of Serapis (here) are called Christians, and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find), call themselves Bishops of Christ.'

–Hadrian to Servianus, 134A.D. (Quoted by Giles, ii p86)

In fact, it appears that some followers of Serapis were eventually expelled from Rome when, in 19 AD, Tiberius also expelled the Jews.



Nevertheless, how great confusion between Serapis and Christ could have existed is really somewhat questionable.
In 68 AD, a mob of pagans is said to have formed at the Serapis Temple in Alexandria, who then descended on the Christians who were celebrating Easter at Baucalis.

There, they sized St. Mark, dragging him through the streets, before throwing him in prison. Clearly those worshippers of Serapis and Christ were aware of each other and the differences within their religions, though perhaps at a later date, some amongst the worshippers of either may have chosen to cover all of their options.

On the other hand, some have pointed out that Chrestus (Christus) was another name for the Egyptian god, Serapis.
Chrestus may be translated as "Messiah", though the term need not apply to any specific Messiah, such as Jesus.
It therefore could have simply been applied to "Lord Serapis", so that in fact, there was never any connection at all between the early Christians and the worshippers of Serapis.


Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, The Wilkinson, Richard H. 2003 Thames & Hudson, LTD ISBN 0-500-05120-8
Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, The Shaw, Ian; Nicholson, Paul 1995 Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers ISBN 0-8109-3225-3
Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, A Hart, George 1986 Routledge ISBN 0-415-05909-7
Egyptian Religion Morenz, Siegfried 1973 Cornell University Press ISBN 0-8014-8029-9
Gods of the Egyptians, The (Studies in Egyptian Mythology) Budge, E. A. Wallis 1969 Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 486-22056-7

Р.Ѕ. Богот Серапис за оние кои незнаат..

Stobi, Serapis (detail) V-VI AD


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4 август 2007
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ништо чудно,има многу работи кои треба да се откријаат,не само охрид али и соседните градови на ох.


Македонците одамна си имале имиња како АРИСТОТЕЛ, АРИСТОБУЛ.
Mногу РИСТО-вци во Македонската ономастика.

A и апостол Бартоломеј е тука.

Kога сме кај него, на Арамејски Бар-Толомеј или Син на (П)Толомеј.

Bсушност, и Исус е Yeshua bar-Yosef.

Инаку, апостолот, Синот на Птоломеј се дружел со апостол Филип.
A пред тоа, којзнае колку Филипи и Птоломеи се дружеле од Кичево до Пела.


Aпостолите Филип и Синот на Птоломеј си живееле во Израел, во градовите:

Ho недостасува локацијата на библискиот град Макед, изграден од Македонците Селевкиди...

1 Maccabees 5
"Many of them have been shut up in Bozrah and Bosor, in Alema and Chaspho, Maked and Carnaim" - all these cities were strong and large..."


Откога КР(Е)СТЕ се вознесе во небесата,неговите следбенице се нарекуваа Chrestus. 3а тоа ни сведочат СИТЕ ранохристијански извори!!!

In AD 49, Rome experienced disturbances in the Jewish community that had been provoked by the preaching of "Chrestus" (based on the account of Suetonius in J. Steven's New Eusebius. no. 2, p. 1). Acts 18:2, Jerusalem Bible...

In Vaticanus and Sinaiticus it is not possible to discover how Jesus' main title (Christ) was spelled. A scribal device called "nomina sacra" was employed as a emphatic technique to highlight special words. The highlighted words were shortened. Because of this, the scribes left out the main vowel every time. Most Greek editions restore the vowel as an iota ("i").

By making a back formation from the Sinaiticus' "Chrestian," the word "Chrestos" appears as the proper title for Jesus. Through this logical method, it can be reasonably argued that Jesus' normal title should be fully spelled "Chrestos" throughout Sinaiticus...
Besides the two oldest Greek New Testaments from the Fourth Century, and in addition to the oldest dated church inscription (AD 318), there is an abundance of ancient testimony that shows that the title "Chrestus" for Jesus was very popular among "common" Christians...
he two titles "Chrestus" or "Chrestian" are referred to in the following written sources:

Tertullian (AD 210),
The Eighth Sibyl (AD 200),
Theophilos of Antioch (AD 170),
Marcus (AD 145),
Apocalypse of Elijah (AD 100),
Suetonius (AD 124) and
Tacitus (AD 116).

There is even a disputed inscription (now lost) from Pompei (AD 79) that is believed to have contained a reference to this lost title of Jesus.

The ruling theologians of orthodoxy denounced the spelling "Chrestus" as based on ignorance.
Lactantius (AD 310) said: "The ignorant are accustomed to call Him 'Chrestus'" (ANF. Vol. 7, p. 106).

As a token of His merciful character, Jesus was once honored with the title "Chrestus" (which means benevolent one). This probably was the original meaning (and spelling) for Jesus' title in the oldest New Testament, the one that Marcion published.

The theological reason for the Orthodox scribes carefully and stealthily introducing "Christ" as Jesus' main title is explainable from its etymology. "Christ" in Greek means "anointed" (or royal). This meaning matches that of the Hebrew word "Messiah." The Church Fathers preferred Jesus to be known as Israel's coming King.

"Paul put Jesus Christ in the forefront of his preaching, and they ['the early Gentile churches'] can hardly have done otherwise. It is no accident, indeed, that the adherents of the new faith were early called Christians" (Arthur Cushman McGiffert. The God of the Early Christians. p. 44).

и така,бидејќи луѓето познати како Греци,имаа говорна маана,му го сменија името на КР(Е)СТЕ ИСАИЈОВ..


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Македонците одамна си имале имиња како АРИСТОТЕЛ,АРИСТОБУЛ. Mногу РИСТО-вци во МК ономастика. A и апостол Бартоломеј е тука.

Kога сме кај него, на Арамејски Бар-Толомеј или Син на (П)Толомеј.
Bсушност, и Исус е Yeshua bar-Yosef.

Инаку, апостолот, Синот на Птоломеј се дружел со апостол Филип. A пред тоа, којзнае колку Филипи и Птоломеи се дружеле од Кичево до Пела...
Hahahaha, ej duhovit si.
Vaka znaci ja najde etimoloshkata geneza na imeto Risto a?
c c c c c


Hahahaha, ej duhovit si.
Vaka znaci ja najde etimoloshkata geneza na imeto Risto a?
c c c c c
Проблемот со лажните Илири (Шќиптари, кои сакат ние да ги викаме Албанци) е што немаат никаква етимологија.

За нас не се секирај.

еве ти линк па одбери кое ти одговара

Некои се духовити, некои безимени...


Gospel of Peter and the Slavonic Josephus

Given that the Slavonic Josephus appeared around the 11th or 12th centuries and without any known links to other church documents, what follows can be little more than speculation of course.

The birth narrative of Matthew concerning the star of Bethlehem and Herod is corroborated by the Slavonic Josephus.

However, the Slavonic Josephus places the event in the early years of Herod, around 25 BCE. This earlier date would be consistent with the birth of Judas the Galilean and would be in line with the birth date of James, the brother of Jesus.

западното христијанство,никогаш не го прифатило овој запис...



Сковинистратор / I'm Batman
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Edno e shto ne go mirisale, a drugo e shto toj sakal bide del od taa loza, od kade shto poteknuvale mora da priznaesh duri i ti, prominentnite licnosti vo antikata.
I ostaj gi ilirite, tema na razgovor e aristotel, ne staaj zacin shto ne e soodveten za ova jadenje.
Исус, Охрид?

Почитувам одење вон границите на темата зошто е неможно да се држиме строго до нив.

Ама сепак :smir:


Eве признавам:

Foibos,Daphne,Kadmos,Yak inthos се грчки имиња од антиката...со потекло СЕМИТСКО.

King Ashurbanipal од Assyria е чистокрвен грк Vasilias Sardanapalos!

Дури и Херодот е грк, иако од грчка крв има 0,0000000000000000 %.

Гледам од кого учат "филозофија" лажните Илири...


Инаку го најдов и градот МАКЕД во ИЗРАЕЛ:

Карта на Светата земја Палестина на која се гледа дека едни од најблиските градови на Витсаида биле македонските градови: Дион, Пела и Макед.

(Библија, Загреб, 1983, последни страници).

P.S. Проштевајте што закаснив, никако да го најдеме Библискиот Албанополис надвор од КАВКАЗ...


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Au, Au, Au...
I sega sreken ke si legnish doma, ke si spiesh, ubavo ke ti bide na dushickata?
Taka e koa nema sho da se prai. Imash vreme, cel den na internet...
OK ako ti mislish taka, taka neka bide.
No sepak Aristotel, se custvuval kako Grk, bez razlika na toa shto bil.
Ne mislish deka toa e vo genite na Makedoncite?

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