Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Ако продолжат вака Русите ќе го завземат цел Донецк област до крај на годинава.
Битно за нив моментално е да се отвори фронтот за механизирана војна. Ова е фаза каде што рововските битки привршуваат и почнува онаа правата војна.
Член од
28 август 2013
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Русите прво напаѓаа со лопати и стапови, сега почнаа со мотори...
Така да сега многу побрзо ќе стигнат на Балканот!
Северџгани бегајте!

И песнава што ја ставиле во позадина си има историја:

The Attack of the Dead Men, or the Battle of Osowiec Fortress, was a battle of World War I that took place at Osowiec Fortress (now northeastern Poland), on August 6, 1915. The incident got its name from the bloodied, zombie-like appearance of the Russian combatants after they were bombarded with a mixture of poison gases, chlorine and bromine by the Germans. While coughing up blood, the Russians covered their faces with cloths and managed to rout German forces.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army took full control over the locality of Kotlyarivka.


Situation north and west of Avdivka (23:00): Russian Army made new advances north of Ocheretyne and northwest of Soloviove. In addition, troops advanced south of this village in the direction of Novopokrovske. Moreover, Russian forces advanced at the western shore of Durna river towards Umanske taking control over the first trenches.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: During the last five days Ukrainian Army reentered in the southern part of Nevelske. On the other hand Russian Army began advancing at the "pocket" south of Pervomaiske.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army took full control over the refractary plant at the center of Krasnogorivka.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army continue advancing northwest of Novomykhailivka & entered in the first houses of Paraskoviivka.


Situation on Kherson front: During the last ten days Ukrainian Army widened the bridgehead of Krynky westwards.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army took control over the rest of Kyslivka. Clashes with Ukrainian Army are taking place now at the adjacent hills.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army made some advances east of Novookeksandrivka.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army entered in the center of Netailove and continue cleaning the "pocket" south of Pervomaiske.


Situation on Velikonovoselkovskaya front: Russian Army made new advances southeast of Urozhaine.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Проблемот тука е начинот на дебата, има два табора(што е нормално) но премногу наоштрено се влегува во дискусија, дури се преоѓа кон лични навреди и омаловажувања.
Таква е политиката на модерирање на дискусијата.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Zaporizhia front: During the last five days Russian improved the positions at the center of Rabotyne. Ukrainian Army withdrew from the "urban" area to the adjacent trench systems located at the northern and eastern outskirts. It won't be possible for Russians to end the battle for this locality until these defense positions are taken.


Situation north and west of Avdivka: Russian Army made new advances towards Novopokrovske and now troops are less than one kilometer from the first houses of the locality.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Luhansk front: Map corrections were made south of Novoselivske where Ukrainian Army control more territory.


Situation on Seversk front: Recent video footage shows Ukrainian Army reentered again in Western filtering station north of Bilohorivka during the last few days.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army made new advances inside Robotyne. 60% of the locality was retaken by Russian forces.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army secured a series of trenches south of Pervomaiske.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army advanced southwest of "Hunting house" and entered in Krasnogorivka from the north taking control over a series of positions in the urban area until the nursing home and the stadium. At the same time, clashes with Ukrainian Army are taking place near the town hall.


Situation on Velikonovoselkovskaya front: During the last two days Russian Army made significant advances west of Staromaiors'ke by taking control over the high positions that overlook this locality. In addition, Ukrainian Army withdrew towards the center of Urozhaine.

Russian troops reached the first houses of Staromaiors'ke, but it is not yet possible to confirm the consolidation of positions there. However, after losing the adjacent heights the Ukrainian troops are going to have difficulties to hold their positions there, located in the valley of the Mokri Yali; while on the other bank the Russians are pressing hard on Urozhaine.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army secured new positions south of Pervomaiske. In addition, troops took control over a series of high buildings in the center of Netailove.


Situation on Velikonovoselkovskaya front: Russian Army entered in Staromaiors'ke and took control over 20% of the locality until the "house of culture".


The situation for Ukrainian army in Krasnogorivka is becoming critical. There is less than a kilometer left for the Russian forces in the north to converge with those in the south.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation west of Avdivka and northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army captured all the eastern defenses of Umanske and captured half of the village. In addition, troops reached Yasnobrodivka-Neatilove road taking control over a series of positions there. Moreover, Russian forces continue reducing the salient south of Pervomaiske.


Situation west of Donetsk city: During the last 48 hours Russian Army made new advances in Krasnogorivka:

- From northern axis troops reached Central hospital of Marinka and agricultural school.
- From southern axis the garages east of Heolohichna street were taken. In addition, troops entered in Lomonosova and Maiakovskoho streets taking control over some of the high buildings of the microdistrict. Currently Russians are advancing eastwards along Sovietska street.

Only 700 meters remain between the northern and southern groups. As a result, Ukrainian Army began the withdrawal from the trench systems.

Although there is still no physical encirclement of the eastern zone, the Russian army has fire control over all escape routes. Ukrainian troops are having difficulty leaving their positions. We are likely to see surrenders there.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Веќе 2 часа има муабети за офанзива на ВСРФ над Харков но којзнае што е вистина што не. Според проукраинската Deep State UA тука се одвиваат борбите.


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