Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Russian Army, DPR and LPR forces continue advancing in Soledar city and took control over parts of Soledar Salt Mine 1, 2 & 3 and the rest of urban areas east of the cemetery. Ukrainian Army is still present in Yurchyna Gora district.

On the other hand, Russian Army & DPR forces began clashing with Ukrainian Army at the first buildings of Bakhmut city from the south. An attack is taking place from south and east axis in order to increase the pressure over the defenders.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Ukrainian Army is present in Kindergarten 59 "The Scarlet Flower", which is the current frontline inside Soledar city after Russian Army entered in Yurchyna Gora district this morning from the north.


In addition, Russian Army, DPR & LPR forces advanced north of Soledar city, where they were repelled by Ukrainian Army at the outskirts of Sil district. Moreover, troops advanced north of Bakhmut towards Krasna Hora & entered Pidgorodne town.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation south of Bakhmut:
Russian Army and DPR forces continue advancing north of Klishchiivka town and reached new sections of the railway & tried to attack the nearby trench system, where they were repelled by Ukrainian Army.

Meanwhile, on Luhansk front Ukrainian Army launched new attack east of the town of Tors'ke and took control over new positions around the road thus arriving within a few hundred metres from Dibrova town.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Интересно за слушање, но од аспект на некои наши дискусии, посебно интресно е некаде од 5-тата минута.
(ако сеуште немате телеграм, еве ви причина да си регистрирате акаунт. Не мора апликација за употреба, јас од web browser отварам и ги отвара видеава кои не ти отвара во спротивно)

Автоматски споено мислење:

За тие што сепак не можат да отворат, се работи за интервју со еден од пилотите кои ги летале хеликоптерите на десантот на аеродромот кај Гостомел. Пилотот објаснува дека примарната цел била да се одвои дел од 70+ илјадната војска која на 24-ти била собрана за напад на ДНР/ЛНР. Објаснува дека најлош момент од приодот било преминувањето на Дњепар каде ги пресретнала целосно нечепната противвоздушна батерија, тука изгубиле хеликоптери. Другото се лични искуства на пилотот од настанот и одговарање на прашање од гледачи.

Зборат и понешто за витебск системот:
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Од рибар:

Soledar direction
situation as of January 14, 2023

In the vicinity Bakhmuta и Soledara fierce battles continue. Russian troops are pushing the defense of the Armed Forces, forcing them to transfer more and more reinforcements to hold settlements.

On the Soledarsky site assault units of the Wagner PMK are advancing in the area of “Solar Mine No. 1-3” at the position of the Armed Forces of Artemsolo at the crossroads Chkalov streets и Karpinsky.

▪ ĽOn the northeast outskirts Soledara assault units went out to Yurchina grief, by establishing control over the section of the track to Graceful.

▪ ĽThe situation in Soledar is close to critical for Ukrainian formations: the Russian Armed Forces broke through the first and second lines of defense, and the third battle orders were threatened. Forces 128 ogshbr escaped from the borders, and ideologically savvy members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resist.

▪ ĽUnits of 99 battalion 61 air defense systems lost control over three observation posts, part of the forces of 61 brigades was withdrawn from the combat area to fill losses. On January 6, two additional platoons were deployed in the neighborhood.

Despite significant successes in Soledar, talking about full control over a settlement is premature. At the moment, there is no evidence of the withdrawal of the Armed Forces from Soledar.

To the northeast of Bakhmuta military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation knocked out consolidated units of 60 ombr and 17th of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the village Suburban, Having opened the way to the surroundings of the Bakhmouth garrison from the north, and went out to Red grief.

On the eastern and southeastern outskirts of Bakhmouth, they are moving towards a waste sorting plant from the north the streets Fedora Maksimenko south, almost the whole street under the control of the Wagnerites.

▪ ĽIn addition, the stripping of the gypsum plant on has been completed Patrice Lumumba Street and expanded control over street of labor reserves APU is actively using underground communications to contain the offensive.

In the south and southwest of Artemovska the assault of Ukrainian fortified areas in continues Experienced и Kleshcheyevka, the release of which will allow to completely surround Bakhmut and take control of communication from under fire control Konstantinovki и Chasova Yara.

To curb the offensive of the Armed Forces, 50 people of the reserve of 60 ombr, two armored groups of 3 battalions of 28 mechanized brigades, as well as a company of 32 regiments of the National Guard and special forces of the Karpathians MTR were introduced into the battle.

▪ ĽTo make up for losses, 24, 30 60, 61 and 63 HSU ombras from January 20 will begin the transfer to four thousand people with armored vehicles from Chernihiv region. Most likely, these will be compounds of 58 ompbr and 93 ombr, which are now at the training ground in Goncharovsky on the parting.

▪ ĽIn addition, artillerymen and tankers of 60 ombr and 17 obr, as well as tactical aircraft with Mirgorod (five Su-25 and two Mig-29) conduct indiscriminate fire on the areas of the offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Soledare, Bachmute, Kurdyumovka, Andreevka, Suburban and on the approaches to Red grief.

Член од
1 февруари 2005
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Интересни вести од Крематорск.
Дали Зеленски ќе признае 600 загинати украински војници?
Да биде како русиве, да признае барем 300, ајде нека се 100. Иначе откаде толку клиенти за војните гробишта.

Не само хоризонтален поглед на стварите а малку поглед од горе на Хазин со литовскит новинар Ајнис.
Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Situation north of Bakhmut:
Russian Army & DPR entered in Pidgorodne & took control over the eastern part of the town. Combing operations continue at the adjacent hill (white circle) after Ukrainian Army retreated to the western part of the town.

Map shows the recent Russian Army and DPR forces advance north of Kam'yanka town on Avdivka front.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
Поени од реакции
Russian Army, DPR and LPR forces continue advancing inside Soledar from three different axis and took control over several buildings thus aproaching to the community center of the city, where Ukrainian Army is putting heavy resistance.

Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army & DPR forces secured the hill adjacent to Pidgorodne & took control over the northern hills which overlook the town of Krasna Hora, where battles have started in its southern part.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Претходниве денови многу важно било тоа што во Соледар Русите освоиле некоја зграда во последните блокови. Целата работа наводно се десила заради колективно десертирање на поголема групација украински војници. Во ваквиот тип на војна многу важно е да се помине преку бришан простор и да е направи продор/foothold. Сега сите работи се поинакви отколку ако не се десело тоа.
Автоматски споено мислење:

М80 произведен во Југославија.

In the vicinity of Bakhmut, Russian forces seriously damaged a Ukrainian BVP M80A infantry fighting vehicle, one of 35 transferred to the Ukrainian Army by Slovenia

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Она ќе да е р'ѓа, а не дупка од некаква муниција. :)


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Кул, инаку голем дел од површината изгледа како р'ѓа

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