By the way Африм види што пишал некој српски агент на Википедија:
In 2020, Albanians were reportedly the largest foreign national group in UK prisons with over 1,500 inmates, representing roughly 10% of the foreign prison population in the UK, rising from 2% in 2013.
[47] By June 2022, the number of inmates fell to 1,336 (down from a peak of 1,779 in 2021)
[48] but the proportion rose to 14%, again maintaining the highest percentage of the foreign prison population in the UK.
[49] On a proportion basis, Albanians are 10 times more likely than the general public as a whole to be in prison.
[50] Albanians make up 1.6% of all prisoners despite representing fewer than 0.05% of the UK population with convictions ranging from murder, manslaughter, rape, violent disorder, firearms offences, kidnap, causing death by dangerous driving, burglary and producing cannabis in gang-run farms in houses and disused industrial sites.
In June 2017, the
National Crime Agency (NCA)'s annual report on
organised crime warned that Albanian criminal groups had "established a high-profile influence within UK organised crime", focusing mainly on the trafficking of
cocaine to London. The report noted that "The threat faced from Albanian crime groups is significant. London is their primary hub, but they are established across the UK". It also noted that only 0.8% of organized criminals in the UK are Albanians, with British nationals accounting for 61.6% (23.5% are of unknown nationality). Albanian organised criminals display a readiness to use serious violence, which according to the National Crime Agency makes their impact more troubling, however.
organised criminal groups have utilised their global networks to become the largest controller of the UK's cocaine market. Local networks have been established in
corner shops and
barbers in towns across the UK, with teenagers targeted for recruitment in distributing drugs.
[20] Intelligence from the NCA found that Albanian organised criminal groups have smuggled hundreds of millions of pounds from the UK to Albania every year and may also be responsible for the increase in Albanians smuggled into the UK. The NCA has revealed that a significant proportion of its 70 live immigration investigations have been linked to Albanian organised criminal groups.
[21] Albanians working in UK-based cannabis sites can reportedly be paid £10,000 over 10 weeks.
[22] Smugglers are paid between €3,000 and €15,000 for entry into the UK via ferries and freight shipping routes.
[23] The cost ranges from €5,000 to €20,000 to be smuggled through other means, including by small boats.
[24] Those who are unable to pay the fee upfront, sign
debt bondage agreements and work illegally once they arrive in the UK leading them to become vulnerable to exploitation.
[25] The NCA reports that many Albanian asylum seekers disappear from Home Office provided hotels and accommodations once their arrivals are processed.