The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022
2023-03-20 10:00
I. Preamble
II. American democracy in chronic ills
1. American democracy in further decline
2. Political polarization intensified by partisan fights
3. Money politics surged
4. “Freedom of speech” in name only
5. The judicial system blind to public opinion
6. Americans increasingly disillusioned with American democracy
III. The United States’ imposition of “democracy” has caused chaos around the world
1. Foreign policy held hostage by political polarization
2. Inciting confrontation and conflict in the name of democracy
3. Doubling down on unilateral sanctions
4. Undermining democracy in international relations
5. Foisting a trumped-up narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”
IV. Conclusion
I. Preamble
II. American democracy in chronic ills
The US refuses to acknowledge the many problems and institutional crises confronting its democracy at home and stubbornly claims to be the template and beacon of democracy for the world. Such imperiousness perpetuates the ills of its democracy and causes dire consequences for other countries.
1. American democracy in further decline
2. Political polarization intensified by partisan fights
3. Money politics surged
4. “Freedom of speech” in name only
5. The judicial system blind to public opinion
6. Americans increasingly disillusioned with American democracy
III. The United States’ imposition of “democracy” has caused chaos around the world
1. Foreign policy held hostage by political polarization
2. Inciting confrontation and conflict in the name of democracy
3. Doubling down on unilateral sanctions
4. Undermining democracy in international relation
5. Foisting a trumped-up narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”
IV. Conclusion
Democracy is humanity’s common value; however, there is no single model of political system that is applicable to all countries in the world. Human civilization, if compared to a garden, should be a diverse place in which democracy in different countries blooms like a hundred flowers. The US has American-style democracy, China has Chinese-style democracy, and other countries have their own unique models of democracy that suit their respective national conditions. It should be up to the people of a country to judge whether the country is democratic or not and how to better promote democracy in their country. The few self-righteous countries have no right to point fingers.
Those who have many flaws themselves have little credibility to lecture others. Attempts to undermine others for one’s own profit and destabilize the world must be unanimously opposed. A black-and-white division of countries as democratic or authoritarian is both anachronistic and arbitrary. What our world needs today is not to stoke division in the name of democracy and pursue de facto supremacy-oriented unilateralism, but to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and uphold true multilateralism on the basis of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. What our world needs today is not to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs under the guise of democracy, but to advocate genuine democracy, reject pseudo-democracy and jointly promote greater democracy in international relations. What our world needs today is not a “Summit for Democracy” that hypes up confrontation and contributes nothing to the collective response to global challenges, but a conference of solidarity that focuses on taking real actions to solve prominent global challenges.
Freedom, democracy and human rights are the common pursuit of humanity, and values that the Communist Party of China (CPC) always pursues. China commits to and advances whole-process people’s democracy, and puts into action the principle of people running the country in the CPC’s exercise of national governance in specific and concrete ways. China stands ready to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with other countries on the issue of democracy, advocate humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, promote greater democracy in international relations, and make new and greater contributions to human progress.