Инкогнито Original
- Член од
- 11 јули 2008
- Мислења
- 2.910
- Поени од реакции
- 1.552
The beamforming algorithm with multipath algorithm was rerun using the average of the computed reflection coefficient for two spectral peaks between 9 to 27Hz. This is more realistic simulation compared to the previous calculations. The results are shown in figure 19. These results are poor at all times and indicate that the model used to describe the propagation of the signal is not adequate. The assumptions of straight-line propagation, constant reflection coefficient, or reflection off a flat Earth may not be valid.#44 documents
знам дека не ни читаш шо пишува само постираш видеа у кои како папагали повторуваат 'FLAT EARTH, FLAT EARTH'
еве на пример ова од твоето видео не ми е јасно. шо сака да каже авторот?