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Protests broke out in the autonomous region of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan on 1 July 2022 over proposed amendments by Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Constitution of Uzbekistan which would have ended Karakalpakstan's status as an autonomous region of Uzbekistan and right to secede from Uzbekistan via referendum. A day after protests had begun in the Karakalpak capital of Nukus, President Mirziyoyev withdrew the constitutional amendments. The Karakalpak government claimed that protesters had attempted to storm government buildings. Despite concessions given by the Uzbek government in preserving Karakalpakstan's autonomy, protests continued growing resulting in internet access being blocked throughout Karakalpakstan on 2 July, with President Mirziyoyev declaring a state of emergency in the region. Although there are no known casualties as of yet, social media posts suggested that several people were killed or injured in the demonstrations, with one video circulating social media showing large amounts of blood on the streets of Nukus.
Karakalpakstan is an autonomous republic located within Uzbekistan and is home to ethnic Karakalpaks, the Turkic speaking peoples belonging to the Kipchak languages numbering to just approximately 752,000 or 2.2% of Uzbekistan's population. Throughout the course of history, the territory of Karakalpakstan had been under control of various empires before forming its own present-day identity in around the 17th century as a separate confederation of nomadic tribes initially belonging to Kazakh Khanate, thus resulting in Karakalpaks having closer cultural ties with the Kazakhs in terms of customs, material culture, and language contrary with the Uzbeks.