Кажување полувистини е модус операнди за како тоа се шири западната пропаганда. Пет автобуси и воена придружба дошле да ги евакуираат Азов во украинскиот град Новоазовск. Да видиме малку подетално што значи ова:
воена придружба - руска/сепаратистичка војска,
евакуација - транспорт на затвореници до логор,
украинскиот град Новоазовск - град кој е 8 години под контрола на ДНР.
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Коментар од
New York Times:
"Ukraine ended its "combat mission" in Mariupol on Monday"
Ukraine's failed combat mission in Mariupol came to a tragic end on Monday with ~1,700 neo-Nazi, rightwing extremist, soldiers killed and ~300 surrendering to become prisoners of war. The ~1,000 civilians also in the tunnels, being used as human shields, have all been released.
Another embarrassing defeat for the Joe Biden administration.
The Western MSM
Civilians seeking shelter in the tunnels
Non MSM Media - link
"Contacts were maintained with the Nazis in Azovstal in order to save the civilians who remained there. During the negotiations, they offered us to exchange the civilian hostages for food and medicine," explaining that the conditions they requested were "exchanging every 15 hostages for a ton of food and medicine."
The Western MSM
The Azov Battalion "Hero's of Mariupol"
Non MSM Media - link
The Azov brigades were labled a "terrorist organization" by the US Congress in 2019 due to the "Azov Battalion's, ultranationalist militia with ties to extremists across Europe"
In April the MSM were reporting 2000 soldiers in the tunnels...now it's down to 600...so instead of 1,700 dead, it's just 300...yeah, right....either way, the MSM was "reporting" some "mis-information"....
..and these Liberal "journalists" are in shock as to why only
29% of the people in the USA "trust the media
some of the time"....put another way, 71% of Americans rarely trust the media...how can this be?