White employees who are unwilling to admit to being complicit in “white privilege” and “systemic racism” can be penalized in their performance reviews. Additionally, those who refuse to sign a loyalty pledge to “keep pushing for change” and to set “intentions” such as “reading more about systemic racism” and “challenging others’ language that is hateful,” are considered “racist,” the employee told Rufo.
The program encourages employees to read an article titled, “White America, if you want to know who’s responsible for racism, look in the mirror.”
The article, written by Dahleen Glanton, says: “White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries.”
It adds that “American racism is a uniquely white trait” and that “Black people cannot be racist.”
The training encourages employees to undertake a “21-Day Racial Equity Habit Challenge” that calls on employees to “do one action [per day for 21 days] to further [their] understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity.”
It includes lessons on “whiteness” that teach that “white supremacy [is] baked into our country’s foundation” and that “Whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated.” The challenge adds that the “weaponization of whiteness” creates a “constant barrage of harm” for minorities.