А зошто да се малтретираат луѓето со правење тестови кога едноставно нема потреба за тоа? Секако дека ако ти сакаш да го направиш тоа можеш, ама зошто сите други да го прават тоа коа не постојат такви официјални насоки? Или па ако нема индикација.
Кажав зошто, еве пак:
Тестовите за антитела не се конклузивни за предикција на имунитет по примена вакцина.
Antibody testing is not currently recommended to assess for immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following COVID-19 vaccination because the clinical utility of post-vaccination testing has not been established. Antibody tests currently authorized under an EUAexternal icon have variable sensitivity, specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values,
and are not authorized for the assessment of immune response in vaccinated people. Furthermore, the serologic correlates of protection have not been established, and antibody testing does not evaluate the cellular immune response, which may also play a role in vaccine-mediated protection. Finally, antibody testing against nucleocapsid will not detect immune responses resulting from vaccination, but patients may not always know what type of antibody test was used. If antibody testing was performed following vaccination, additional doses of the same or different COVID-19 vaccines are not recommended based on antibody test results at this time. If antibody testing was done after the first dose of an mRNA vaccine, the vaccination series should be completed regardless of the antibody test result.
Find interim clinical considerations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States.
Ја познавам луѓе кои се буквално опседнати со тоа мерењето антитела, како гуми за џвакање во продавница да купуваат. Беспотребно фрлени пари, ако нема потреба за тоа.