zmej gorjanin
Има ли цел текст на античко македонски јазик кој недвосмислено е словенски јазик? Без толкувања на зборови и претпоставки. И името Буда на санскрит означува the awaken one или разбудениот/пробудениот, дали и Буда е Македонец?Znaci ke povtoram, Dorskiot dialekt e bil eden vtor jazik koj se zboruval .
The katadesmos of Pella , a text greek Doric found in Pella in 1986 , dated between the IV and III centuries BC , it was taken as evidence that the Macedonians spoke the Doric dialect at that time. Others, however, argue that Doric may have been a second language or a second dialect spoken in Macedonia.
Znaci nema fakti so koj moze da se dokaze deka toj bil antickiot makedonski jazik!
Naucnicite se podeleni, ima samo tezi i toa ostanuva , nisto ne e dokazano !
The ancient Macedonian is the extinct language of the ancient Macedonians . It was spoken mainly in the inland regions of Macedonia , far from the coast, during the first millennium BC , resisting until the first centuries AD This language is not well known, it is not known whether it is an Indo-European language not belonging to any subfamily, such as the Greek, or if it were akin to the latter.
Ako e bil dorskiot dialekt anticki makedonski jazik, togas ne bi kazuvale deka toj jazik e isceznet! I deka e mozno da bil poseben jazik razlicen od grckiot!
Knowledge of this language is very limited because no text has survived that is indisputably written in ancient Macedonian, however a number of words have been reconstructed from ancient sources, coins and the lexicon of Hesychius of Alexandria , dating back to the 5th century , which amounts to about 700 words and proper names. Many of these can be traced back to ancient Greek, but some are not easily reconciled with classical Greek phonology.
Ako e bil dorskiot dialekt anticki makedonski,
Ne bi kazuvale deka postojat samo 700 zborovi na anticki makedonski jazik!
Moze eden primer vo nasava Makedonia.
Posle nekoja si apokalipsa sto ke unisti sè, lugjeto ke pocnat odnovo! I po nekolku vekovi ke najdat nekoj tekst na albanski jazik a nikakov tekst na Makedonski vo tetovo, bidejki se sto bilo napisano isceznalo! i sto ke kazat spored tebe ? Deka makedoncite zboruvale albanski bidejki vo tetovo bil pronajden albanski tekst?
Kako i da e na ovaa tema diskutirame za slicnosta na pronajdenite zborovi so denesniot makedonski jazik i za toponimite na antickite Makedonci, trakijci, iliri i zasto da ne Pelazgi!