Штом моментално темата е дебата и споделување на информации околу вакцините, тогаш има одлична тема отворена скоро, за искуства после втората доза, во reddit форумот под r/medicine(каде што најчесто ќе најдете мислења на медицински лица), со наслов "How are you all feeling after the second dose of the COVID vaccine?"
Има над 700 споделени искуства од професионални лица, после нивно примање на втората доза од ковид вакцината, и веднаш може да се препознае шема каде иако првата доза повеќето полесно ја поминуваат, повеќето од мислењета за втората доза што ги прочитав кажуваат дека имале силни мускулни болки, температура и главоболка.
But don't take my word for it, слободно посетете ја темата и оформете си ваше мислење.
Ова се првите 15 искуства сортирани по BEST (најмногу лајкувани):
1.Pfizer, 1st vaccine literally nothing. 2nd one has wrecked me. Was feeling great until ~12 hours and woke up with fever, myalgias, sweating through sheets, and headache. Tonight ~36 hours still feel “flu* like” but much milder with some myalgias and stubborn headache. I’m glad I had two days off after vaccine.
I’m EM so glad I was able to get it and would sign up again.
Edit: I’m now 48 hours out and feeling much better! I slept a lot today but think that’s attributed to sleep lost on night one. I would be able to work tonight if needed and definitely tomorrow. I hope everyone does well. I feel like crap after a flu shot also (not this bad), but get that yearly and would do the same with Covid.
2. the chip is a little itchy but otherwise not too bad.
3. I had a pretty annoying headache about 10 hours after and then 24 hours later felt just awful - headache, myalgias, chills, nausea. Most of my symptoms went away after 48 hours except for maybe a dull lingering headache.
4. Brutal for me. In my early 30s. Rigors all night, fever, body aches, joint pain, headache. Checked almost all the boxes in vsafe.
Edit: so worth it tho, to be vaccinated. No regrets
5. Should I be expecting second to be worse? Because this 40yo had a rough 24 hours after the first shot....
Also I've had covid if it matters.
6. Fever to 101.6 (at least), chills, HA, myalgias, heartburn? Not sure if that one is related but haven’t had it in awhile. 36h out.
7. I’m 30F, work in a COVID ICU. Got the Pfizer vaccine through work.
I had diarrhea after my first vaccine for 2-3 days. Nothing unbearable, but did trust a fart that I shouldn’t have
After the second dose, I have literally no side effects. >72 hours out at this point. My arm feels like I did an extra bicep curl at the gym.
Is it possible I had asymptomatic COVID and my body already built up enough immunity? Or did I get a placebo/dud? My coworkers are suffering this week, even those that had COVID.
8. Great, can't wait for the flood of patients calling PCPs and EDs when this hits the general public.
Just got my second dose 8 hrs ago. On my block of night shifts, so hard to separate my usual crappy feeling versus new post vaccination effects.
EDIT: T+10 hours from shot, now I have chills and body aches, mild congestion, minimal headache.
EDIT 2: fever, chills body ache, bad HA all day. Not fun.
Edit 3: wow baby that sucked. We are going to have so many god damn people coming in thinking they are dying. What a disaster.
9. One attending had no symptoms apart from sore arm for both doses. The other only had sore arm for first dose, but had a rough course with the second dose.
10. My first dose gave me a sore arm like I got used for Mike Tyson's workout. Second dose tomorrow. I'll report back. Also, after reading these I am now nervous about this weekend. Still happy to be getting it though.
Edit: just got it. So far it's less painful than the first dose.
Double edit: extra achy and super tired for 36 hours after, then woke up Sunday feeling pretty good. By Monday morning totally back to normal.
11. Mine is next week, but FM friend got hers yesterday and has a 100.3 and myalgia, otherwise she’s also happy to be vaccinated like you! I hope for mild enough effects to know it worked for me, haha.
12. Got Moderna for the first shot yesterday. Had a mild headache that didn't respond to 400mg IBU, which is weird for me. Still having mild arm pain 35hrs out. Worst I've felt from a vaccine, but overall still feeling pretty good. A little afraid of this second dose though... might preemptively try and take the day off.
13. Pfizer, had a mildly sore arm from the first dose (about 1/3 of the soreness of the flu vaccine) and a much more sore arm from the second dose (about 2x the soreness of the flu vaccine). No other myalgias or fevers yet.
Only other side effects have been unusual but not bad; better 5G signal, a so-far-resistible compulsion to eat human brains, and automatic reminders to update Microsoft Windows.
14. 35F. I feel like I'm a one percenter here, but mine was so bad that I had an ER visit and they held me several hours.
I spiked fevers up to 104 for almost 40 hours. Myalgia, enlarged lymph nodes, lost sensation in fingers and toes, headache, sbp and heart rate in the 150s. I checked myself in to my facility when I hit 104.3 despite 3 grams of Tylenol, and it was 104.6 upon arrival. They sourced just about every body fluid for infection (negative) and tested me for covid (negative). Gave me a bolus, watched for my temp to stay level and then booted me as soon as they could.
Makes me wonder if I'd have been a covid casualty in another universe.
tl;dr: clear your schedule is all I'm saying.
15. I didn't measure my temp because I had chills and didn't want to get out of bed, but it was pretty transient. Had an awful headache all day today (got vaccine midday yesterday) that didn't go away with Advil (mine usually do), and nausea. Always have myalgias from lupus but don't think they were worse. Feeling better as the day closes now.