Фан Клуб: Арсенал

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28 ноември 2009
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Имаше некои муабети дека тимовите што ќе играат ЛШ/ЛЕ ќе бидат олабавени од ФФП.
"Owners of top clubs will temporarily be permitted by Uefa’s financial fair play rules to put more money into their clubs, to cover increased losses caused by football’s shutdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Uefa announced a series of “emergency measures” to acknowledge that clubs competing in the Champions League and Europa League, who must comply with FFP “break-even” limits, cannot do so this season because of drastic losses caused by the shutdown.

The principles accept that clubs can make losses greater than the permitted €30m over a rolling three-year period, and that owners can cover those losses. Uefa stressed, however, that it was still committed to encouraging good financial management by clubs, and the measures were aimed only at “neutralising the adverse effects of the pandemic”: lost ticket income while matches are played behind closed doors, and the potentially major loss of some TV, commercial and sponsorship income."
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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Се надевам ќе се договориме некаде за 40-45 милиони. Не сме сигурно за толку утепани да немаме 50 милиони, а од друга страна наводно ќе го купуваме некој си 17 годишник од Португалија.
Член од
5 март 2018
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Се надевам ќе се договориме некаде за 40-45 милиони. Не сме сигурно за толку утепани да немаме 50 милиони, а од друга страна наводно ќе го купуваме некој си 17 годишник од Португалија.
Нема шанса, тие и 50 милиони се грабеж, гледаат да му кренат клаузула со нов договор не пак за 40 милиони.
Не ти попушта Атлетико денешно време за трансфери,друго време беше порано кога беа во финансиска криза.
И Баерн пробаа да се ценкаат за Лукас на крај се спружија 80 милиони за играчот.
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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More on Aubameyang from The Athletic article this morning, brief summary:
  • Aubameyang is not unhappy at Arsenal — quite the opposite. He loves London and has good relationships with team-mates and staff.
  • There are suitors on the continent who could offer a more immediate route to glory. If Aubameyang is to leave Arsenal, his preference is to move abroad rather than stay in the Premier League. The Athletic understands Inter Milan and Barcelona have both expressed their interest, while Juventus are monitoring the situation. For a player who once turned down a lucrative move to China, this decision is unlikely to be about money. It will be about fulfilment.
  • Aubameyang’s athletic attributes show no obvious signs of fading. “Physically, he’s a freak,” says one Arsenal source. He played 3,138 minutes of this Premier League season.
  • Earlier this season he was clocked at 35.5 kilometres per hour, making him the fastest player in the Premier League. That speed won’t vanish in a matter of months — when it declines, it’s likely to be more gradual.
  • The Athletic understands that when Arsenal study in-game data for metrics such as sprints and high speed, he invariably tops those lists — usually alongside Kieran Tierney.
  • Arsenal staff speak of a model professional who appears to be in his prime. “Yes, he’s 31, but some would argue his injury record means you could take a couple of years off that.” His consistent availability is all the more remarkable given that he’s a sprint athlete, and they tend to incur muscular problems. Jamie Vardy’s continued success at 33 proves anomalies do exist.
  • He is relishing working under Arteta. The coaching staff have marvelled at the fact a player with his experience and reputation will happily stay on to do extra work after every single training session. He doesn’t need to be pushed — he will voluntarily take any opportunity to improve. The “bad boy” myth from Dortmund has turned out to be little more than that.
  • Starting on the left is not Aubameyang’s preference, but it is to his credit that he has played the role without complaint. The Athletic understands it is not a key point in the ongoing contract negotiations — Aubameyang recognises the decision lies with the coach and is prepared to do what is best for the team. That stance underlined the regard in which he already holds Arteta.
  • It is a sign of the significance of this deal that head of football Sanllehí is now the sole negotiator on Arsenal’s behalf.
  • Both parties have shown a willingness to find an accord.
  • Although June 2021 is the official end date of Aubameyang’s deal, The Athletic understands Arsenal did insert a purchase option on an additional year. This technically granted Arsenal the ability to unilaterally extend Aubameyang’s deal by a further 12 months, if they meet certain financial conditions.
  • Arsenal are an attractive proposition, whether in Europe or not. Pay attractive salaries, good location.
  • Arsenal looking to offload players to raise funds. Notably centre halves. Listening to offers for SM, RH and Sokratis. Looking to sign a CB.
  • Want rid of MG. Will listen to offers for LT. Arteta wants a wide player.
  • Auba contract talks look positive. Don’t want to sell Auba. Arsenal will consider moving Lacazette on if the offer is right.
  • Player sales determine how much we spend.
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Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Една од поголемите мани на Венгер што се опкружи со неспособен фудбалски кадар, од скаутинг па до трансфер преговарачи и тренерски помошници, бадијала цела контрола држеше под негова рака во клубот на крајот од денот сам себе си наштети...
Читав за Gilles Grimandi, кој доаѓа во Арсенал 2006, станува главен скаут за францускиот фудбал, и го уназадува клубот со погубна трансфер политика 12години...

"We will get to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, but first a story about the player who could have made everything so different for Arsenal: N’Golo Kante. A friend in France told Arsène Wenger all about Kante when he was in Ligue 2 with Caen.

Wenger dispatched Gilles Grimandi, his chief scout in France, to watch the little dynamo but Grimandi was not wowed. Six out of 10. Wenger’s friend persisted and Grimandi was sent to look again, but came back with another sceptical report.
The manager kept monitoring Kante, but having just brought Mathieu Flamini back, and with Mikel Arteta, Tomas Rosicky, Santi Cazorla, Jack Wilshere, Francis Coquelin and Aaron Ramsey already on his roster, he felt there was little point recruiting another central midfielder unless they were outstanding. After he joined Leicester, Wenger realised Kante was outstanding. He went for him at the end of 2015-16 but was this time put off by people around the player whose interest appeared to surround personally cashing in from a deal.
Arsenal’s scouts had been tracking Aubameyang since his first forays into French football. In the summer of 2012, scouts Steve Rowley and Francis Cagigao recommended him as a potential addition to the Arsenal frontline. Arsenal’s French scout, Gilles Grimandi, was less convinced, and consequently the club instead opted for Olivier Giroud. A year later, Aubameyang joined Borussia Dortmund, unrivalled by any Arsenal bid.
Дел од играчите кои ги пропушти Арсенал тој период
Pogba, Mbappe, Kante, Dembele
Сепак собравме дел од фудбалскиот крем во француската лига ...
Sanogo, Gervinho, Chamakh

Ѓиле после само неколку месеци ангажман во Ница, отпуштен, 12години во Арсенал ..... Ах Арсен ...

Стварно не ми е јасно зашо Венгер после повлекувањето на Дејвид Дин не сакаше да биде потпомогнат ...
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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Да, најголемата негова грешка е тоа, ама и на клубот и на раководството, што му даде целосна контрола и со сите натоварени обрски и одговорност.
Член од
21 октомври 2014
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Чудно како еден човек може да процени таленти како Сања и Диаби, а да усере за многу други.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Плус Гриманди го донел и Насри, па и немал толку лошо око.
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Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Новиот тренер за голманите квалитетно си ја врши работата :)
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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А колку е таа половина од плата што треба ние да му ја дадеме?
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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The Brazilian is said to earn over £200k per week at the Camp Nou
Околу 100 илијадарки така не фаќа, па не е лоша таа зделка, со оглед дека креативноста во средниот ред ни у тежок минус.
Член од
21 октомври 2014
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Околу 100 илијадарки така не фаќа, па не е лоша таа зделка, со оглед дека креативноста во средниот ред ни у тежок минус.
Мојот став е ист и ко во јануари и лани летниот транфер период кога бевме наводно заинтересирани. Не би жалел и поголеми пари, ни па перманент трансфер. Кој што сака нека кака, Кутињо е магија.

zee German

Член од
12 август 2009
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Мојот став е ист и ко во јануари и лани летниот транфер период кога бевме наводно заинтересирани. Не би жалел и поголеми пари, ни па перманент трансфер. Кој што сака нека кака, Кутињо е магија.
tocno magija poso znaese da izcezne na sred natprevar i vo barsa i vo baern :icon_lol:

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