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Кој се фатил за нив ко ќор за стап, не знам. Впрочем зашто си толку против СЗО не ми е јасно. И од СЗО имаа исти информации, а тие информациите ги добиваат од испитувања, не од рекла казала.
Па и да се од СЗО, тие повеќе знаат и постручни се од сите овде на форумов. Нивната политика и економија е сосем друга работа. Зборевме дали се задржуваат во воздухот.
Some of the strongest evidence that airborne transmission of the new coronavirus may be possible comes from a study published late last month in
Nature. In it, researchers measured the virus's genetic material, or RNA, in aerosols sampled in February and March at two hospitals in Wuhan, China—the city where the outbreak is widely believed to have begun. The researchers found very low levels of airborne viral RNA in the hospitals’ isolation wards and in ventilated patient rooms. But there were measurably higher levels in some of the patients’ toilet areas. They also found high levels of viral RNA in places where medical workers remove protective gear, as well as in two crowding-prone locations near the hospitals. “Our study and several other studies proved the existence of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols and implied that SARS-CoV-2 aerosol transmission might be a nonnegligible route from infected carriers to someone nearby,” says study co-author Ke Lan, a professor and director of the State Key Laboratory of Virology at Wuhan University.
preprint (not yet published) study led by Santarpia and his colleagues similarly found evidence of viral contamination in air samples and surfaces from rooms where COVID-19 patients were being kept in isolation. “I think there are a lot of us—myself included—who feel very strongly that the airborne route of transmission is very possible,” he says. “I would hesitate to call it proven by any means. But I think there’s mounting evidence to support it.”
Another paper, recently published in the
New England Journal of Medicine, showed that infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus can remain in aerosols for at least three hours—and for several days on various surfaces—in a laboratory setting. But the amount of viable virus diminished significantly during that time. Scientists do not know the infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2. (For influenza, studies have shown that just
three virus particles are enough to make someone sick.)
Cowling hypothesizes that many respiratory viruses can be spread through the airborne route—but that the degree of contagiousness is low. For seasonal flu, the
basic reproduction number, or R0—a technical designation for the average number of a people a sick person infects—is
about 1.3. For COVID-19, it is estimated to be somewhere
between two and three (though possibly
as high as 5.7). Compared with measles, which has an R0 in the range of
12 to 18, these values suggest most people with the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 are not extremely contagious.
Текстот е долг, чисто да добиеш осет дека овие информации се од други истражувачки тимови, а
не од СЗО. Ај и боја да ставам за нештата да станат појасни.
Фирмата Пановски е една од оние кои продавале маски со лажен сертификат.
Второ, докторот во рок од 1 месец дава неколку контрадикторни изјави и информации. Во врска со негови мислења.