- Член од
- 3 септември 2010
- Мислења
- 6.588
- Поени од реакции
- 9.230
Навистина? Ако не веруваш на источноправославното толкување, еве ти го и јудаистичкото толкување:Не викам дека немаше одговор, само што одговорот не го менува фактот дека во библијата според редоследот, растенијата се создадени пред сонцето.
Bereishit 1:14
Let there be luminaries, etc.: They were created on the first day, and on the fourth day, He commanded them to be suspended in the sky, and likewise, all the creations of heaven and earth were created on the first day, and each one was fixed in its proper place on the day that was decreed upon it. That is why it is written:“with the heavens (אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם) to include their products,”and with the earth (וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ)," to include its products. — [Gen. Rabbah 1:14]
Bereishit 1:15
And they shall be for luminaries: In addition, they will serve in this function, viz. to shed light upon the world.
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