Фан Клуб: Јувентус



Ако веќе е за испаѓање работата, боље да испаднеш од некој кој е едноставно подобар од тебе (како Баерн пред 2 години), отколку да те елиминира некој што имал повеќе желба од тебе да пројде понатаму. А Монако не е подобар тим од Јувентус.


Член од
4 август 2010
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Подобро да испаднам од Баерн/Барса во полуфинале него од Копенхаген во уште во групи. Нема ништо срамно во тоа, баш ќе ни кажи до каде сме.
Море да не пукне резил како сега со Порто, тоа ми беше поентата...


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Море да не пукне резил како сега со Порто, тоа ми беше поентата...
Те сватив што сакаш да кажиш но ако е од подобар тим едноставно тоа е, нема да мие толку криво него против некој како Копенхаген или Монако.

Allegri: 'Details decisive in Monaco'
By Football Italia staff
Max Allegri told Juventus “details will make the difference” in their Champions League showdown with Monaco.

The Bianconeri won the first leg of this quarter-final 1-0 and visit the Stade Louis II tomorrow evening.

“I don’t know what tactics Leonardo Jardim will adopt tomorrow. The tie is open and we only have a small advantage,” insisted the Coach in his Press conference.

“In order to qualify tomorrow we need to score at least one goal and play the right performance with both our heads and our feet.

“Monaco are a tough team to play against and we know them a little better after the first leg. It’s going to be a difficult and very long game. This team defends well, has good technique and very physical strikers.

“The details will make the difference and we must never let our minds wander from the issue at hand.”

There have been reports Allegri will scrap the 4-3-1-2 system and go back to 3-5-2 for this match.

“I haven’t decided the line-up yet. The players we have on the bench are going to be fundamental too.”

Allegri had reached the quarter-final with Milan before, but never gone beyond that stage, so is the pressure weighing on him?

“It would be an important result to reach the semi-final and another step forward that this Juventus team can and must make.

“We should be very proud to be taking part in this game. These lads are doing something very important and we should enjoy the moment rather than think about what could happen in future.

“When I arrived the primary objective was to still be competitive in March on all fronts. It’s April, in Serie A we are in a strong position, we reached the Coppa Italia Final after overturning a home defeat to Fiorentina and now we hope for another wonderful evening to reach the Champions League semi-final.

“This squad has a great deal of potential. It can still improve and tomorrow we must be not just stronger, but better.

“I firmly believe tomorrow night we will put in a great performance and reach the Champions League semi-final.”

Arturo Vidal had skipped training this week due to tonsillitis, but is included in the squad.

“He trained today and is at our disposal. He had a temperature on Monday, but was already feeling better yesterday.”
Juve CL seeds in new system
By Football Italia staff

Good news for Juventus, as next season they’ll be Champions League seeds in the draw.

The rules are changing for the 2015-18 cycle and were formally unveiled by UEFA this evening.

The most important development is the seeding process, as from now on the domestic League winners from the top seven nations will automatically be placed into Pot 1 for the group phase draw.

Until now it had been decided by the often controversial UEFA ranking.

The Champions League title holders are guaranteed a place in the group stage as seeds, while the Europa League holders will be sent through the play-offs.

If there was a ‘Double’ – a team winning both the Champions League and their domestic title – the eighth place would go to the winner of the eighth top domestic League in the UEFA ranking.

“Exceptionally, an association may be represented by five clubs in the competition if the Champions League and/or Europa League titleholder does not also qualify through its domestic championship.”
Buffon: 'I want Champions League'
By Football Italia staff

Gigi Buffon hopes to win the Champions League “sooner rather than later” as Juventus visit Monaco for the quarter-final.

The Bianconeri won the first leg 1-0 and visit the Stade Louis II tomorrow night for a place in the semi-final.

“I know full well this is a very important game for me, my teammates and the whole club,” said the goalkeeper in a Press conference.

“I think this proves that, if we get past this round, Juve are growing and would place an important marker on a European level to prove – in case anyone had any remaining doubts – that we are back.

“It would therefore help put pressure on opponents and build our own pride.

“Of course I hope to try and win this trophy along with our fans, because it’s missing from my trophy cabinet and has been missing from Juve’s for too long.

“When will we win? I have no idea, but seeing as I’m nearing my use-by date, I’d be happy if it were sooner rather than later!” joked the 37-year-old.

“I’ve been around this tournament for 20 years. At some times I really hoped to win, at others the pressure of hoping had become too much.

“This year we started out aware we could do great things, above all in the Champions League, and in my view the mistakes of last season were still with us. We didn’t want to get the approach wrong again,” he said referring to their group stage exit to Galatasaray.

“Clearly to win a trophy you need a bit of good luck, but they do say fortune favours the brave. It’s early to start flying towards the sun, but we are certainly in a good position. Unfortunately, that’s not enough.”

Monaco have tended to do better away from home than on their own turf in the Champions League this season, so do Juve have a double advantage?

“Seeing as they concede very few goals and score few, I don’t think we’re going to need too many goals tomorrow to secure qualification.

“They have everything needed to get a result, but we are not here to be sacrificial lambs or to see how good Monaco are. We know all this and have self-belief.

“We want to play football and put our qualities to the fore.”

Monaco were furious after the first leg was decided by an Arturo Vidal penalty, as the foul appeared to be outside the box.

Considering the constant controversy in Italy over refereeing decisions, is it the ‘alibi of losers’ in Europe too?

“We didn’t get that impression,” shrugged Buffon. “The way of rationalising what happens on the pitch is very different in Europe to in Italy and so is the way of expressing it.

“It can happen that a person expresses their opinion. It can be constructive if behind it there aren’t other issues that cast shadows or discredit football.

“Of course you can say you were unlucky with a decision that was very difficult, because I challenge anyone to say that in real time they were certain the foul was four centimetres outside the area rather than inside.”


Ванила & Чоколадо
Член од
8 декември 2009
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Sto k** ste se isplasile be, ideme so umisla da osvoime a ne da gleame sto pomalce bi izgubile od baern ili barca..


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Сега се ослабнува офанзивната многу со тоа, да, ама не ни треба многу да напаѓаме, имаме предност еден гол, мора да тргнат они да дадат, па да се искористи некоја контра или грешка нивна.
Пак од ова најмногу стравувам, да не тргнат со менталитет да не примат гол, па да им остават простор за игра па некој да направи кикс и после да се стави во доста комплицирана позиција со Монако. Сепак во Торино ги надиграа во секој можен поглед, сепак не смее во никој случај да се потцени, Јуве нема некоја висока предност па да се однесува премногу комфорно. Да почнат со натпреварот како да се работи за живот и за смрт, веќе со осигурана Сериа А, целиот фокус МОРА да падни на ЛШ.
Знаете... ако поминеме утре, тогаш во полуфиналето ќе биде ептен гадно... Ептен јаки екипи ќе ни бидат евентуални противници, и се плашам дека сеуште не сме на потребното ниво за да се надигруваме со нив. :-/
Кога ќе се стигне до полуфинале, отворено е секое сценарио. Од освојување на ЛШ, па се останато. Тогаш одлучува потег, нијанса, форма на играч, слободен удар Пирло итн. Интер кога ја освои ЛШ на хартија имаше далеку послаб состав од Барса, Реал итн, па пак го освои.


ВАР експерт
Член од
15 јануари 2013
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Прво да се пласираме утре, калкулациите оставете ги за после. Монако нема да се откажат и нашите играчи мора да се борат на теренот до максимум.


Член од
17 декември 2012
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Ди Вајо од 30мил тогаш ни беше трета опција у напад.
Екипиште бевме,ама Недвед ептен ни фалеше у финалето.
Вечерва очекувам да се затвори работата мирно и без глупости,пошо Монако покажа дека знае да ги казнува грешките.


Ванила & Чоколадо
Член од
8 декември 2009
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Че имет ли во Галери кафиќон кај зоолошка собиранка?


ВАР експерт
Член од
15 јануари 2013
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Кога веќе ја споменавте 2003. Ја имаше и пред неколку години на јутуб, ја беа избришале па сега гледам пак ја има. Вчера го изгледав првото полувреме, сега второто ќе го изгледам.

Само ќе пазам солзите да не ми истечат при третиот гол на Недвед :place:
Член од
8 јануари 2014
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Imate pozz od mene i Mr.Mojo pieme pivce SK :)
Гледајте да не претерате, вечер имаме важна текма :brlav:... море ти се осеќа здивот до тука... амстелче, а? :D[DOUBLEPOST=1429719440][/DOUBLEPOST]:pos: ....Предаторов, жбрц

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