Ѓорче 1932
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- 17 февруари 2009
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Nema potreba da se dade, ima dogovor do 2017ta i momentalno e megju najdobrite bekovi. Bi bilo samoubivstvo da go dadat. Ginter e 20 godini, moze da go pomine istiot pat kako Hummels, ali konkurencijata momentalno e mnogu golema. No ubavo vika Klipce, ke ima povredi, pa odmor i rotacija, ke si dobiva minutaza deteto.Abe minatava sezona humels i subotic bea dosta cesto povredeni pa valjda zatoa nosi nov cb Klop. Ne go pustaat Humels sigurno.
http://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/new-dortmund-signing-given-bayern-shirt-save-time“Everyone wants to play for the biggest teams and compete in the Champions League, which is why I’m delighted to be joining Bayern Munich in a few years’ time,” Ginter said.
“Dortmund’s a wonderful club, and I’m excited about taking my place in the heart of this team,” he continued. “But I’m even more excited about helping Bayern rip that heart clean out as soon as it looks like we might be getting somewhere.”
Bayern supremo Rummenigge told FFT that they’d been keeping an eyeon Ginter for a while.
“As soon as we heard Dortmund were signing him, we looked him up on Football Manager and Wikipedia,” he said. “This just goes to show how determined we are to develop great players with the willing cooperation of other clubs. Or without the willing cooperation of other clubs, for that matter.”
Rummenigge concluded by telling reporters he was now off to follow Jurgen Klopp around for a bit, “just to see what he’s doing.”
Ако бе, нека игра. Жалосно е играч од калибар на Ројс да седи повреден. Башка то, сакам јака конкуренција и општо јак Дортмунд кој ќе ги плеска "гигантиве" во ЛШ.Бре бре, како му се радуваш како веќе наш да си е![]()
Оргинал?На алиекспрес има попуст на дресот на Ројс, го даваат за смешни 480-500 денари, сосе поштарина.
Копија, сосема солидна.Оргинал?