Eve edno moderno istrazuvanje za plemeto
Banu Ghassan,od Yemen,koe se smeta za predok na Albancite,a gledame i Albancite se poklonuvale na nekoj arap koj im bil predok.
The places where the Christian Gebaras (Banu Ghassan.z.m.) went are Damascus, Marjeyoun, Kornet Shahwan, Jebbata el-Zeit, Ammatour, Zahleh, Jell elDeeb, Ain Aiir, Aleppo, Alexandria, Austria/Slovenia – then named Carantania,(?) which was probably known to them from their extensive trading contacts.
Was ancient Carantania their timber supplier?
Slovenian scholar Dr. Jozko Savli says it probably goes back to a very old link that goes all the way to Yemen and to the ancient Sabean kingdom.
Others proceeded to
Greece, Turkey,.....
edni od niv se otideni na Sicilija,od kade se prefrleni na Balkanov.....
znaci,Banu Ghassan bile prisutni vo okolinava.....
inaku,vrski so Vizantija imale uste od vremeto koga izbegale od Yemen od islamot,bidejki bile hristijani,edni od niv se poevreile tamu.
koja bila vrskata so Vizantija?
bile platenici,janicari...
plus,Marko se tepal co Crna Arapina....
crna arapina ne e turk....
i ovie pravat zbrka...
To this brand of
Circassian (KAVKAZ) self-assertion belongs the spurious genealogy of one Ridwan Bey, whom P. M. Holt has identified as the FaqarT chieftain who monopolized the post of pilgrimage commander during the 1630s and 1640s." The genealogy traces Ridwan's lineage to the Mamluk sultan BarqQq (1382-99) and thence to the
Quraysh. Holt construes the genealogy as Ridwan...
The Quraysh are a branch of the "Arabized Arabs".
gledame,Quraysh ne se arapi,tuku Cerkezi,koi se poarapile,a se smetale za predci na Shqipot-Al-Arnaut...
vrti suci,
Shqi=sunset (semitizam-arabizam)