The last branch of 11 haplotypes contains 21 mutation, which gives 2675±640 years to a common ancestor.
All the four base haplotypes above have seven mutations between each other, which gives 4300 years to their common ancestor, that is the same value as mutations in the oldest branch showed above, that is 4300±680 years.
From eight Egyptian haplotypes of ancient branch, three are from Southern Egypt, and the maximum of E-V12*-concentration in the world is in Southern Egypt too. Possibly, a common ancestor of E1b1b1a1 (V12) was born 4300±680 years ago in Upper Egypt. This time of corresponds to the time of decline of the Ancient kingdom.
This the most ancient branch of E1b1b1a1-V12 (4300±680 years ago) is presented by populations of Africa, Europe and Asia, and the second in time order branch (2675±640 years back) - basically by South Egyptian and, to a lesser degree, by North-and Central Egyptians. It means that migration of South Egyptians to the north of Egypt and to other countries occurred in the days of Ancient, Middle and New Kingdoms. Ways of these migrations are well visible on an ancient branch of tree E-V12*.
To the end of the Third Transition period (to 7 century BC) the prevailing position of the Lower Egypt has been finally established, and the status of Upper Egypt was reduced to a province level. Such situation remains to the present time. Bringing down the status of the Upper Egypt to level of a province and its cultural isolation probably has promoted the termination of massive migrations from the South to the North. It is visible in a prevalence of the South Egyptian haplotypes on young branches.
E1b1b1a2 (V13)
The E1b1b1a2 (V13) tree consists of 261 haplotypes.
Despite a seeming complexity of the tree, practically all haplotypes are derived from one common ancestor. An abundance of flat (non-mutated) branches in the tree points at a relatively recent origin of many derivative lineages in the haplotype selection.
A common ancestor of the whole tree, that is of all 261 haplotypes, had the following base haplotype:
This haplotype is represented by 44 identical (base) haplotypes on the V13-tree.
It gives ln (261/44)/0.02 = 89 generations, and with correction for back mutations 98 generations, or 2450±250 years to the common ancestor. At the same time, all these 261 haplotypes have 490 mutations from this base haplotype, which results in 2625±270 years to the common ancestor. It is only 7% of difference between the two values, that falls within the provided error margin (95% confidence interval).
Hence, a common ancestor of E1b1b1a2 (V13) subclade has appeared in first half of the 1st millennium BC.
Where and when it has occurred?
All branches on V13-tree are young. Hence, it is difficult to indentify a place of occurrence of E-V13 from these data.
One can see that haplogroup E1b1b1a2 (V13) has extended rather far from the native land of E1b1b1a (M78), which is mainly in Southeast Europe (Albanians, Greeks, Carpatho-Rusins, Macedonians-Slavs) and, to a lesser degree, in the Western Asia (Turks-Cypriotes, Druze, Turks).
Though a fraction of E-V13 in populations of the Western Asia is several-fold less than that in Southeast Europe, it is possible to consider those territories as possible candidates for the ancestral home of common ancestor E-V13 as well. SNP-mutation V13 in descendants of the Egyptians could have arisen in any place on a way of their migrations from Egypt to the Balkans.
The 261-haplotype series and the respective tree of the 11-markers haplotypes E-V13 gave us enough data to calculate the time span to their common ancestor with a sufficient accuracy, however, did not give us enough data to identify the place of their origin. Therefore, we have considered other series of haplotypes of E1b1b1a2 (V13), taken from Battaglia (2008).
There are 108 of 12-marker haplotypes of E-V13 listed in “Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe” (Vincenza Battaglia et al., 2008). These haplotypes have a different, 12-marker format, namely DYS 19, 390, 388, 389-1, 389-2, 391, 392, 393, 439, 460, YCAIIa and YCAIIb. Calibration of markers (as it is described above) gave us an average mutation rate of 0.002 mutations per marker per generation that is 0.024 mutations per haplotype per generation (it was obtained considering 56 mutations in 88 of 12-marker haplotypes of McDonalds clan, as described above).
The respective haplotype tree had two distinct branches, with the respective common ancestors who lived 1425±210 years ago, and had the following haplotype
13 24 12 13 30 10 11 13 12 9 21 19
and 2650±390 years ago, with the following haplotype
13 24 12 13 30 10 11 13 11 9 21 19
The only one mutation between them separates the both common ancestors by only about 1125 years, and places THEIR common ancestor to about 2600 years ago. It is apparently the same older common ancestor of 2650±390 years ago. The younger branch of 1425±210 years bp was derived from the older one.
It should be noted that an ancestral haplotype of E-V13, shown earlier, and re-written in the given 12-marker format, looks as
13 X X X X 10 X 13 12 9 21 19
That the same as the above
13 24 12 13 30 10 11 13 12 9 21 19
It is interesting that the calculations on V13- haplotypes taken from Cruciani et el. (2007) gave 2625±270 years to the common ancestor, which is practically identical with the 2650±390 years ago, calculated from a completely different source (Battaglia et al, 2008). It again shows that calibration of mutations rates for these two haplotype series and modes of their considerations (separations into branches and the respective analyses) have been done accurately enough.
Therefore, we see two branches of E-V13, an ancient and more recent one. It is important for definition of a place of occurrence of SNP V13. Seven haplotypes from total of 38 haplotypes in the older branch belong to Greeks-Macedonians (18 % from all haplotypes of the ancient branch). These seven haplotypes in the older branch present 78% of the total haplotypes of Greeks-Macedonians in the whole tree. Such a fraction of the older branch among a certain population group is rather unusual.
Haplotypes of Italians of Calabria with their 57 % in the old branch among the total Calabrians follow up.
Currently, here are two versions concerning a place of origin of V13, that is the Balkans and the Western Asia.
E1b1b1a4 (V65)
The E1b1b1a4 (V65) tree consists of 38 haplotypes, and contain seven branches, with base haplotypes
13 23 13 10 11 21 10 10 13 21 19
13 23 13 9 11 21 10 10 13 21 21
13 23 13 11 11 21 11 10 13 21 19
13 23 13 10 11(10) 21 10 10 13 21 19
13 23 13 10 10 21 10 10 13 21 19
13 22 13 10 10 21(22) 10 11 13 21 19
13 23 13 10 11 21 10 11 13 21 19
The base haplotype of a common ancestor of V65 is
13 23 13 10 11 21 10 10 13 21 19
and the common ancestor lived 2625±400 years ago.
Moroccan haplotypes are presented on all the branches, however, the younger the branch, the lower share of the Moroccans. Ancient branches contain predominantly (80%) of Moroccan haplotypes, with 20% Libyan ones.
It appears that V65 has arisen in first half of the 1st millennium BC in Morocco among natives of Libya or Egypt, having SNP M78*. Two from only thirteen haplotypes of E-M78* found out in Morocco.
It is not known how and when carriers of E-M78* have appeared in Morocco. In the 7th century BC migrations appeared to be in the opposite direction. Berbers and Libyans went to Egypt to serve mercenaries in an army of the Pharaoh. Probably, E-M78* have arrived to Morocco much earlier, in the Neolith, together with ancestors of Berbers E1b1b1b-M81 or have arrived from Egypt to Libya during the Libyan military expeditions in 13-12 centuries BC
E1b1b1a5 (M521)
This subclade is found in only two persons, Athenian Greeks. We do not have their haplotypes (E-M521).
Now we will compare base haplotypes of all E1b1b1a-subclades:
14-23-13-11-10-22-10-12-12-22-19 V22, 5075±600 years to common ncestor
13-24-13-9-10 23-10-12-13-21-19 V13, 2625±270 years
13-23-13-11-9 22-10-12-13-22-19 V12, 4300±680 years
13-23-13-10-11-21-10-10-13-21-19 V65, 2625±400 years
13-25-13-10-11-21-10-12-12-21-19 M78 *, 7500±1725 years
There are 18 mutations in these five base haplotypes that gives 5550±1400 years to common ancestor (presumably M78) from average age of "intermediate" ancestors with the given base haplotypes (4425 years).
the distance from our time to a common ancestor E-M78 is at least 9975±1500 years.
At least – because not all E-M78-subclades are included in the presented calculations. Base haplotype of a common ancestor of E1b1b1a-M78 is as folows:
Haplogroup E1b1b1a (M78) - Modern Descendants of Ancient Egyptians
Sergey V. Lutak and Anatole A. Klyosov
Approximately 12 thousand years ago tribes, carriers E1b1b1*-M35 have come into Ancient Egypt from Nubia. They spoke in east dialects of Hamito-Semitic protolanguage and belong to Cushitic Big Branch of the Western Racial Trunk.
Possibly, at the same time or earlier, representatives of some other African haplogroups (E1a and E1b1a) have come into Egypt as well. They, possibly, spoke in western dialects of Hamito-Semitic protolanguage.
It is difficult to tell when representatives of A3b2 have come to Egypt. Modern representatives of A3b2 can quite appear descendants of captured Nubians of times of Middle Kingdom or of the Nubians-mercenaries serving in the Egyptian police.
Probably, East Hamites E1b1b1 were more numerous or are more active, than Western Hamites E1a and E1b1a. Anyway, now their descendants (E1b1b1* and E1b1b1a) in Egypt prevail over descendants of others native African haplogroup.
Approximately 10 thousand years ago in Egypt there was significant, though and not noticed then anybody an event: from the father, the carrier E1b1b1, and having M35 in his Y-chromosome, was born the son with additional SNP-mutation M78. Possible, he was born in Libyan "deserts" where then the basic part of the population of Egypt lived, or in the Upper Egypt (soon after an outcome from Nubia). Descendants of this man with SNP-mutation ?78 began to prevail in due course on number over other inhabitants of Egypt.
Millenniums, generations and epoch passed. Representatives of haplogroup E1b1b1a have extended on all territory of Egypt where have created the most ancient agricultures, have invented one of the most ancient writings, have based one of the most ancient and most durable of the states on the Earth – Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egyptians the first began to consider all people (except slaves), irrespective of a floor and the estate, equal before the law, the first have learnt to do bread of a yeast dough, have cultivated bees and have tamed a cat, have invented the first synthetic pigment and glass, have defined exact duration of year and have created a modern calendar, did difficult surgical operations with anaesthesia use.
Descendants of Bible Mizraim have brought the huge contribution in world history, art, science and religion. Egypt is the native land of a Christian Monasticism.
Since an epoch of the Ancient Kingdom or, probably, earlier, representatives of E1b1b1a (M78) began to extend from Egypt to another countries. Thanks to researches of DNA-genealogy we know now, that brothers Wrights– founders of the first-ever plane capable to operated flight, the Portuguese navigator and the researcher of the Western Africa João Afonso de Aveiro, vice-president of the United States John Caldwell Calhoun and many other outstanding people were descendants of ancient Egyptians. The heritage of Egypt has not gone to waste.
In the beginning of our paper we wrote, that in DNA-genealogy it is accepted to name the ancestor of all modern (survived) man's lines «Y-chromosome Adam».
According to the Bible the forefather of the people of Northeast Africa was Mizraim, the son of Ham and the grandson of Noah.
It will not be unusual that, leaning against the presented material,
we name
the ancestor of haplogroup E1b1b1a (M78) «Y-Chromosome Mizraim».