Taka e albanski "Gjergj" , angliski = George , ili za tatko mu Ivan italijanite vikaat Jovani itn..
Imas postirano dokumenti od sreden vek za Skenderbeg vo ovoj topik pa prevrti gi uste ednas stranicite , a znam deka i ti si bil aktivet togas u ovaja tema taka da ne se vrtime u krug celo vreme ..Skenderbeg nemoze da se osvoji , potvrdeno e dodeka bil ziv , deka on (Skenderbeg) i od majka i od tatko bil Albanec i taka ostanuva niz site svetski arhivi .
малце околу светските архиви
Jazexhi, Olsi (2002). "Scanderbeg ... No matter what the historical facts might have been twisted, he is and will never be accepted from Albanian Muslims as the greatest defender of Christianity against Islâm or as a symbol of Albanian-Serbian brotherhood (since his mother was a Serb woman).."
Spandouginos, Theodōros (1551 "...Scanderbech huom valoroso della persona , ilquale essendo per natione Seruiano..." Translated to English
Jireček, Konstantin (1876) "Skanderbeg's familie war Slavischen Ursprung. Seinen väterlichen Urgrossvater Branilo finden wir 1368 an dem Hofe Alexander's, des Herrn von Valona"
Oncken, Wilhelm (1883), "Skanderbeg oder vielmehr Georg Kastriota, persönlich ein Mann halb Slawischen...Sein Ahnherr, der Serbe Branilo,..."
Gopčević, Spiridon (1890) "Скоро пола столећа после пропасти српског царства беше српска народна свест у Горњих Арбанаса још толико јака, да их је Србин Скендербег могао око себе скупити и безусловно покорити
Академија наук СССР. "...знаменитаго славјано-албанскаго героја Георгіја Скандербега Кастріота"
Zlatarski, Vasil; Valeri Katsunov; Todor Popnedelev (2005) "Прадјадо му - с'рбин'т Бранил, капитан на Александ'р Джурич Канински - през времето на Душан, се поселил [с. 374] в Епир; потомците му се сродили с'с знатните албански фамилии. Един от тија внуци - Иван Кастриот,"
Bury, J. B. (1924), The Cambridge medieval history, Cambridge, Eng.: The University Press, "The national hero of Albania, still remembered throughout a land which has practically no national history except the story of his career, was of Serbian origin."
Franz Kampers, ed. (1938) "Die behauptete serbische Herkunft der Kastriota lehnt Gegay mit guten grunden ( The origin of the alleged Serb Kastriota rejects with good reasons Gegay)"
Creighton, Mandell; Justin Winsor, Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Reginald Lane Poole, Sir John Goronwy Edwards (1938) Skanderbeg's mother had Slav name, and the epithet "Tripalda" given to her is a corruption of the tribal name Triballi, which the pedantic Byzantine historians applied to the Serbs. Moreover, if he had no connection to Serbia, why should he have given two villages to Chilindar, which the author wrongly asserts (p 43, n 1) to be a convent in Albania, but which the document he cites expressly states to have been the famous Serbian monastery on Mount Athos, immemorially connected with Serbian kings, medieval and modern?"
Balkan studies: biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessalonikē, Greece: 1967, p. 24, , "Skenderbeg did have Serbian blood"
Laqueur, Walter (1978) [1976] "A Historical and Critical Study affirms hat the most successful of the opponents to Turkish rule was George Catstriota-Skanderbeg. A Serbian by birth, he had served with distinction with the Turkish army for years and was governor of a sanjak"
Banač, Ivo (1984 "the legendary Skenderbeg, was himself a "semi-Serb""
Kiel, Machiel (1990 "Kastriot, alegldy of Serbian origin"
E. J. Van Donzel (1 January 1994 "Skanderbeg (George Kastriota): the national hero of Albania; ca. 1404- 1467. Of Serbian origin"
Ana S. Trbovich (2008). Oxford Univ Press "Unlike other European nations, Albanian can not recall a tradition of statehood steeming from the Middle Ages. Albanian national pride instead centers on George Castrioti (Gjergj Kastrioti) Skanderbeg (1405—1468) of Serbian-Greek-Albanian origin..."
Patrick Hondus, 2007, "On the other hand, Skenderbeg, the legendary Albanian hero, is seemingly of an ethnically mixed background, with his mother reportedly being a Serb."
Dželetović, Pavle (2003), "Kastriot zvani Skenderbeg kako u srpskim tako i u latinskim i italijanski poveljama, bio je ne samo srpskog porekla, već je, kako u memoarima Despota Musakija stoji: "Jer je u Arbaniji bio ušao Skenderbeg čovek valjan i od prirode Srbin, čije su vrline bile takve, da je bio poštovan ne samo od Arbanasa, već i od svakog drugog naroda:"
Thomas Fleming (2002). "...George Castriotis "Skenderbeg," the Serbian-Albanian hero..."
Lubonja, Fatos (October 24, 2001). ""the mother of Skenderbeg (Vojsava) was a Slav"
Sansovino, Francesco (1582) "...Scanderheclt huomo valoroso della persona , ilquale essendo per natione Seruiano,..."
Hobbes, Thomas (1996) [1651 "Skanderbeg (Iskander Bey, 1403-68). A Serbian who rose to power as a general of the Sultan of Constantinople, ..."
Mary Edith Durham (1909 "According to the most recent research (see Pastor's Lives of the Popes, and Hertzburg's Byzantiner und Osmanen), Skenderbeg was of Slav origin,"
Carl Skottsberg (1918). "The national hero of the Albanians, Skanderbeg, was, as is well known, of Serbo- Albanian origin."
Cvijić, Jovan (1918 "Skanderbeg, était d'origine serbo-albanaise"
Seymour Stevenson, Francis (1971) "Scanderbeg, the national hero of Albanians, was of Serbian origin"
Walter Kolarz (1972). "But it is not on these facts alone that the Serbs found their claim that Skanderbeg, alias Georg Kastriotich, is one of their own people; they are in fact able to publish the whole genealogy of the Kastriotich family and also to cite Skanderbeg's..."
Paul G. Partington (1979). ".. was George Kastriota. Born about 1404, his family of Serbian origin."
Velikonja, Mitja (1998"Podobno kot slovanske muslimane so Srbi obravnavali tudi Albance: ali kot albanizirane Srbe (Arnautuše; tudi albanski narodni junak Skenderbeg naj bi bil Srb)"
Lubonja, Fatos (2000), "Nedavno sam, recimo, pisao o mitovima i spomenuo Skenderbega i Kosovo Polje. Rekao sam kako su Albanci zaboravili da je Skenderbeg Slaven,"
Ersch, Johann Samuel (1868) "Als Ahnherr erscheint urkundlich 1368 der Serbe Branilo (ein Vorname, der auch später bei dem Gefchlechte ganz gewöhnlich ist), der Capitain deS Alexander Gioric in Kanin«, dann dessen Sohn Paul, „Herr von Signa und Gardiipoftest ."
Martijn Theodoor Houtsma, ed. (1987) [1913—1936], "The Kastriots do not make their appearance till a decade later; their ancestor, the Serb Branilo, is first mentioned in a deed of the year 1368."
The encyclopedia Americana 8, 24 Grolier Incorporated 1998 "He was the fourth son of John Kastrioti (Castriota), a high official of Serbian origin, and his given name was George."
Barletius, Marinus (1508), ""John Kastrioti was married to Voisave, the daughter of the ruler of Pollogus, a country that lies between Tetovo and Skopje. One part of the population of Pollogus besides Bulgarian was Albanian, the family of Tribalda or “Triballorum princeps”. (Triballi as an exonym for Serbs)"
Čupić, Nikola (1900) А то опет значи да Скендербег и није био Арбанас кад му се име није сачувало у традицији код Арбанаса.
Schmitt, Oliver (2009) "Skanderbegs Mutter Vojsava war eine Serbin aus der einflussreichen Familie Brankovic. Der Name des Stammes Kastrioti leitet sich laut Schmitt vermutlich vom griechischen Wort «kastron» (Festung) ab"
von Hahn, Johann Georg (1869 "dass Skanderbeg aus einer serbischen Adelsfamilie stamme, die zur Zeit der serbischen Gewaltherrschaft mit den vorgenannten Landschaften belehnt wurde. Die slavischen Namensformen der Kastrioten dürften sogar zu der Annahme führen, dass deren Versetzung nach Albanien noch zu neu war, um sie vollkommen zu albanisiren.
John Hall, Thomas (1941), "The national hero of Albania "ranked by Sir William Temple as among the seven chiefs who have deserved without wearing a royal crown," was of Serbian origin...."