Не бе, добар е Бонавентура. Ќе го земат портокаловиот Биондини!
Бонавентура е предобар играч, али секако не смее да си оди некој кадарен за Интер што е моментално во тимот а он да го замени. У секој случај, предобро би било за Интер и Бонавентура да дојде.
Еве за ентуражот на Мацари
You have a big backroom team. Can you tell us something about them?
“Giuseppe Baresi is going to stay here and work with me. He’s been at the club for ages and everyone looks up to him. He’ll help me settle in. I wanted to have him with me so that I can understand certain things about how the club works and he’ll stay on my team.
“Then there are the people who have followed me throughout my career. The first is Pondrelli, the fitness coach, who’s been with me since I first started coaching all the way back at Bologna. He’s always worked with me and thankfully the results we’ve had have been reassuring: our teams have never suffered from drops in fitness levels. They might have had the odd blip but they’ve never stopped running and have always been in good shape.
“Then there’s Frustalupi, who will help me with tactics and organising the players on the pitch. Luca Vigiani is a technical collaborator who will work with me and Frustalupi.
“Papale is the goalkeeping coach. He’s been with me my whole career since we met at Acireale and he’s achieved excellent results with the keepers he’s trained.
“That’s my coaching staff. Then we have Concina and Nitti, who work on the outside, they’re scouts and they won’t be around at Appiano Gentile. I’m in the process of discussing with Branca and Ausilio about some others but we’ll see. Those are the important people, the ones who get the players performing.
“I was forgetting someone else, someone very important. Giuseppe Santoro, a technical consultant who will help me in relations with the press and Branca and Ausilio in particular. He’ll be a massive help to me across the board.”
Source: Inter.it
И според Скај, 6те точки по кој ќе се функционира под водство на Мацари
1. тимот да биде составен од 22 играчи
2. 15 дена со интензивен тренинг, кој нема да работи како што треба нема ни да игра
3. Да се работи на Концентрацијата на играчите, во тој стил е нешто, психички стабилни да бидат на теренот претпоставувам
4. Да не се дискутира за трансфер пазарот
5. Да се верува на проектот на Морати
6. Да се работи на систем со тројца во одбрана но истиот да биде подложен на промени и тимот да биде подготвен да реагира позитивно на истите