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- 19 февруари 2008
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Не ме разбираш што ти велам, но ајде.. терај.. само да ти кажам дека истиве муабети сум ги терал милијарда пати со исти ко тебе..За жал, тој обид на христијанте неможеш да го препознаеш како Љубов, туку по суровоста, студенилото на рационалистичкиот ум тебе ти е патетично, а и си противречиш кога пред малку велеше дека збориме ко од калап, а сега одеднаш сме различни...
Значи стрпливо повторувам, со тоа несакам да навредам, во Христијанството слободата е онтолошка категорија, за разлика од твојов гностичко-рационалситчки пристап.
Ако си ме читал претходно се надевам ќе можеш да разбереш и би имале по конструктивен дијалог, отколку суетни реакции.
Cogito ergo sum- жртва си на оваа философија, со која за жал Декарт најдобронамерно се обиде да го реши проблемот со онтологијата, но дај, слепо да не ги прифаќаме стихиите на умот, туку да се обидеме почовечки, барем малку за респект на трудот на луѓево на форумов кој ги спомна.
Не за џабе реков дека сте ко од калап..
И да, зборувате ко од калап, но сте различни, затоа што сите различно, како ќе ви текне си го поимате она во што верувате (Што некако постојано ме наведува да помислам на Сигмунд Фројд, на Лакан.... итн... )
Впрочем, како беше она - „Колку нештата стануваат поразлични токлу се по исти“ ?
Ми е напорно кога некој ќе почне со вакви фрази„во Христијанството слободата е онтолошка категорија, за разлика од твојов гностичко-рационалситчки пристап“, па поради тоа се чувствувам испровоциран, така да шо да праам, ќе мора повторно да го правам истото, но како рекле, „Repetitum est mater studiorum“. Така да еве малку basics..
Што е онтологија?!
- ontology
"metaphysical science or study of being," 1721, from Mod.L. ontologia (coined in Fr. by Jean le Clerc, 1692), from Gk. on (gen. ontos) "being" (prp. of einai "to be;" see essence) + -logia "writing about, study of."
- ontology
"metaphysical science or study of being," 1660s (Gideon Harvey), from Mod.L. ontologia (c.1600), from Gk. on (gen. ontos) "being" (prp. of einai "to be;" see essence) + -logia "writing about, study of" (see -ology).
- on·tol·o·gy [on-tol-uh-jee] Show IPA
1.the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such.
2.(loosely) metaphysics.
Што е гностика? Што е гносеологија?
- gnostic (adj.)
"relating to knowledge," 1650s, from Gk. gnostikos "knowing, able to discern," from gnostos "known, perceived, understood," from gignoskein "to learn, to come to know" (see know).
- gnos·tic [nos-tik] Show IPA
adjective Also, gnos·ti·cal.
1.pertaining to knowledge.
2.possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters.
3.( initial capital letter ) pertaining to or characteristic of the Gnostics.
- Gnosiology
The term gnosiology (μελέτη της γνώσης) is derived from the Greek words gnosis ('knowledge', γνώση) and logos ('word' or 'discourse', λόγος). Linguistically, one might compare it to epistemology, which is derived from the Greek words episteme ('knowledge') and logos (idea). As a philosophical concept, gnosiology broadly means the theory of knowledge, which in ancient Greek philosophy was perceived as a combination of sensory perception and intellect and then made into memory. When considered in the context of science, gnosiology takes on a different meaning: the study of knowledge, its origin, processes, and validity. Gnosiology being the study of types of knowledge i.e. memory (abstract knowledge " episteme"), experience induction or empiricism, rational or deduction, scientific abductive reasoning, theorical (theory) or contemplation, metaphysical and instinctual or intuitive knowledge.
Within the realm of Greek Orthodox theology and modern Greek usage, the term encompasses the concepts of the created (that which comes from Ex nihilo) and the uncreated (that which transcends the limits of nature and is therefore supernatural).
Што е рационалност?
- rational
late 14c., "pertaining to reason;" mid-15c., "endowed with reason," from L. rationalis "of or belonging to reason, reasonable," from ratio (gen. rationis) "reckoning, calculation, reason" (see ratio).
- rational (ˈræʃən ə l)
— adj
1.using reason or logic in thinking out a problem accordance with the principles of logic or reason; reasonable
3.of sound mind; sane: the patient seemed quite rational
4.endowed with the capacity to reason; capable of logical thought: man is a rational being
5.maths expressible as a ratio of two integers or polynomials: a rational number; a rational function
— n
6.maths a rational number
- rational
late 14c., "endowed with reason," from L. rationalis "of or belonging to reason, reasonable," from ratio (gen. rationis) "reckoning, calculation, reason" (see ratio). Rationalist "physician whose treatment is based on reason" is from 1620s; applied to a philosophical doctrine
- rationality
in philosophy, the faculty or process of drawing logical inferences. The term "reason" is also used in several other, narrower senses. Reason is in opposition to sensation, perception, feeling, desire, as the faculty (the existence of which is denied by empiricists) by which fundamental truths are intuitively apprehended. These fundamental truths are the causes or "reasons" of all derivative facts. According to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, reason is the power of synthesizing into unity, by means of comprehensive principles, the concepts that are provided by the intellect. That reason which gives a priori principles Kant calls "pure reason," as distinguished from the "practical reason," which is specially concerned with the performance of actions. In formal logic the drawing of inferences (frequently called "ratiocination," from Latin ratiocinari, "to use the reasoning faculty") is classified from Aristotle on as deductive (from generals to particulars) and inductive (from particulars to generals).
- ra·tion·al·i·ty [rash-uh-nal-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural ra·tion·al·i·ties.
1.the state or quality of being rational.
2.the possession of reason.
3.agreeableness to reason; reasonableness.
4.the exercise of reason.
5.a reasonable view, practice, etc.
За да не испадне дека користам Википедија. .еве ти ги изворите, прочепкај..