Фан Клуб: Ливерпул

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Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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duri se podzamisliv za svoeto fudbalsko znaenje pa na moment poveruvav deka Ozil se vika Mehmet iako bev siguren deka e Mesut :) se izvinuvam so ke ve ispravam no Mesut Ozil a ne Mehmet....sepak mislam deka i toj ne e igrac od kalbirot na svetska klasa....a na nas ni trebaat tokmu takvi za da bideme ovaa naredna godina konkurentni
Кој ме знае од кај го извади и ја тоа Мехмет......(алабер од 1001ноќ!:pos2:)

Да токму така.... така му е правото име!
Но сепак грешиш шо не го ставаш во играчите од голем калибар. Одличен играч, брз и знае одлично да игра со топка!
Башка и младо е 22 год.

Johnny B

Misogynist, racist, anti woke
Член од
15 февруари 2010
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Пошто беше пред едно недела дена кога излезе официјално информацијата а јас од шо го сакам ногу не го постирав тука!

Лукас е официјално прогласен за најдобар млад играч на Ливерпул!:nesvest:

Што се однесува до шпекулациите......
Арда Туран и Мехмет Озил се крилни играчи.
Според мене со ти двајца во клубот а секако и со Бабел и Торес во екипата мислам дека ке го имаме потребното што се однесува до играчи од средина и напад! Тие двајца според мене се едни од најголемите таленити во Европа.

Евер Бенега е играч од профилот на Маскерано и Лукас (мешавина) така да тешко дека со Бенитез во клубот тој ке добие некаква шанса иако би го сакал во клубот покрај Маскерано на местото на Лукас каде мислам дека ке бидат ФАНТАСТИЧНИ!

Но сепак реално од овие 3, само Арда Туран има шанси да дојде, тој и веке јавно пројави интерес дека самиот сака да дојде. Додека другите тешко и тоа многу.
Мехмет Озил царува во Вердер а таму не верувам да го пуштат и да го испуштат како Диего!
Евер Бенега исто како и Озил додека овој пак го бараат еден куп клубови !

--- надополнето ---

Лукас најдобар млад играч???? Абе ова на Fifa или на PES да не го прогласиле????Инаку Озил/Туран и Банега би било супер да дојдат...и притоа еден лев бек.....кога сме веќе кај доаѓање....доаѓа Вилсон...ама се изначекав за таа пуста официјализација


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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Лукас најдобар млад играч???? Абе ова на Fifa или на PES да не го прогласиле????Инаку Озил/Туран и Банега би било супер да дојдат...и притоа еден лев бек.....кога сме веќе кај доаѓање....доаѓа Вилсон...ама се изначекав за таа пуста официјализација
Lucas wins Young Player gong
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Lucas Leiva was today crowned Liverpool's Young Player of the Season following a fans' vote on Liverpoolfc.tv.


Rafa: Lucas deserves it
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Rafael Benitez believes the mental strength and character displayed by Lucas Leiva throughout 2009-10 makes the Brazilian a deserved recipient of Liverpool fans' Young Player of the Season award.

The Brazilian, who was a virtual ever-present for the Reds, scooped the accolade after collecting a 48 per cent of the supporters' vote in our online poll.

It signals a turnaround in fortunes for the 23-year-old, who overcame some early-season media criticism to establish himself as one of Liverpool's most consistent performers.

"Lucas is still a young player. He has been working very hard and doing a very good job this year for us," Benitez told Liverpoolfc.tv.

"I don't see too many players in the situation of Lucas, who have been criticised so hard, especially in the media and sometimes in the stadium.

"But still he was working hard, with confidence in games and trying to improve. He has shown his character and improved a lot."

Lucas missed just three of Liverpool's Barclays Premier League fixtures in 2009-10, and made 50 appearances overall - with only Dirk Kuyt, Jamie Carragher and Pepe Reina turning out more times for the Reds.

However, Benitez is convinced there is much more to come from the No.21.

"He is very good mentally and he likes to improve and compete," added the boss. "He likes a challenge and he has proved this over the season.

"I think he can still improve. He is a young player, knows what the tempo of the Premier League is like and is improving every day."

Author: James Carroll

Johnny B

Misogynist, racist, anti woke
Член од
15 февруари 2010
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Lucas wins Young Player gong
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Lucas Leiva was today crowned Liverpool's Young Player of the Season following a fans' vote on Liverpoolfc.tv.


Rafa: Lucas deserves it
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Rafael Benitez believes the mental strength and character displayed by Lucas Leiva throughout 2009-10 makes the Brazilian a deserved recipient of Liverpool fans' Young Player of the Season award.

The Brazilian, who was a virtual ever-present for the Reds, scooped the accolade after collecting a 48 per cent of the supporters' vote in our online poll.

It signals a turnaround in fortunes for the 23-year-old, who overcame some early-season media criticism to establish himself as one of Liverpool's most consistent performers.

"Lucas is still a young player. He has been working very hard and doing a very good job this year for us," Benitez told Liverpoolfc.tv.

"I don't see too many players in the situation of Lucas, who have been criticised so hard, especially in the media and sometimes in the stadium.

"But still he was working hard, with confidence in games and trying to improve. He has shown his character and improved a lot."

Lucas missed just three of Liverpool's Barclays Premier League fixtures in 2009-10, and made 50 appearances overall - with only Dirk Kuyt, Jamie Carragher and Pepe Reina turning out more times for the Reds.

However, Benitez is convinced there is much more to come from the No.21.

"He is very good mentally and he likes to improve and compete," added the boss. "He likes a challenge and he has proved this over the season.

"I think he can still improve. He is a young player, knows what the tempo of the Premier League is like and is improving every day."

Author: James Carroll
Абе оди шетај!!!!!
Член од
28 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Samo so koj kvalitet....lucas e najdobar mlad igrac.....
dobar pas?
dobar shut?
dobra igra so glava?
dobar destrukivce?
dobar dribler?
dobar sprinter?
dobar centar sut?
dobro custvo za gol?

sto/????? se prasuvam
so sto ja zasluzil taa nagrada


Форум зависник
Член од
13 март 2010
Поени од реакции
Lucas wins Young Player gong
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Lucas Leiva was today crowned Liverpool's Young Player of the Season following a fans' vote on Liverpoolfc.tv.


Rafa: Lucas deserves it
12th May 2010 - Latest News

Rafael Benitez believes the mental strength and character displayed by Lucas Leiva throughout 2009-10 makes the Brazilian a deserved recipient of Liverpool fans' Young Player of the Season award.

The Brazilian, who was a virtual ever-present for the Reds, scooped the accolade after collecting a 48 per cent of the supporters' vote in our online poll.

It signals a turnaround in fortunes for the 23-year-old, who overcame some early-season media criticism to establish himself as one of Liverpool's most consistent performers.

"Lucas is still a young player. He has been working very hard and doing a very good job this year for us," Benitez told Liverpoolfc.tv.

"I don't see too many players in the situation of Lucas, who have been criticised so hard, especially in the media and sometimes in the stadium.

"But still he was working hard, with confidence in games and trying to improve. He has shown his character and improved a lot."

Lucas missed just three of Liverpool's Barclays Premier League fixtures in 2009-10, and made 50 appearances overall - with only Dirk Kuyt, Jamie Carragher and Pepe Reina turning out more times for the Reds.

However, Benitez is convinced there is much more to come from the No.21.

"He is very good mentally and he likes to improve and compete," added the boss. "He likes a challenge and he has proved this over the season.

"I think he can still improve. He is a young player, knows what the tempo of the Premier League is like and is improving every day."

Author: James Carroll
Хаха ова може според Рафа да биде најдобар млад играч
Член од
18 март 2009
Поени од реакции
Samo so koj kvalitet....lucas e najdobar mlad igrac.....
dobar pas?
dobar shut?
dobra igra so glava?
dobar destrukivce?
dobar dribler?
dobar sprinter?
dobar centar sut?
dobro custvo za gol?

sto/????? se prasuvam
so sto ja zasluzil taa nagrada
Нема кој друг:toe:


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Samo so koj kvalitet....lucas e najdobar mlad igrac.....
dobar pas?
dobar shut?
dobra igra so glava?
dobar destrukivce?
dobar dribler?
dobar sprinter?
dobar centar sut?
dobro custvo za gol?

sto/????? se prasuvam
so sto ja zasluzil taa nagrada

Вонбрачен син на Бенитез!:toe:
Член од
16 ноември 2007
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RIP Бесиан Идризај :( Уште еден фудбалер замина прерано од овој свет, само 23 години. YNWA.
Член од
2 март 2008
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Уште поточно 22 години.Жално...Нека почива во мир


Член од
4 октомври 2008
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Ќе се изнаслушаме трансфер-шпекулации до наредна сезона, некои од нив може ќе бидат и вистина, ама од сите најмногу ќе се нервирам на тие што го поврзуваат Торес со заминување во друг клуб како Челзи или Ман. Сити, а ако веќе излезе вистина тоа дека Торес ќе си оди, бар нека не биде тоа во клуб од ПЛ. Еве една таква “вест“ која го поврзува Торес со Челзи


Red Scouser
Член од
18 февруари 2010
Поени од реакции
Ќе се изнаслушаме трансфер-шпекулации до наредна сезона, некои од нив може ќе бидат и вистина, ама од сите најмногу ќе се нервирам на тие што го поврзуваат Торес со заминување во друг клуб како Челзи или Ман. Сити, а ако веќе излезе вистина тоа дека Торес ќе си оди, бар нека не биде тоа во клуб од ПЛ. Еве една таква “вест“ која го поврзува Торес со Челзи
Martin Broughton и Benitez јасно изјавија (имаше на официјалната страна) дека ниту Gerrard ниту Torres се за продавање, така да не верувам дека ниту едниот ниту другиот ќе си оди. Mascherano е играчот за кој се плашам дека може да си оди, сеуште нема потпишано нов договор и пред некој ден изјави дека за неговата иднина ќе одлучи после СП 2010.

FC Barcelona transfer talk hurt my form - Liverpool FC's Javier Mascherano
May 17 2010 Liverpool Echo

JAVIER MASCHERANO has admitted last year’s on-off move to Barcelona affected his form for Liverpool.

The Argentina captain has also aroused speculation surrounding his Anfield future by labelling the collapse of a move to the Nou Camp as ‘a shame’.

Mascherano was the centre of transfer talk 12 months ago with the Catalan giants favourites to prise him away from Merseyside.

It was said his young family had struggled to settle in Liverpool since his February 2007 loan move from West Ham; a switch that became permanent a year later in an £18million four-year deal.

With ongoing contract talks with the Reds now on hold until after the World Cup Barcelona are likely to be alerted once again by Mascherano’s latest comments.

“The situation with Barcelona really affected me,” said Mascherano, who ended last season strongly after a slow start.

“It was a shame it didn’t happen as it was the city where I wanted to live.

“There were many discussions and problems during that month and a half. They were difficult times for me. One day I was of to Barcelona, the next I wasn’t.

"And Liverpool said I was non-transferable. Psychologically, it affected me as I couldn’t think in Liverpool and I was focused on other stuff and not on my work, my training and playing.

“Also we were having problems with Argentina as our qualification to the World Cup was in danger.

“There was a lot of complicated stuff at that time.”

While Mascherano turned his poor form around in the second half of the season, he admits all is not well off the pitch.

After giving birth to their second child last year, Mascherano’s wife is still finding it hard to come to terms with life in England.

“I have no problem living in Liverpool,” he said. “But my wife and daughters deserve to enjoy every day to the full and live their lives. But they have to be home all day.

“My wife doesn’t speak a word of English, so she depends 100 per cent on me. I live here with them. That’s my world, that’s my life.”

Може да го загубиме заради неговата жена... :tapp:
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