Златен Глобус - 2012 година


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Член од
13 декември 2007
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Е не ми се верува дека последниот пост е прво спомнување во темава за најдобриот дел од целото шоу, Seth Rogen's erection! Алал да му е, се скинав од смеење.

Како и да е... многу е тапа што и оваа година 80% од филмовите не ни/ми се гледани. Бев biased и сакав да победи Hugo, мислам дека ќе биде филм што ќе ми се допадне многу. Рики знаев дека ќе биде каде каде посмирен од минатата година... бидејќи не сака да ги води глобусите по 3 пат :).
Tribute-от за Морган Фримен беше супер... ме посети на Shawshnak (my all time favorite) and I bursted into tears.
That's all.


Член од
20 мај 2008
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"Thank f**k that's over"

Jan 18th 2012 By George Wales

Despite some commentators suggesting Ricky Gervais’ latest performance at the Golden Globes was tame in comparison to his recent outings, we actually found his more relaxed, confident delivery a welcome change from last year’s wince-inducing controversy-fest.
NBC bigwig Paul Telegdy was also impressed. “I think he scored,” agreed the president of alternative and late night programming. “It’s an incredibly bold and brave thing to take on a hosting job and do it for three consecutive years while facing such level of scrutiny. He came out, he was himself, he had a great time and he was backed by the biggest stars.”

“We would welcome him back,” continued Telegdy.” He is a gentleman and a scholar, I was greatly impressed by him as a host and have totally enjoyed working with him. I’m also a great believer that the only word that should be unspoken in the entertainment business is ‘never’.”

However, Ricky himself sounds less keen on a fourth outing, even though he described the 2012 ceremony as his favourite of the three.

“Thank fuck that’s over,” he told Deadline. “I had a blast actually. It was by far my favourite of the three hosting stints. I’ve told my agent to never let me be persuaded to do it again though. It’s like a parachute jump. You can only really enjoy it in retrospect when you realise you didn’t die and it was quite an amazing thing to do.”

“The crowd were great this year too,” continued Gervais. “I think they finally worked out that my gags only seemed rude and nasty but were actually not too scary at all. Or they were just drunker. Either way, it was fun but I’m glad to say I’m off to New York to chill out a bit. Ahhhhhh. And relax.”
Source: Deadline

Ја па си помислив би било интересно ова да се претвори во традиција, увек е ок Рики.


Rafa Para Siempre
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21 февруари 2010
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