21.12.2012 (read only)

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19 април 2010
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Dekarrin says:
13 June 2011 01:29Reply

I read the NASA site that Merav Opher links to. Turns out that this "death cloud" has been there for millions of years. We're not about to enter it; we're already in it. If there were some effects of this, we would be feeling them right now.

The kind of clouds discussed in this news article are what we may eventually run into in hundreds of thousands of years. Even if we do end up in a different cloud, the only real effect will be increased output from the sun, which might heat things up a little, but certainly wouldn't send us back to the 1800's.

According to NASA, there is no real threat, certainly not from the cloud we're currently in. Neither NASA nor the ESA appear to have issued any warning about any interstellar cloud; they certainly didn't on the pages referenced in this news article.

But has Demetriev put forward any interest evidence that supports the claims of this article? His paper is an interesting read. In it, he seems to be making the claim that practically every single event in the weather of all planets are related to each other and the sun itself. Several times he talks about the magnetic field of this and the other planets, but nowhere does he mention any interstellar clouds at all.

In short, this news article appears to be completely unfounded, which is not to say that it is wrong.

However, if anyone is supposed to take this article seriously, it really should at the very least cite sources that support anything it says.

This article's facts are not supported by citations, and the quotes could easily be outright lies.

Any quote not cited cannot be used as a strong support to any article.

Thomas A. Anderson

Cheng-tao Ke
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1 декември 2010
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Me interesira dali ima nekoj sto prati poveke vakvi raboti...da go vidi linkov kolku e oficijalen :)
Dokolku e ova oficijalna informacija od NASA togas dosta interesno.
Ova e demek najblisko sto bi bilo 0.233 A. Edinici priblizno 35 000 000 Km, prema nivnite kalkulacii.
Plavo zelenoto e orbitata na Elenin(C/2010 X1, planet X, Etc).
Na linkot pogore ima simulator, kako toa bi se odvivalo....
Imase nekoja informacija demek 2029 ke bil prviot najbliski kontakt, sega ova...ne mi e bas jasno.
Dali ima nekoj podobra informacija, da stavi nekoj link ne e loso.


Me interesira dali ima nekoj sto prati poveke vakvi raboti...da go vidi linkov kolku e oficijalen :)
Dokolku e ova oficijalna informacija od NASA togas dosta interesno.
Прегледај го приврзокот 32709
Ova e demek najblisko sto bi bilo 0.233 A. Edinici priblizno 35 000 000 Km, prema nivnite kalkulacii.
Plavo zelenoto e orbitata na Elenin(C/2010 X1, planet X, Etc).
Na linkot pogore ima simulator, kako toa bi se odvivalo....
Imase nekoja informacija demek 2029 ke bil prviot najbliski kontakt, sega ova...ne mi e bas jasno.
Dali ima nekoj podobra informacija, da stavi nekoj link ne e loso.
Лол незнам зошто ова оди во мистерии :D
Иначе поофицијален линк од тој што си го ставил здравје, ако сакаш нешто полаички оди на википедиа.


More bas za na temava e.
Не разбирам оти, кометата е откриена, патот и е проучен, моментално се набљудува и се предвидуваат нејзините карактеристики единствено во мистерија би била ,Еленин, пошто не е целосно проучена, а за во темава бидејќи има има C/2010 X1? googdy its a conspiracy :)
Како и да е кометава сеуште не е видлива со голо око, таква работа веројатно накај средина на октомври + можеби опашката ќе не изненади ;)

Thomas A. Anderson

Cheng-tao Ke
Член од
1 декември 2010
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Не разбирам оти, кометата е откриена, патот и е проучен, моментално се набљудува и се предвидуваат нејзините карактеристики единствено во мистерија би била ,Еленин, пошто не е целосно проучена, а за во темава бидејќи има има C/2010 X1? googdy its a conspiracy :)
Како и да е кометава сеуште не е видлива со голо око, таква работа веројатно накај средина на октомври + можеби опашката ќе не изненади ;)
Kometata e otkriena 2004 od Leonid Elenin.
Inaku sto e interesno...imase eden film Deep Impact(1998).
Deep Impact was about a comet named E.L.E
The protagonist and the first person that discovers the comet is called Leo Biederman, played by Elijah Wood.
Discovered by a reporters son that uncovered the Govt was talking in code
They send a Top Secret team to try to blow it up but it creates 3 different comets
The President is black
The announcement of Underground Bunkers and not enough room for everyone
Kometata ima ime koe go sodrzi X(planet X) i t.n..
Imase informacija(od oficijalni izvori) demek ke pominel pokraj zemjata 2029 i 2036.
Vtoriot pat(2036) so golema verojatnost da udri vo zemjata.
Sega vikaat deka ne e taka tuku 2011 ke bilo.
Fali da recat deka i ne e kometa tuku nekoe golemo nebesko telo.
Kako i da e ima mnogu malku vreme do momentot koga bi doznale, taka da ke vidime sto e kako e.


2012 е интересна година, во секој поглед.

Астрономски, после 26.000 години, Сонцето гледано од Земјата, повторно ќе биде во линијата на Млечниот Пат, поточно, во Црната Пукнатина (некој ја спомена претходно како Dark rift), за која Маите мислеле дека е папокот на Универзумот, а денешните астрономи шпекулираат дека таму се случила Големата експлозија.

Кога пред 25.999 години се случило истото, исчезнале многу животински видови на Земјата. Исчезнал и Неандерталецот, а се појавил Кромањонецот.

Поклопувањето на ѕвездите од ременот на Орион со поставеноста на пирамидите во Гиза, наводно ќе ја означи инверзијата на земјените полови.

Економски, САД ќе бидат во тешка економска каша, а Билдерберг, наводно, веќе закажале светска војна.


Член од
10 октомври 2009
Поени од реакции
Kometata e otkriena 2004 od Leonid Elenin.
Inaku sto e interesno...imase eden film Deep Impact(1998).
Deep Impact was about a comet named E.L.E
The protagonist and the first person that discovers the comet is called Leo Biederman, played by Elijah Wood.
Discovered by a reporters son that uncovered the Govt was talking in code
They send a Top Secret team to try to blow it up but it creates 3 different comets
The President is black
The announcement of Underground Bunkers and not enough room for everyone
Kometata ima ime koe go sodrzi X(planet X) i t.n..
Imase informacija(od oficijalni izvori) demek ke pominel pokraj zemjata 2029 i 2036.
Vtoriot pat(2036) so golema verojatnost da udri vo zemjata.
Sega vikaat deka ne e taka tuku 2011 ke bilo.
Fali da recat deka i ne e kometa tuku nekoe golemo nebesko telo.
Kako i da e ima mnogu malku vreme do momentot koga bi doznale, taka da ke vidime sto e kako e.
Kometata Elenin e otkriena vo dekemvri 2010 godina i ne prestavuva nikakva opasnost za zemjata. Vsusnost, koga ce bide najblisku do zemjata, ne ce moze da se vidi ni so golo oko, tuku samo so nekoj podobar dvogled ili teleskop.
Член од
27 март 2011
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navistina veruvate deka doaga kraj na svetot vo 2012? pa helooouu,2012 e za 5 meseci,sega nie sto treba da praime?a vo vrska so makedonija,ja mislam deka za 10 godini nema ni da ja ima a ne pa za vo Eu!!! ili vsusnost,da ke vlezeme vo eu ama kako albanija ili grcija.a zarem ne svakate deka so toa sto ВЕРУВАТЕ vo toj kraj na svet,so toa pravite toj NAVISTINA da dojde?!!!!
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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И Јас уште не сум го гледал, ама на оваа тема ќе да e. :)

moof KOOZ tee

Член од
26 ноември 2008
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Comet Elenin - Connections with 911, strange coincidences and the mayan calendar

As many of us know by now a comet called Elenin is on its path towards Earth. This comet has been completely ignored by mainstream media and news, even though it is a significant event considering how close it will come to Earth. There are many facts regarding this Comet that makes the whole thing smell rather fishy and suspect, here are some of those facts:

The Comet Elenin will be at its most close to Earth October 2011. This is the same month as the Mayan calendar ends (http://www.calleman.com/content/arti...tioncycles.htm I

The Comet Elenin will reach its perihelion (closest approach to the Sun and date it will change orbit going in return) on 11 September 2011. That will make it exactly on the DAY of the 10 years anniversary of 911 attacks in USA.

The name of the astronomer who discovered Comet Elenin is allegedly Leonid Elenin, a name that has some incredible "coincidences" to it as the first name Leonid is a term describing something that relates exactly to his very discover, from Wikipedia it says that "leonids" is a term for a Meteor storm / Meteor shower ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonids ), and it is stated there that the term "Leonids" is named after the constellation Leo where they originate from - which just also happens by incredible coincidence to be the location where Leonid Elenin discovered the Elenin Comet. So he got a name that is a direct term used for meteor storms, which is pretty obviously linked to comets - which happens to be what he discovered, in addition to the same name referring to the constellation of Leo, the exact same place he discovered the Comet.

But it does get more suspicious and interesting. His last name as well has some disturbing links. Elenin is basically shortened from ELEvN-NINe or 11-9 which in most of the world would mean September 11, though in USA they write it the reverse, 9/11, and in either case this has its own obvious and bizarre link to the 911 attacks in USA. To make it even more bizarre, September 11 is ALSO the EXACT date, which happens to be the very same DAY as the 10 years anniversary since the 911 attacks, which the Comet will reach its closest approach to the Sun and start on its RETURN path. In other words, its the very same day as the comet is changing its direction being at its most distant point of its elliptical orbit.

Statistically there are virtually no chances of some guy discovering something having both his names directly connected with his very own discovery. His name is a term describing what he discovered, as well as the most important date of the comets orbit. In turn this very same date is the exact same as the "terrorist" attacks in USA on the exact 10-year mark. This part alone makes it very suspicious and strongly indicates some hidden play here, where it does seem likely that not only was this Comet known about at LEAST a decade ago but the whole 911 attack seem to have been part of a greater plan, an occult ritual of huge proportions, directed at the Comet - most likely to call forth certain chains of events by charging the Comet with the huge amounts negative energies released at the 911 attack through that specific date's "gateway" or "connection point" with the comet on the same day, september 11, on the precise 10 years anniversary which all is very symbolical, numerological and typical of magical and occult rituals. Most people here already being aware of governments self-staging the 911 event and being involved, as well as how major individuals of the governments and world leaders are part of secret magickal orders and brotherhoods participating in such rituals, only making this all add up extremely perfectly and logically in a way that makes complete sense - and certainly DO sound more plausible and acceptable than all of the mentioned points just being complete "coincidences" having no correlation to each other.

Some more facts adding to this suspicious mystery are things like the fact that there is a complete media blackout in mainstream media and news about this comet, no one are mentioning it, even though it is very rare an event with a comet of its size coming so close to our Earth and entering through our solar system like this. NASA got full charts and information available for the public to see exactly where the comet is at any time, how its orbit is, dates of significance such as when it gets close to Earth and the Sun etc, when it will leave and so on. NASA info about Elenin:http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sst...og=0;cad=1#orb and http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=C/2010%20X1

Another fact is that new research have concluded that the end-date of the Mayan calendar is NOT in 2012, but rather in October, 2011 - the EXACT same month Comet Elenin will be at its most close to Earth, another highly unlikely "coincidence" that rather seem to suggest that the mayans based their calendar directly on the orbit of this comet, after all it DOES go into orbit around our sun and could be said to be part of our solar system, but it has an unusually long orbit in elliptical form making it spend a very long time to complete one orbit round and most of the time will be situated on a path of its orbit far away our solar system where its not detectable. We are speaking of many thousands of years in between each time it enters close to Earth.
Updates and notes regarding Mayan calendar ending October, 2011:

So everything indicates something major going on, that have been known about and planned for a long time, which will have some event taking place now very soon. Everything I have mentioned here are verifiable facts that just is one heck of an astronomically (pardon the pun) large "coincidence" for it all to fit together in this manner. Analyzing this data it becomes more clear that there is a stronger likelihood for a known and planned connection here for magickal, symbolical and secret reasons and motives which have been in the preparation and making for quite some time by The Powers That Be.​
Член од
11 август 2011
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Лееееееееееее колку испрани мозоци.
Значи или гледате многу тв или ви треба помош( без навреда)
Ако се сеќавате пред два месеца Харолд Кампинг старецот од 70 години цврсто тврдеше дека ќе биде крај на светот. 25 мај дојде и ништо не се случи, сега се правдаше дека згрешил во проценката како и претходните неколку пати и дека ќе биде на 25 октомври. Значи што се не ќе измислат луѓето. Во библијата е запишано дека никој не може да знае кога ќе биде Исусовото враќање на Земјата. Така да 2012 нема ништо да се случи, можеби ќе бидеме во некој технолошки напредок, натприродни сили како земјотреси, цунами, торнада, вулкани, бури секогаш ќе има имало и порано значи тоа е од природата и тука не можеме ништо да сториме. 2012 се појави филмот и вие цела година целите дека ќе се случи нешто. Јас веќе незнам во кој свет спаѓате и во што верувате. Календарот на Маите им завршува тогаш но тоа нема врска со крајот на светот. На 25мај пред два месеци имаше 2.000 години од потопот на арката на Ное и Кампинг кажа дека тогаш ќе било крај на светот. Ако беше така зошто сме сеуште тука. Луѓето кои му верувале ги напуштиле работните места и ги дале сите животни заштеди за рекламирање на глупи кампања со цел предупредување на светот. Компанија на Кампинг заработува 4 милиони годишно. Па што мислите вие колку тој заработува од вашата паника. Милијарди.Затоа освесте се и не се замарајте со глупости. Живејте го животот во полна пареа.
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