Homer MakeDonski
- Член од
- 14 јуни 2005
- Мислења
- 823
- Поени од реакции
- 87
I just have heard latest
that you have been step off expressing your Macedonian Flag idea
Tiesto sorry to say but:
Welcome to the club
Worlds Dirty Politic
Any time of year
you'll find a lot of corrupted
my Macedonian ,
theirs Greek and yours E.U. politicians
so you won't be alone ..
How ever wishing you future musical success
Lot's of love
Homer MakeDonski
Goce Janevski 42
Macedonia Republic of
I just have heard latest
that you have been step off expressing your Macedonian Flag idea
Tiesto sorry to say but:
Welcome to the club
Worlds Dirty Politic
Any time of year
you'll find a lot of corrupted
my Macedonian ,
theirs Greek and yours E.U. politicians
so you won't be alone ..
How ever wishing you future musical success
Lot's of love
Homer MakeDonski
Goce Janevski 42
Macedonia Republic of