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Оваа тема има за цел да ги објасни тенденциозните тврдења за тоа како се нарекувале Македонците самите себе наспроти имињата со кои биле нарекувани од разни страни.
Во склоп на темава може да се додаде следнава постоечка тема:
Значењето на термините- “Бугар“ и “Грк“ во однос на Македонците!
Најдобро да почнеме од анализа на типичната бугарска пропаганда која тврди:
"It is almost impossible to form a definite idea as to the extent of territory to which the name 'Macedonia' would imply". стр.12
- со ова се прави напор да се прикаже Македонија како погрешно дефинирана...
A "conglomerate of races", стр. 13
и како измешана со разни раси.
"It must be remembered at the outset that there is no such race as 'Macedonians' if we mean to describe the national affiliations of the people by that term", стр.13
- Секако доаѓаме до моментот кога треба да се истакне дека не постои македонска националност.
In order to arrive at an impartial and just conclusion as to the character and number of the Macedonian population, we must resort to the testimonies of foriegn writers who have travelled through the country and are competent to give accurate information, стр.13
- Овде се отскокнува во потрага по “релевантност“ односно веродостојност на пропагандата, сепак запаметајте го црвениот болд кој ќе го искористиме понатаму...
In this province we find people who call themselves and are known to be Bulgarians
"According to Herr Ritter...the remaining population, i.e., 1,117,643, are Bulgarians.", стр.14
.. значи се користат странските патеписци за да се оправда тежиштето на пропагандата и користи “западна“ статистика која треба да го убеди читателот.
Извор на цитативе беше:
„Македонскиот проблем и неговото правилно решавање“ од Др. Станислав Ј. Шомков и Џорџ. Н. Чакалов
(The Macedonian Problem and Its Proper Solution, by Dr. Stanislav J. Shoomkof and George N. Chakaloff, M.D (1904).)
А сега да се навратиме на црвениот болд погоре и да го искористиме како контра аргумент:
“In the district of Ostrovo / Bitola nine times out of ten these people, despite being the subject of dispute by three adjoining countries – Serbia, Bulgarian and Greece – would reply in response to the question as to their nationality that they were Macedonians”.
извор: Edmond Bouchie de Belle, La Macedoine et les Macedoniens, Paris, 1922, 80, IV, 303.
Едмонд долг период поминал во Македонија како дел од француските војски стационирани кај Битола.
“Bulgarians and Kutsovlachs (of Macedonia)... they call themselves Macedonians and the surrounding nations call them Macedonians”.
извор: Orohidrography of Macedonia, Plovdiv 1911, p.1
Those people whom I had met were insistent on calling themselves neither Serbs nor Bulgars, but Macedonians. There seemed to be no love lost for the Bulgarians.
British Foriegn Office, FO 371/11405, Kennard (Belgrade) to A. Chamberlain, 21 April, 1926. Enclosure, R.A Gallop, 'Conditions in Macedonia', 19 April, 1926, p1. Cited in A. Rossos, The British Foreign Office and Macedonian National Identity, 1919-1941, p.10
"But in the evenings in their own houses or when we had given the officials the slip, we encouraged them to speak to us. Then we in-variably heard the same story as "Bad administration. They want to force us to become Greeks, in language, in religion, in sentiment, in every way. We have served in the Greek army and we have fought for them: now they insult us by calling us 'damned Bulgars"' … To my question "WHAT DO YOU WANT, AN AUTONOMOUS MACEDONIA OR A MACEDONIA UNDER BULGARIA?" the answer was generally the same: "WE WANT GOOD ADMINISTRATION. WE ARE MACEDONIANS, NOT GREEKS OR BULGARS."
Извор: Colonel A. Corfe во1923 - Foreign Office document O371/8566.
"We have many times heard from the Macedonists that they are not Bulgarians but Macedonians,descendants of the Ancient Macedonians"
Извор: “Македонското Прашање“ од Петар Р. Славејков во 1871
"The Macedonian Slavs considered and called themselves 'Makedonci'"
извор: British National Archives, FO 371/11337, Enclosure, 23 April, 1926
"Just because the Slavs of Macedonia call themselves Macedonians 'there was no reason why we or you should consent to give them a name which coincides with a piece of territory (of the same name)...which has not for a thousand years been an autonomou entity...“
извор: FO 371/12856, 'Sargent (London) to Sperling, 22 October, 1928
извор: Fanny Janet Blunt, "The People of Turkey. Twenty years residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians," 1878, pg. 11-12
"It happens that Macedonians who come to Bulgaria continue to call themselves Macedonians ..."
“In Bulgaria, whether they are descended from a Macedonian who travelled eastward in 1878, or whether they are quite recent emigrants, they call themselves Macedonians ...”
извор: Baerlein, Henry., “What is happening in Macedonia” in Fortnightly Review, 123, (May, 1928), pp.624-632
"the inhabitants of Macedonia are in the great majority Slavs; they call themselves Macedonians, and what they desire and what we ardently desire for them is an autonomy under European control"
извор: Sister Augustine Bewicke on the Macedoinan autonomy, Public Record Office (London) - FO 608/44. Peace Conference (British delegation), 1919.
"The slavophone population of Serbian Macedonia definitely regard themselves as distinct from the Serbs. If asked their nationality they say that they are Macedonians, and they speak the Macedonian dialect.“
"The inhabitants here are no more Serb than the Macedonians of Serbia - they speak Macedonian, and they call themselves Macedonians."
British Foriegn Office, FO 371/11245, p.2 and p.3. Also cited in A.Rossos, The British Foriegn Office and Macedonian National Identity, 1918 - 1941, p.11
Намерно ја преминавме границата од десет за само поубедлива “факултетска“ 10ка за тоа како се декларирале самите Македонци!![Насмевка :) :)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.png)
Во склоп на темава може да се додаде следнава постоечка тема:
Значењето на термините- “Бугар“ и “Грк“ во однос на Македонците!
Најдобро да почнеме од анализа на типичната бугарска пропаганда која тврди:
"It is almost impossible to form a definite idea as to the extent of territory to which the name 'Macedonia' would imply". стр.12
- со ова се прави напор да се прикаже Македонија како погрешно дефинирана...
A "conglomerate of races", стр. 13
и како измешана со разни раси.
"It must be remembered at the outset that there is no such race as 'Macedonians' if we mean to describe the national affiliations of the people by that term", стр.13
- Секако доаѓаме до моментот кога треба да се истакне дека не постои македонска националност.
In order to arrive at an impartial and just conclusion as to the character and number of the Macedonian population, we must resort to the testimonies of foriegn writers who have travelled through the country and are competent to give accurate information, стр.13
- Овде се отскокнува во потрага по “релевантност“ односно веродостојност на пропагандата, сепак запаметајте го црвениот болд кој ќе го искористиме понатаму...
In this province we find people who call themselves and are known to be Bulgarians
"According to Herr Ritter...the remaining population, i.e., 1,117,643, are Bulgarians.", стр.14
.. значи се користат странските патеписци за да се оправда тежиштето на пропагандата и користи “западна“ статистика која треба да го убеди читателот.
Извор на цитативе беше:
„Македонскиот проблем и неговото правилно решавање“ од Др. Станислав Ј. Шомков и Џорџ. Н. Чакалов
(The Macedonian Problem and Its Proper Solution, by Dr. Stanislav J. Shoomkof and George N. Chakaloff, M.D (1904).)
А сега да се навратиме на црвениот болд погоре и да го искористиме како контра аргумент:
“In the district of Ostrovo / Bitola nine times out of ten these people, despite being the subject of dispute by three adjoining countries – Serbia, Bulgarian and Greece – would reply in response to the question as to their nationality that they were Macedonians”.
извор: Edmond Bouchie de Belle, La Macedoine et les Macedoniens, Paris, 1922, 80, IV, 303.
Едмонд долг период поминал во Македонија како дел од француските војски стационирани кај Битола.
“Bulgarians and Kutsovlachs (of Macedonia)... they call themselves Macedonians and the surrounding nations call them Macedonians”.
извор: Orohidrography of Macedonia, Plovdiv 1911, p.1
Those people whom I had met were insistent on calling themselves neither Serbs nor Bulgars, but Macedonians. There seemed to be no love lost for the Bulgarians.
British Foriegn Office, FO 371/11405, Kennard (Belgrade) to A. Chamberlain, 21 April, 1926. Enclosure, R.A Gallop, 'Conditions in Macedonia', 19 April, 1926, p1. Cited in A. Rossos, The British Foreign Office and Macedonian National Identity, 1919-1941, p.10
"But in the evenings in their own houses or when we had given the officials the slip, we encouraged them to speak to us. Then we in-variably heard the same story as "Bad administration. They want to force us to become Greeks, in language, in religion, in sentiment, in every way. We have served in the Greek army and we have fought for them: now they insult us by calling us 'damned Bulgars"' … To my question "WHAT DO YOU WANT, AN AUTONOMOUS MACEDONIA OR A MACEDONIA UNDER BULGARIA?" the answer was generally the same: "WE WANT GOOD ADMINISTRATION. WE ARE MACEDONIANS, NOT GREEKS OR BULGARS."
Извор: Colonel A. Corfe во1923 - Foreign Office document O371/8566.
"We have many times heard from the Macedonists that they are not Bulgarians but Macedonians,descendants of the Ancient Macedonians"
Извор: “Македонското Прашање“ од Петар Р. Славејков во 1871
"The Macedonian Slavs considered and called themselves 'Makedonci'"
извор: British National Archives, FO 371/11337, Enclosure, 23 April, 1926
"Just because the Slavs of Macedonia call themselves Macedonians 'there was no reason why we or you should consent to give them a name which coincides with a piece of territory (of the same name)...which has not for a thousand years been an autonomou entity...“
извор: FO 371/12856, 'Sargent (London) to Sperling, 22 October, 1928
извор: Fanny Janet Blunt, "The People of Turkey. Twenty years residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians," 1878, pg. 11-12
"It happens that Macedonians who come to Bulgaria continue to call themselves Macedonians ..."
“In Bulgaria, whether they are descended from a Macedonian who travelled eastward in 1878, or whether they are quite recent emigrants, they call themselves Macedonians ...”
извор: Baerlein, Henry., “What is happening in Macedonia” in Fortnightly Review, 123, (May, 1928), pp.624-632
"the inhabitants of Macedonia are in the great majority Slavs; they call themselves Macedonians, and what they desire and what we ardently desire for them is an autonomy under European control"
извор: Sister Augustine Bewicke on the Macedoinan autonomy, Public Record Office (London) - FO 608/44. Peace Conference (British delegation), 1919.
"The slavophone population of Serbian Macedonia definitely regard themselves as distinct from the Serbs. If asked their nationality they say that they are Macedonians, and they speak the Macedonian dialect.“
"The inhabitants here are no more Serb than the Macedonians of Serbia - they speak Macedonian, and they call themselves Macedonians."
British Foriegn Office, FO 371/11245, p.2 and p.3. Also cited in A.Rossos, The British Foriegn Office and Macedonian National Identity, 1918 - 1941, p.11
Намерно ја преминавме границата од десет за само поубедлива “факултетска“ 10ка за тоа како се декларирале самите Македонци!
![Насмевка :) :)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.png)