Vi se molam ne gi lazete lugjeto, za toa kolku sredstva treba da imaat vo sebe, izmisluvajki astronomski sumi!!!
Kako prvo, proveruvanjeto na tie extra uslovi(garancii, pari, bilet i slicno) e OPCIONO, i NE sekoj ke bide podlozen na taa striktna kontrola, tuku samo slucaevi, koi granicarot ke gi selektira subjektivno(dokolku se somneva vo vas, ili ne mu ste simpaticen).
I sega lista za sekoja oddelna zemja, i kolku EVRA NA DEN, mora da poseduvate dokolku bidete prasani i prinudeni da pokazete na granica:
Visa applicants must prove they have sufficient means of subsistence to provide for their stay or their transit in the Schengen area. The proof of funds is assessed by Consulates in accordance with the duration and the purpose of the intended stay, by reference to average prices in the Schengen country of main destination or of first entry for board and lodging in budget accommodation, multiplied by the number of days stayed. The assessment of sufficient funds may be based on cash, travellers' cheques, credit cards or any other means that guarantees sufficient funds. Declarations of sponsorship or letters of guarantee from hosts, where they are provided for by national law, may also constitute evidence of sufficient means of subistence.
Daily minimum reference amount by country
Proof of funds assessed on a case-by-case basis
€ 38 per day: travellers staying with a private host
€ 50 per day: travellers staying in a hotel
Applicants may present an affidavit of support (
engagement de prise en charge)
Czech Republic
0,5 times the subsistence minimum per day if the stay is not to exceed 30 days
15 times the subsistence minimum if the stay exceeds 30 days while this sum shall be increased to double the subsistence minimum for each whole month of stay
Applicants may present an engagement de prise en charge
Amounts reduced by 50 % for travellers under the age of 18
DKK 350 per day
EEK 600 per day
€ 30 per day
€ 56.20 per day: equivalent to the legal minimum wage (SMIC) on a daily basis
€ 28.10 per day: equivalent to half the SMIC for applicants holding an affidavit of supporty (
attestation d'accueil)
€ 45 per day
€ 20 per day with a minimum of € 100
Amount reduced by 50 % for minors who are members of the traveller's family
HUF 1000 HUF per entry
ISK 4,000 per day, with a minimum of ISK 20,000
1 to 5 days overall fixed sum: € 269.60 (1 applicant)
€ 212.81 (2 or more applicants)
6 to 10 days daily sum per person: € 44.93 (1 applicant)
€ 26.33 (2 or more applicants)
11 to 20 days fixed + daily sum per person: € 51.64 + € 36.67 (1 applicant)
€ 25.82 + € 22.21 (2 or more applicants)
> 20 days fixed + daily sum per person: € 206.58 + € 118.79 (1 applicant)
€ 27.89 + € 17.04 (2 or more applicants)
LVL 10 per day: travellers staying with a private host
LVL 30 per day: travellers staying in a hotel
€ 40 € per day
Proof of funds assessed on a case-by-case basis
20 MTL 20 per day
PLN 100 per day with a minimum of PLN 500 or PLN 50 for travellers under the age of 16 with a minimum of PLN 300 or PLN 20 with a minimum of PLN 100 for travellers participating in tourist trips, youth camps, sport competitions or arriving for health treatment in a sanatorium
PLN 300 PLN for travellers whose stayd oes not exceed 3 days (including transit) or PLN 150 for persons under the age of 16
€ 40 for each day spent on the territory, with a minimum of € 75 per entry
€ 34 per day
NOK 500 per day
Applicants may present a
SKK 3450 per day
Amount reduced by 50 % for travellers under the age of 16
€ 70 per day
Amount reduced by 50 % for minors who are members of the traveller's family
€ 57.06 per day, with a minimum of € 513.54 per person
SEK 370 per day