Фан Клуб: Арсенал

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Член од
6 мај 2008
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тревеше да наминам накај прилеп да ги видам идните ѕвезди на Арсенал блиску ми е прилеп од кавадарци али ај таа е у наредни прилики :helou:
Член од
7 јули 2009
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Kolku ne im lici terenot...

Ama bez gajle se slikaat...A ne kako Torres se kurci...Deckoto misli kojznae koj e


ALISHER USMANOV'S grip on Arsenal is tightening with the Russian billionaire close to seizing full control of the club.

Usmanov has steadily been gaining power at the Emirates, taking his initial purchase of 14.58 per cent in 2007 to 25.1 this year.
Now he is ready to buy another chunk of the club from former board member Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith.
If successful, that will take him well over the 29.9 per cent mark and, under Stock Exchange rules, trigger an automatic takeover bid.
A source close to the Gunners confirmed: "This has been on the cards for some time.
"Mr Usmanov has gradually been acquiring additional shares and now there is the chance to buy a very hefty and significant amount.
"The Arsenal board will want to resist a takeover so there are some interesting times ahead."
SunSport understands Lady Bracewell-Smith is ready to sell her 15.9 per cent stake.
If she dealt with Usmanov, that would make him the Gunners' biggest shareholder with 41 per cent.
Arsenal's other major investors are Stan Kroenke (28.58) and Danny Fiszman (16.1).
Lady Bracewell-Smith has been considering her options since December when she was ousted from the board by Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood and Fiszman. Her shares are key in the growing battle for control being fought by Fiszman, Usmanov and his company Red & White Holdings and American sports tycoon Kroenke.
Lady Bracewell-Smith is also thought to have received overtures from a second Russian businessman interested in investing in Premier League soccer.
But the main focus remains on Usmanov and Kroenke.
Both were introduced to Arsenal in 2007 by former vice-chairman David Dein and have raced each other to buy up shares. Usmanov has been operating outside of the club, while Kroenke has been embraced by the board.
An ugly fight is forecast with Fiszman and Kroenke tipped to resist any takeover.

Recent Arsenal shares have exchanged hands at £8,500 each and Lady Bracewell-Smith can expect to receive around £100m for her stake.
But neither Fiszman or Kroenke want to sell and they certainly will not accept the going rate, so Usmanov will have to dig deep.
Usmanov, 55, made his fortune as a metal and mining mogul and has a reputation for being a hardman even among Russia's oligarchs.
Before investing in Arsenal his only previous involvement in sport came as president of the Russian and European fencing associations.
Red & White Holdings declined to comment.
But Gunners chief executive Ivan Gazidis said: "The club has a very clear philosophy which is that it is bigger than any single owner."
Член од
8 октомври 2008
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Изгледа само за тренинг во јануари, како Бекам кога дојде (кога ќе има пауза во МЛС). Самото негово присуство меѓу фудбалерите би било од огромна корист за Арсенал.

Се надевам дека истото го мисли и Венгер и ќе го видиме Фреди повторно во дрес на Арсенал (макар и само во оној за тренинг што е :)).
Член од
7 јули 2009
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ALISHER USMANOV'S grip on Arsenal is tightening with the Russian billionaire close to seizing full control of the club.

Usmanov has steadily been gaining power at the Emirates, taking his initial purchase of 14.58 per cent in 2007 to 25.1 this year.
Now he is ready to buy another chunk of the club from former board member Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith.
If successful, that will take him well over the 29.9 per cent mark and, under Stock Exchange rules, trigger an automatic takeover bid.
A source close to the Gunners confirmed: "This has been on the cards for some time.
"Mr Usmanov has gradually been acquiring additional shares and now there is the chance to buy a very hefty and significant amount.
"The Arsenal board will want to resist a takeover so there are some interesting times ahead."
SunSport understands Lady Bracewell-Smith is ready to sell her 15.9 per cent stake.
If she dealt with Usmanov, that would make him the Gunners' biggest shareholder with 41 per cent.
Arsenal's other major investors are Stan Kroenke (28.58) and Danny Fiszman (16.1).
Lady Bracewell-Smith has been considering her options since December when she was ousted from the board by Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood and Fiszman. Her shares are key in the growing battle for control being fought by Fiszman, Usmanov and his company Red & White Holdings and American sports tycoon Kroenke.
Lady Bracewell-Smith is also thought to have received overtures from a second Russian businessman interested in investing in Premier League soccer.
But the main focus remains on Usmanov and Kroenke.
Both were introduced to Arsenal in 2007 by former vice-chairman David Dein and have raced each other to buy up shares. Usmanov has been operating outside of the club, while Kroenke has been embraced by the board.
An ugly fight is forecast with Fiszman and Kroenke tipped to resist any takeover.

Recent Arsenal shares have exchanged hands at £8,500 each and Lady Bracewell-Smith can expect to receive around £100m for her stake.
But neither Fiszman or Kroenke want to sell and they certainly will not accept the going rate, so Usmanov will have to dig deep.
Usmanov, 55, made his fortune as a metal and mining mogul and has a reputation for being a hardman even among Russia's oligarchs.
Before investing in Arsenal his only previous involvement in sport came as president of the Russian and European fencing associations.
Red & White Holdings declined to comment.
But Gunners chief executive Ivan Gazidis said: "The club has a very clear philosophy which is that it is bigger than any single owner."

Za ova ne procitav uste komentar???????
Член од
5 мај 2008
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ALISHER USMANOV'S grip on Arsenal is tightening with the Russian billionaire close to seizing full control of the club.

Usmanov has steadily been gaining power at the Emirates, taking his initial purchase of 14.58 per cent in 2007 to 25.1 this year.
Now he is ready to buy another chunk of the club from former board member Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith.
If successful, that will take him well over the 29.9 per cent mark and, under Stock Exchange rules, trigger an automatic takeover bid.
A source close to the Gunners confirmed: "This has been on the cards for some time.
"Mr Usmanov has gradually been acquiring additional shares and now there is the chance to buy a very hefty and significant amount.
"The Arsenal board will want to resist a takeover so there are some interesting times ahead."
SunSport understands Lady Bracewell-Smith is ready to sell her 15.9 per cent stake.
If she dealt with Usmanov, that would make him the Gunners' biggest shareholder with 41 per cent.
Arsenal's other major investors are Stan Kroenke (28.58) and Danny Fiszman (16.1).
Lady Bracewell-Smith has been considering her options since December when she was ousted from the board by Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood and Fiszman. Her shares are key in the growing battle for control being fought by Fiszman, Usmanov and his company Red & White Holdings and American sports tycoon Kroenke.
Lady Bracewell-Smith is also thought to have received overtures from a second Russian businessman interested in investing in Premier League soccer.
But the main focus remains on Usmanov and Kroenke.
Both were introduced to Arsenal in 2007 by former vice-chairman David Dein and have raced each other to buy up shares. Usmanov has been operating outside of the club, while Kroenke has been embraced by the board.
An ugly fight is forecast with Fiszman and Kroenke tipped to resist any takeover.

Recent Arsenal shares have exchanged hands at £8,500 each and Lady Bracewell-Smith can expect to receive around £100m for her stake.
But neither Fiszman or Kroenke want to sell and they certainly will not accept the going rate, so Usmanov will have to dig deep.
Usmanov, 55, made his fortune as a metal and mining mogul and has a reputation for being a hardman even among Russia's oligarchs.
Before investing in Arsenal his only previous involvement in sport came as president of the Russian and European fencing associations.
Red & White Holdings declined to comment.
But Gunners chief executive Ivan Gazidis said: "The club has a very clear philosophy which is that it is bigger than any single owner."

Za ova ne procitav uste komentar???????
Преведи го на македонски ако сакаш коментари ,така никој не се замара да чита на англиски.
Член од
8 октомври 2008
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neznam kaj e toa translate !!!
А да земеш ти да си го преведеш пошто еве чичо гугл што вика:
Alisher USMANOV'S контрола врз Арсенал е стега со рускиот милијардер блиску до освојување на целосна контрола на клубот.

Usmanov има постојано се добива моќ на Емирати, при неговата почетна купување на 14,58 отсто во 2.007-25,1 оваа година.
Сега тој е подготвен да се купи друго парче на клубот од поранешниот член на Одборот на Леди Нина Bracewell-Смит.
Доколку беше успешен, што ќе го земам и над 29,9 отсто марка и под берза правила, активира автоматско преземање понуда.
А извор близок до Топчиите потврди: "Ова е за карти за некое време.
"Г-дин Usmanov постепено е стекнување на дополнителни акции и сега постои шанса да се купат многу здрав и значајна сума.
"Во одборот ќе сака да се спротивстави на купувањето, па има некои интересни пати напред."
SunSport разбира дама Bracewell-Смит е подготвена да ја продаде 15,9 отсто од акциите.
Ако таа се тргува со Usmanov, што ќе го Топчиите 'најголем акционер со 41 проценти.
Арсенал другите поголеми инвеститори се Стен Kroenke (28,58) и Дани Fiszman (16,1).
Lady Bracewell-Смит е разгледуваат опциите за нејзиниот од декември кога беше отстранет од бордот на Арсенал претседавач Питер Хил Вуд и Fiszman. Нејзините акции се клучни во одгледувањето битка се води за контрола од страна на Fiszman, Usmanov и неговата компанија на Red & White Holdings и американскиот спортски магнат Kroenke.
Lady Bracewell-Смит е, исто така, смета дека добиле иницијативи од вториот руски бизнисмен заинтересиран за инвестирање во Премиер Лига фудбал.
Но, главниот фокус останува на Usmanov и Kroenke.
Двајцата беа воведени во Арсенал во 2007 година од страна на поранешниот заменик претседател Дејвид Дејн и имаат raced едни на други за купување акции. Usmanov е работат надвор од клубот, а Kroenke беше прифатен од одборот.
Грда е борбата со прогноза Fiszman и Kroenke tipped да се спротивстави на секое преземање.

Нова Арсенал разменија акции имаат раце и £ 8,500 секоја дама Bracewell-Смит може да очекува да добие околу 100 милиони фунти за својот удел.
Но, ниту Fiszman или Kroenke сакаат да продаваат и тие сигурно нема да ја прифати ќе стапка, па Usmanov ќе мора да копа длабоко.
Usmanov, 55, го направи своето богатство како метал и рударскиот магнат и има репутација за да се биде hardman дури меѓу Русија олигарсите.
Пред да се инвестира во Арсенал неговата само Претходна вмешаност во спортот дојде како претседател на руската и европската мечување здруженија.
Red & White Holdings одби да ги коментира.
Топчиите, но главен извршен директор Иван Gazidis рече: "Клубот има многу јасна филозофијата што е тоа што таа е поголема од било кое единствено сопственик."


Член од
11 јули 2008
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погледајте го голот и потегот пред голот:vozbud::vozbud:
:pipi:Одличен погодок одлична акција ... :bravo: Ремзии.. се гледа кој е нашиот талент , Овој и Вилшер... заедно... ахх... неможам да очекувам ништо подоле од борба меѓу нив двајца за најдобар играч во свет :pos2:

:eek:ftopic: Сега и Манчестер се тужени.... http://www.goal.com/en/news/9/england/2009/09/05/1482192/le-havre-report-manchester-united-to-fifa-over-paul-pogba
Ова маливе клубови се здивија еј :pos2:
Член од
6 мај 2008
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Нема ништо на официјалната страна за џуру ако е ова вистина тешко нас:nesum:


Член од
26 јули 2008
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Laze ama koj se slikase so Jacky? :vozbud:

nemozam da staam sliki, ke vidime ponedelnik nataka, nesto iam problemi so netot.

ps.Alex Song, Mikael Silvestre, Philippe Senderos, William Gallas, Thomas Vermaelen

ke se skrpi nesto, bez gajle :)

Inace ako sredam so vizata ke imam golemi sansi da otidam vo Grcija i da gledam Olimpijakos Arsenal . So gospod napred :D
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