Хахахаа... па баш тоа го кажав погореееее...
Часовникот не откуцува поспороооо... вика “ако и вие бевте фрлени со часовникот, тој ќе си откуцуваше нормално...“ Зошто со телескопот се гледа дека откуцува поспоро????
Затоа што колку тој е поблиску до црната дупка, толку повеќе време му треба на светлината да дојде до нашето око, бидејќи што поблиску е часовникот до дупката, толку поголема е гравитационата сила, а брзината на светлина е помалааа...
Е сега, моментот кога “времето запира“ демек, е оној момент каде фотоните не се способни да се ослободат од гравитацијата. Дали добро разбраб дека после хоризонтот на настани, часовникот нема да го гледаме? :kesa:
gravitacijata ovde e ista so dejstvoto na gravitacijata vrz mene-NE
Approaching a black hole
What is it like to fall into a black hole? We consider two astronauts. One approaches the black hole, and the other stays a safe distance away.
We assume that the astronaut approaching the black hole can send out signals in various directions, including back to the other astronaut. As the first astronaut approaches the black hole, the first thing the distant astronaut would notice is the redshift in the signals received. The magnitude of the redshift increases as the first astronaut becomes closer to the Schwarzschild radius.
Before the Schwarzschild radius is reached, another effect becomes noticeable. The paths of photons sent out by the first astronaut are not straight lines. They bend. The only direction in which the astronaut can aim a beam and not have it bend is straight up. If the beam is not aimed sufficiently close to the vertical, the bending will be so great that the light will not escape. Only light aimed into a cone about the vertical, called the exit cone, will escape. As the first astronaut moves closer to the Schwarzschild radius, the exit cone becomes smaller. At a distance equal to (3/2)Rs, photons aimed horizontally go into orbit around the black hole. The sphere of orbiting photons is called the photon sphere. If you were to look straight out, along the horizon, you would see the back of your head.
The second astronaut never actually sees the first astronaut reach the Schwarzschild radius. The gravitational time dilation is so great that, as Rs is approached, the second astronaut thinks that it takes the first astronaut an infinite amount of time to reach Rs. The time dilation makes the first astronaut appear to slow down as Rs is approached.
From the point of view of the first astronaut, there is no such respite. The Schwarzschild radius is reached very quickly. If the black hole is of sufficiently small mass, the tidal forces would tear the first astronaut apart. However, if the black hole is massive enough, the tidal forces might be survived and the astronaut crosses Rs. When this happens, we say that the astronaut has crossed the event horizon. If the black hole is massive enough, the astronaut might not notice anything unusual, except that escape is impossible!
Once inside the black hole, the inevitable journey to the center continues. The gravitational time dilation is so great
that time passes slowly. However, the headlong rush through space continues. Outside the black hole, it is time that rushes on while distance is covered slowly. It is as if crossing the event horizon has interchanged to roles of space and time
Ќе биде ли некој доволно добар, да ми каже каква врска има постоењето на четирите фундаментални сили со апсолутната вистина???
Апсолутна вистина е дека постојат повеќе видови сили, кои дејствуваат и се однесуваат различно. Каде стои дека РАЗЛИЧНИ сили мора да функционираат по ИСТ закон, за да вистината биде апсолутна?
epa godhate usall tvrdese deka gravitacijata e apsolutna(a ne edna od fundamentalnite sili)ako ovaa fundamentalna sila ja zemame za apsolutna vistina zosto togas da ne gi zememe i ostanatite kako apsolutni.
Epa postoi ( batali toa drugoto, ke zabegame epten vo naucna debata a ne e podforumot za toa). Vaznoto e deka posekako postoi. E toa e apsolutnoto. Pstoenjete, egzistencijata na takva edna sila.
Ne moze nitu edna od tie poedinecno, ama mozat site.

Ne mi e jasno kako ja sfakjas ti taa apsolutna vistina.
Mora taa vistina da sodrzi poveke elementi vo sebe, ne moze samo gravitacionata sila i tolku. Ne se sostoi univerzumot samo od toa.
Ako apsolutnata vistina e edna, ne znaci deka se odnesuva samo na edno nesto.
no quark postoenjeto na ovie sili e ocigledno ama coek kvantnata mehanika ima neogranicen broj na opcii i slucuvanja...koga ovie bi zavisele od fundamentalnite sili togas bi bile predvidlivi neli:smir:
no ne e taka oti vo kvantnata mehanika site slucuvanja se mozni:helou: