9/11 Терористи или сепак не?

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Член од
14 декември 2007
Поени од реакции

he 9-11 Attacks Were Perpetrated
By Agents Of The U.S. And Israeli Governments
Do you (or people you're explaining it to) find it difficult to accept, or even think about, 9/11 information that differs from what the government told us?

Please look at this excellent article by Ken Jenkins:
How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth (pdf)
Motives and evidence of the U.S. and Israeli governments' involvement in the attacks
Scientists, Engineers, and Architects analyze the physical evidence:

The three main facts:

1. Some of the steel structural columns of the World Trade Center towers, weighing 40 tons, were blasted sideways with such velocity that they stuck in the facades of other buildings hundreds of feet away. It's impossible for a collapse caused only by fire and gravity to have done that. In fact it was done by explosives, which had to have been planted in the towers beforehand.

2. Below ground level, huge puddles of metal were found that stayed liquid for a month (due to the thermal insulation of the rubble on top of them). Jet fuel is kerosene -- like charcoal starter fluid. When burning it never reaches the melting point of steel. The steel was melted by thermite -- aluminum-powder incendiary -- enhanced with sulfur (which forms a lower melting-point compound with iron); the combination is called "thermate". Since the steel members were box columns -- hollow inside -- the thermate powder was simply poured into them. When ignited it was held in place by the columns until it melted them.

3. As the towers were destroyed, the line of disintegration descended at the rate of a free-falling object. If the cause of destruction had been "pancaking" -- the weight of the rubble crushing each level in turn -- as the government says, each intact level would have resisted the fall of the debris reaching it and slowed it down, below the speed of a free-falling object. Therefore, each level must have been blasted away before the rubble reached it.

The irrefutable conclusion: the World Trade Center was destroyed by explosives and incendiaries planted in the buildings. It was impossible for Arabs to get in and do that. (But the company that provided security for the WTC had Marvin Bush -- brother of George W Bush -- on its board of directors.)

Detailed scientific proof of these and other facts can be found here:

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Visibility 9/11 with Michael Wolsey
Journal of 9/11 Studies - Research Papers
Letters to the Journal of 911 Studies

Taking Aim reports on 9/11 and many other world events, and discusses the flaws in the capitalist system itself, and how they are used to deceive and enslave humanity.

Taking Aim - Download MP3 Radio Programs on 9-11, Fascism, etc.

Alex Jones covers the entire range of attacks by the ultra-wealthy elite against the people. His daily four hour Internet radio broadcast is well worth listening to. He has some right-wing biases, so some of his analyses are incorrect, but he's honest and sincere, and most of his guests are quite informative. He's had the foremost 9-11 researchers on, including Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, and Richard Gage. His videos are excellent, and can be bought as DVDs or downloaded as files; he encourages people to make thousands of copies of them and give them away for free, to get the information out.

Prison planet


Точно има многу други примери објаснети и потврдени од експерти ... со детална анализа ...

но RAYTHEON23 освен Зајтгеист од оваа страна друго нема гледано ... а има исчитано некој никаков лит извештај без никакви реални факти туку некои си учебнички теории ... ништо конкретно ... :toe:
знаеш колку имам прочитано...2 гигабајти книги за експлозиви потоа уште 1 за биохемиско оружје за тенкови авиони...хемија фармакологија :pipi:ПА ЗАТОА ЏВАКАМ ПРЕД ДА ГОЛТНАМ...:tv::tv::tv:

ти верувај на едно видео и јоутубе:tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp:
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
RAYTHEON23 сподели нешто со нас од твоите истражувања
мене професијата ми кажува да верувам на тие што се стручни во градежништвото што значи не само на тие од видеото кои си се вистински експерти во нивната област туку и наши
а ти во што веруваш дај да видиме


Raytheon bre ..isprano mozoce be


he 9-11 Attacks Were Perpetrated
By Agents Of The U.S. And Israeli Governments
Do you (or people you're explaining it to) find it difficult to accept, or even think about, 9/11 information that differs from what the government told us?

Please look at this excellent article by Ken Jenkins:
How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth (pdf)
Motives and evidence of the U.S. and Israeli governments' involvement in the attacks
Scientists, Engineers, and Architects analyze the physical evidence:

The three main facts:

1. Some of the steel structural columns of the World Trade Center towers, weighing 40 tons, were blasted sideways with such velocity that they stuck in the facades of other buildings hundreds of feet away. It's impossible for a collapse caused only by fire and gravity to have done that. In fact it was done by explosives, which had to have been planted in the towers beforehand.

2. Below ground level, huge puddles of metal were found that stayed liquid for a month (due to the thermal insulation of the rubble on top of them). Jet fuel is kerosene -- like charcoal starter fluid. When burning it never reaches the melting point of steel. The steel was melted by thermite -- aluminum-powder incendiary -- enhanced with sulfur (which forms a lower melting-point compound with iron); the combination is called "thermate". Since the steel members were box columns -- hollow inside -- the thermate powder was simply poured into them. When ignited it was held in place by the columns until it melted them.

3. As the towers were destroyed, the line of disintegration descended at the rate of a free-falling object. If the cause of destruction had been "pancaking" -- the weight of the rubble crushing each level in turn -- as the government says, each intact level would have resisted the fall of the debris reaching it and slowed it down, below the speed of a free-falling object. Therefore, each level must have been blasted away before the rubble reached it.

The irrefutable conclusion: the World Trade Center was destroyed by explosives and incendiaries planted in the buildings. It was impossible for Arabs to get in and do that. (But the company that provided security for the WTC had Marvin Bush -- brother of George W Bush -- on its board of directors.)

Detailed scientific proof of these and other facts can be found here:

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Visibility 9/11 with Michael Wolsey
Journal of 9/11 Studies - Research Papers
Letters to the Journal of 911 Studies

Taking Aim reports on 9/11 and many other world events, and discusses the flaws in the capitalist system itself, and how they are used to deceive and enslave humanity.

Taking Aim - Download MP3 Radio Programs on 9-11, Fascism, etc.

Alex Jones covers the entire range of attacks by the ultra-wealthy elite against the people. His daily four hour Internet radio broadcast is well worth listening to. He has some right-wing biases, so some of his analyses are incorrect, but he's honest and sincere, and most of his guests are quite informative. He's had the foremost 9-11 researchers on, including Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, and Richard Gage. His videos are excellent, and can be bought as DVDs or downloaded as files; he encourages people to make thousands of copies of them and give them away for free, to get the information out.

Prison planet
глердаш не разбираш,,пакистан е умешан не израел ама видео е видео

хахахахаха ме смеете бе
сакаш да нема
па кога колапсира зграда и авион удира во неа како сакаш да нема парчиња..

ИИИИИИ уште ве лажат...страни докази ти дадов од институти универзитети сеизмолози....а ти од поединци ко тој клошарот шо вели дека има технологија и енергија за сите па ке копале 50километри подземја за геотермална енергија....хахахахахха замисли 50 километри..па тој не знае дека општеството се адаптира на промените А НЕ СЕ СОЗДАВА ВЕШТАЧКИ-ништо од тој...инаку има и проекти за месечината

ПАЗИ ГО ПРВИОТ ФАКТ ВЕЛАТ ЕКСПЛОЗИВ-па ти после било термите(а напалм е попрактичен ПАЗИ!!!!!! па имало термит па експлозив(а вистината е дека керозинот постигнува температура НАД 1700 степени НО ОВДЕ НАСТАПУВА реакција(како кај фуел бомб)и притоа металот не бил стопен ТУКУ ЕДНОСТАВНО ЈА ИЗГУБИЛ СТАБИЛНОСТА НА ЗГРАДАТА а и голем дел после часови горење се стопени(а ти велиш употребиле термите...кога напалмот крева уште поголема температура!!!!„! А НЕ Е РЕГИСТРИРАН ОД НИКОЈА ВЛАДИНА ИЛИ НЕВЛАДИНА ОРГАНИЗАЦИЈА!!!!

за првиот глуп ФАКТ...ИМАМ ЧИТАНО ДЕМОЛИРАЊА ЕКСПЛОЗИВИТЕ ГО УБРЗУВААТ ПАДОТ и ти кажав за да се урнат толкави згради треба од подрумот...темелите па на секои три ката експлозив

а треба да има и на покривот А НЕМАШЕ(чу ли 30 ЕКСПЛОЗИИ)

напротив ПРВЕН ПОГОРНИТЕ КАТОВИ ПОЧНАА ДА ПАГААТ..а потоа од топлината и тежината на тие над нив И ДРУГИТЕ!!!кај демолирање не е така.

ЗА ВТОРАТА ВИСТИНА НЕМА ДОКАЗ ДЕКА ИМАЛО ЕКСПЛОЗИВ ИЛИ ТЕРМИТ НА ТОА УКАЖАА И ПОВЕКЕ АНАЛИЗИ и ти кажав штетата е полатрилион долари а потценувањето е мајка на сите порази(совјетите изгубија)

оооо мозок еден ништо немаш прочитано освен што си го гледал Зајтгеист
ако не е така сподели нешто со нас од твоите истражувања
мене професијата ми кажува да верувам на тие што се стручни во градежништвото што значи не само на тие од видеото кои си се вистински експерти во нивната област туку и наши
а ти во што веруваш дај да видиме
ај прочитај поназад неколку страни да ги видиш истражувањата...ама кој ги прифака:toe:

па не си истражувал бе...ѕоутубе па не знаеш ни кои се и за кој работат...прочитај назад и ке видиш за 7мицата...

и вас не ви е јасно БДП-5% и пола трилион долари штета!!!!!!!

во 95 култот аум шинрикјо употреби сарин...во токиското метро,па можеа и америте


Како прво, ако ги знаеш правилата на форумот пишувај на кирилица, како второ доста вадиш текстови од Wikipedia ( ти го испрале мозокот ), кажи нешто што си прочитал или слушнал ( освен од Wikipedia нормално ) и имај став кога дискутираш за нешто не само да го пренесуваш ( копираш ) она што другите го кажале или напишале и ќе се правиш Радио Милева...И кога ќе пишуваш на кирилица тогаш ќе ги читам твоите постови а не тука хиероглифи да гледам и да се малтретирам.

ова и википедија се различни поими
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
па не си истражувал бе...ѕоутубе па не знаеш ни кои се и за кој работат...прочитај назад и ке видиш за 7мицата...

и вас не ви е јасно БДП-5% и пола трилион долари штета!!!!!!!

во 95 култот аум шинрикјо употреби сарин...во токиското метро,па можеа и америте

незнаеш дали сум истражувал или не јас само филмов го наведов кој е дело на архитекти и градежници
и знај си што си знаеш нема да се убедувам со тебе цела вечер твое право си е во што сакаш да веруваш и да мислиш дека знаеш


мене ми е јасно на RAYTHEON23 не му е...

и пак да го ставам клипот да не го промаши некој

а ова

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength — and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

But jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning, notes Forman Williams, a professor of engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and one of seven structural engineers and fire experts that PM consulted. He says that while the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.

"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."

FACT: Once each tower began to collapse, the weight of all the floors above the collapsed zone bore down with pulverizing force on the highest intact floor. Unable to absorb the massive energy, that floor would fail, transmitting the forces to the floor below, allowing the collapse to progress downward through the building in a chain reaction. Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin, according to David Biggs, a structural engineer at Ryan-Biggs Associates and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) team that worked on the FEMA report.


FACT: "There is no scientific basis for the conclusion that explosions brought down the towers," Lerner-Lam tells PM. "That representation of our work is categorically incorrect and not in context."

The report issued by Lamont-Doherty includes various graphs showing the seismic readings produced by the planes crashing into the two towers as well as the later collapse of both buildings.


There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collaps
There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collaps

еве јас од кај истражував

consulted more than 300 experts and organizations in its investigation into 9/11 conspiracy theories. The following were particularly helpful.

Air Crash Analysis
Cleveland Center regional air traffic control

Bill Crowley special agent, FBI

Ron Dokell president, Demolition Consultants

Richard Gazarik staff writer, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Yates Gladwell pilot, VF Corp.

Michael K. Hynes, Ed.D.,
ATP, CFI, A&P/IA president, Hynes Aviation Services; expert, aviation crashes

Ed Jacoby Jr. director,
New York State Emergency Management Office (Ret.); chairman, New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (Ret.)

Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority

Cindi Lash staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Matthew McCormick manager, survival factors division, National Transportation Safety Board (Ret.)

Wallace Miller coroner, Somerset County, PA

Robert Nagan meteorological technician, Climate Services Branch, National Climatic Data Center

Dave Newell director, aviation and travel, VF Corp.

James O’Toole politics editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pennsylvania State Police Public Information Office

Jeff Pillets senior writer,
The Record, Hackensack, NJ

Jeff Rienbold director, Flight 93 National Memorial, National Park Service

Dennis Roddy staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Master Sgt. David Somdahl public affairs officer,
119th Wing, North Dakota
Air National Guard

Mark Stahl photographer; eyewitness, United Airlines Flight 93 crash scene

Air Defense
Lt. Col. Skip Aldous (Ret.) squadron commander,
U.S. Air Force

Tech. Sgt. Laura Bosco public affairs officer,
Tyndall Air Force Base

Boston Center regional air traffic control

Laura Brown spokeswoman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Todd Curtis, Ph.D. founder, Airsafe.com; president, Airsafe.com Foundation

Keith Halloway public affairs officer, National Transportation Safety Board

Ted Lopatkiewicz director, public affairs, National Transportation Safety Board

Maj. Douglas Martin public affairs officer,
North American Aerospace Defense Command

Lt. Herbert McConnell public affairs officer,
Andrews AFB

Michael Perini public affairs officer, North American Aerospace Defense Command

John Pike director, GlobalSecurity.org

Hank Price spokesman, Federal
Aviation Administration

Warren Robak RAND Corp.

Bill Shumann spokesman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Louis Walsh public affairs officer, Eglin AFB

Chris Yates aviation security editor, analyst, Jane’s Transport

Fred E.C. Culick, Ph.D., S.B., S.M. professor of aeronautics, California Institute of Technology

Clint Oster professor of public and environmental affairs, Indiana University; aviation safety expert

Capt. Bill Scott (Ret. USAF) Rocky Mountain bureau chief, Aviation Week

Bill Uher News Media Office, NASA Langley Research Center

Col. Ed Walby (Ret. USAF)
director, business development, HALE Systems Enterprise, Unmanned Systems, Northrop Grumman

Image Analysis
William F. Baker member, FEMA Probe Team; partner, Skidmore, Owings, Merrill

W. Gene Corley, Ph.D., P.E., S.E. senior vice president, CTL Group; director,
FEMA Probe Team

Bill Daly senior vice president, Control Risks Group

Steve Douglass image analysis consultant, Aviation Week

Thomas R. Edwards, Ph.D. founder, TREC; video forensics expert.

Ronald Greeley, Ph.D. professor of geology, Arizona State University

Rob Howard freelance photographer; WTC eyewitness

Robert L. Parker, Ph.D. professor of geophysics,
University of California, San Diego

Structural Engineering / Building Collapse
Farid Alfawakhiri, Ph.D. senior engineer, American Institute of Steel Construction

David Biggs, P.E. structural engineer, Ryan-Biggs Associates; member, ASCE team for FEMA report

Robert Clarke structural engineer, Controlled Demolitions Group Ltd.

Glenn Corbett technical editor, Fire Engineering; member, NIST advisory committee

Vincent Dunn deputy fire chief (Ret.), FDNY; author, The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety

John Fisher, Ph.D. professor of civil engineering, Lehigh University; professor emeritus, Center for Advanced Technology; member, FEMA Probe Team

Ken Hays executive vice president, Masonry Arts

Christoph Hoffmann, Ph.D. professor of computer science, Purdue University; project director, September 11 Pentagon Attack Simulations Using LS-Dyna, Purdue University

Allyn E. Kilsheimer, P.E.
CEO, KCE Structural Engineers PC; chief structural engineer, Phoenix project; expert in blast recovery, concrete structures, emergency response

Won-Young Kim, Ph.D. seismologist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

William Koplitz photo desk manager, FEMA

John Labriola freelance photographer, WTC survivor

Arthur Lerner-Lam, Ph.D. seismologist; director,
Earth Institute, Center for Hazards and Risk Research, Columbia University

James Quintiere, Ph.D. professor of engineering, University of Maryland member, NIST advisory committee

Steve Riskus freelance photographer; eyewitness, Pentagon crash

Van Romero, Ph.D. vice president, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Christine Shaffer spokesperson, Viracon

Mete Sozen, Ph.D., S.E. Kettelhut Distinguished Professor of Structural Engineering, Purdue University; member, Pentagon Building Performance Report; project conception, September 11 Pentagon Attack Simulations Using LS-Dyna, Purdue University

Shyam Sunder, Sc.D.
acting deputy director, lead investigator, Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Mary Tobin science writer, media relations, Earth Institute, Columbia University

Forman Williams, Ph.D. professor of engineering, physics, combustion, University of California,
San Diego; member, advisory committee, National Institute of Standards and Technology

преку 300 експерти и организации жал ми е што глуп филм ви го пере мозокот

незнаеш дали сум истражувал или не јас само филмов го наведов кој е дело на архитекти и градежници
и знај си што си знаеш нема да се убедувам со тебе цела вечер твое право си е во што сакаш да веруваш и да мислиш дека знаеш
на вистината и науката!!!!


незнаеш дали сум истражувал или не јас само филмов го наведов кој е дело на архитекти и градежници
и знај си што си знаеш нема да се убедувам со тебе цела вечер твое право си е во што сакаш да веруваш и да мислиш дека знаеш
во филмот зборат со астролози(veli bible is astrological a astrologija ne e nauka)...па наводни економисти па за германците ами нема градежници.I P{AK SAD E NAJJAKA EKONOMIJA.POZDRAV:helou:

еве на пентагон дел од боинг
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
во филмот зборат со астролози(veli bible is astrological a astrologija ne e nauka)...па наводни економисти па за германците ами нема градежници.I P{AK SAD E NAJJAKA EKONOMIJA.POZDRAV:helou:

еве на пентагон дел од боинг
ами нели боингот е огромен
кај е остатокот се стопи?
а што така мала штета нели ќе беше поголема
ами знаеш да го преведиш Cyvil Engineers ?


а ова

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength — and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

But jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning, notes Forman Williams, a professor of engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and one of seven structural engineers and fire experts that PM consulted. He says that while the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.

"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."

FACT: Once each tower began to collapse, the weight of all the floors above the collapsed zone bore down with pulverizing force on the highest intact floor. Unable to absorb the massive energy, that floor would fail, transmitting the forces to the floor below, allowing the collapse to progress downward through the building in a chain reaction. Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin, according to David Biggs, a structural engineer at Ryan-Biggs Associates and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) team that worked on the FEMA report.


FACT: "There is no scientific basis for the conclusion that explosions brought down the towers," Lerner-Lam tells PM. "That representation of our work is categorically incorrect and not in context."

The report issued by Lamont-Doherty includes various graphs showing the seismic readings produced by the planes crashing into the two towers as well as the later collapse of both buildings.


There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collaps
There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collaps

еве јас од кај истражувавpo[to nasila neke[ vistina da prifati[ aj vaka

consulted more than 300 experts and organizations in its investigation into 9/11 conspiracy theories. The following were particularly helpful.

Air Crash Analysis
Cleveland Center regional air traffic control

Bill Crowley special agent, FBI

Ron Dokell president, Demolition Consultants

Richard Gazarik staff writer, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Yates Gladwell pilot, VF Corp.

Michael K. Hynes, Ed.D.,
ATP, CFI, A&P/IA president, Hynes Aviation Services; expert, aviation crashes

Ed Jacoby Jr. director,
New York State Emergency Management Office (Ret.); chairman, New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (Ret.)

Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority

Cindi Lash staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Matthew McCormick manager, survival factors division, National Transportation Safety Board (Ret.)

Wallace Miller coroner, Somerset County, PA

Robert Nagan meteorological technician, Climate Services Branch, National Climatic Data Center

Dave Newell director, aviation and travel, VF Corp.

James O’Toole politics editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pennsylvania State Police Public Information Office

Jeff Pillets senior writer,
The Record, Hackensack, NJ

Jeff Rienbold director, Flight 93 National Memorial, National Park Service

Dennis Roddy staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Master Sgt. David Somdahl public affairs officer,
119th Wing, North Dakota
Air National Guard

Mark Stahl photographer; eyewitness, United Airlines Flight 93 crash scene

Air Defense
Lt. Col. Skip Aldous (Ret.) squadron commander,
U.S. Air Force

Tech. Sgt. Laura Bosco public affairs officer,
Tyndall Air Force Base

Boston Center regional air traffic control

Laura Brown spokeswoman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Todd Curtis, Ph.D. founder, Airsafe.com; president, Airsafe.com Foundation

Keith Halloway public affairs officer, National Transportation Safety Board

Ted Lopatkiewicz director, public affairs, National Transportation Safety Board

Maj. Douglas Martin public affairs officer,
North American Aerospace Defense Command

Lt. Herbert McConnell public affairs officer,
Andrews AFB

Michael Perini public affairs officer, North American Aerospace Defense Command

John Pike director, GlobalSecurity.org

Hank Price spokesman, Federal
Aviation Administration

Warren Robak RAND Corp.

Bill Shumann spokesman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Louis Walsh public affairs officer, Eglin AFB

Chris Yates aviation security editor, analyst, Jane’s Transport

Fred E.C. Culick, Ph.D., S.B., S.M. professor of aeronautics, California Institute of Technology

Clint Oster professor of public and environmental affairs, Indiana University; aviation safety expert

Capt. Bill Scott (Ret. USAF) Rocky Mountain bureau chief, Aviation Week

Bill Uher News Media Office, NASA Langley Research Center

Col. Ed Walby (Ret. USAF)
director, business development, HALE Systems Enterprise, Unmanned Systems, Northrop Grumman

Image Analysis
William F. Baker member, FEMA Probe Team; partner, Skidmore, Owings, Merrill

W. Gene Corley, Ph.D., P.E., S.E. senior vice president, CTL Group; director,
FEMA Probe Team

Bill Daly senior vice president, Control Risks Group

Steve Douglass image analysis consultant, Aviation Week

Thomas R. Edwards, Ph.D. founder, TREC; video forensics expert.

Ronald Greeley, Ph.D. professor of geology, Arizona State University

Rob Howard freelance photographer; WTC eyewitness

Robert L. Parker, Ph.D. professor of geophysics,
University of California, San Diego

Structural Engineering / Building Collapse
Farid Alfawakhiri, Ph.D. senior engineer, American Institute of Steel Construction

David Biggs, P.E. structural engineer, Ryan-Biggs Associates; member, ASCE team for FEMA report

Robert Clarke structural engineer, Controlled Demolitions Group Ltd.

Glenn Corbett technical editor, Fire Engineering; member, NIST advisory committee

Vincent Dunn deputy fire chief (Ret.), FDNY; author, The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety

John Fisher, Ph.D. professor of civil engineering, Lehigh University; professor emeritus, Center for Advanced Technology; member, FEMA Probe Team

Ken Hays executive vice president, Masonry Arts

Christoph Hoffmann, Ph.D. professor of computer science, Purdue University; project director, September 11 Pentagon Attack Simulations Using LS-Dyna, Purdue University

Allyn E. Kilsheimer, P.E.
CEO, KCE Structural Engineers PC; chief structural engineer, Phoenix project; expert in blast recovery, concrete structures, emergency response

Won-Young Kim, Ph.D. seismologist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

William Koplitz photo desk manager, FEMA

John Labriola freelance photographer, WTC survivor

Arthur Lerner-Lam, Ph.D. seismologist; director,
Earth Institute, Center for Hazards and Risk Research, Columbia University

James Quintiere, Ph.D. professor of engineering, University of Maryland member, NIST advisory committee

Steve Riskus freelance photographer; eyewitness, Pentagon crash

Van Romero, Ph.D. vice president, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Christine Shaffer spokesperson, Viracon

Mete Sozen, Ph.D., S.E. Kettelhut Distinguished Professor of Structural Engineering, Purdue University; member, Pentagon Building Performance Report; project conception, September 11 Pentagon Attack Simulations Using LS-Dyna, Purdue University

Shyam Sunder, Sc.D.
acting deputy director, lead investigator, Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Mary Tobin science writer, media relations, Earth Institute, Columbia University

Forman Williams, Ph.D. professor of engineering, physics, combustion, University of California,
San Diego; member, advisory committee, National Institute of Standards and Technology

преку 300 експерти и организации жал ми е што глуп филм ви го пере мозокот

на вистината и науката!!!
pa ne se sramи Пхд објаснуваат експерти за челик институти офлелееее.....добро НАЛЕТ НЕКА Е ФУРАЈТЕ ГО ФИЛМОТ:smir:

не планирам да ојаснувам на некои кој гледа дека греши а неке да признае:smir:
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
pa ne se sramи Пхд објаснуваат експерти за челик институти офлелееее.....добро НАЛЕТ НЕКА Е ФУРАЈТЕ ГО ФИЛМОТ:smir:

не планирам да ојаснувам на некои кој гледа дека греши а неке да признае:smir:
не се срами ти
овие другиве што се ?
нашиве што се?
не се ли тие експерти
значи сакаш да кажш дека тие што ја застапуваат теоријата во која ти веруваш се експерти а сите останати не се
ич не ти држи муабетов
а и превод ти побарав на два збора ај побарај


па гледаш дека се институти дотори по наука.....универзитети сеизмички мерења свашта па и боинг потврди дека авионите се виновни!!!!!!!!! а е јака корпорација пази ако не си знаел за разлика од аирбус кои влечат делови од германија франција...боинг има една фабрика(најголема во светот и ги прави авионите таму до финален производ)

тој на венус проектот експерт е...пожарникарот ма дааајјј...и ај остави ме раат џабе дискутирам ако сакаш факти имаш назад.

а овие за другата теорија се како соросоидите...солидна пара добија....

а инаку не велам дека другите не разбираат туку дискутираме и јас приложив милион факти и чим е џабе налет а за преведување најди си проферсорка англиски:pos2:
Член од
8 април 2008
Поени од реакции
кои милион факти еден пост го плескаш нон стоп ...
а и кај тоа виде дека грешиме ...
клипот го изгледа ли ... тоа се универзитетски професори и исто така експерти ...
или те мрзеше ... доста е да ја гледаш само твојата страна :tapp:
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
па гледаш дека се институти дотори по наука.....универзитети сеизмички мерења свашта па и боинг потврди дека авионите се виновни!!!!!!!!! а е јака корпорација пази ако не си знаел за разлика од аирбус кои влечат делови од германија франција...боинг има една фабрика(најголема во светот и ги прави авионите таму до финален производ)

тој на венус проектот експерт е...пожарникарот ма дааајјј...и ај остави ме раат џабе дискутирам ако сакаш факти имаш назад.

а овие за другата теорија се како соросоидите...солидна пара добија....

а инаку не велам дека другите не разбираат туку дискутираме и јас приложив милион факти и чим е џабе налет а за преведување најди си проферсорка англиски:pos2:

како прво околу преводот јас го знам и секој ден ги среќавам тие два збора и секој ден сум опкружен со тоа
затоа ти викам најдими превод
и овие се доктори и по науки и по градежништво, инженери така да не се како соросоидите туку испаѓа дека тие кои ја застапуваат твојата теорија се како соросоидите, а по која наука се доктори тие? која насока? медиумски шит или?
а за факти колку сакаш збори објасними кај е авионот што удрил во Пентагон, кај е штетата


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Ona sto Raytheon23 (Beechcraft23) ne moze da go objasni iako nickot sto go koristi e korporacija koja megju drugo pravi i AVIONI e zdravo-razumskoto prasanje na 19 arapi i kidnapiranite avioni. Ednostaven razgovor so coek sto naucil da leta popoznat kako pilot ke mu srusi site ubeduvanja.

Oficijalnata teorija za 19 dusi so debeli dosijea, clenovi na fundamentalsticki grupi koi bez problem dobile vizi (!?) iako procedurata za viza site ja znaeme ne drzi voda.
Posle arapite se zapisuvaat na osnovna obuka za letanje poznata kako PPL koja nikoj ne ja zavrsuva, i vo period od dve-tri nedeli se pretvaraat vo piloti na B-757/767 iako obukata za ovie letala trae od 2 do 5 godini.I toa ne obicni piloti tuku akrobati koi letaat na metar nad zemja (pentagon).
Za nekoj koj se zanimava so ovaa tema mu e jasna razlikata megju kokpitot na Cessna-172 i onaa na patnicki avion. Taka da samata teorija deka arapite gi upravuvale avionite e cist idiotizam koj nitu moze da se porekne nitu ima vrska so razumot.
I na kraj samoto kidnapiranje so skapleri (da, onie so gi imate po doma so koi secite selotejp,hartija i karton) na ne eden tuku 4 avioni e vrhoven kretenizam. Pilotite UCAT i za toa kako da se spravat vo takvi situacii i si ima odredeni proceduri kako se postapuva vo takvi slucai.

Tuka e i cetvrtiot avion koj padnal napravil krater (!?) i nema traga od nego osven nesto malku ostatoci. Kako ljubitel na avijacija Raytheon23 sigurno gledal na Nat.Geographic emisii za avionski nesreki i kako izgleda mestoto na nastanot i moze da go sporedi so ta.

Toa za eksploziite i termitot dali bilo toa ili ne e tesko do kraj da se kaze bidejki e pominato mnogu vreme i tragata 'se ladi' bidejki ot pocetokot site ispituvannja gi pravele vladini eksperi na vladin platen spisok. E sega kako taa vlast koja do napravila zlocinot treba sebesi da se fati vo laga. Toa e isto ako ti ubies nekogo ti samiot da se istrazuvas sebe. Sigurno nema da se proglasis za kriv. Osven ako ne VERUVAS vo objektivnosta i sposobnosta na vlasta toa e drugo prasanje. Eden den mozda ke ima nezavisna grupa koja ke istrazuva.

Druga e temata deka kulite bile DIZAJNIRANI kako takvi da izdrzat udar na B-707 nesto pogolem avion od B-757/767.

Ako se pretpostavi vlasta kako izveduvac na ovaj (a site dokazi odat natamu) zlocin togas site izvestai na vladiniot platen spisok nemaat validnost bidejki vlasta e zainteresirana strana vo slucajov i kako takva primarna cel i e da prikrie ili izostavi se sto ne i odgovara.

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