9/11 Терористи или сепак не?

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Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
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Nikoj ne rece deka sadam ne upotrebil VX ama ako se sekavas togas nikoj nisto ne kaza okolu toa. Ne im smetase na amerite. Vo ratot Irak-Iran na cija strana bea?

Do 2000 sadam gi unistil site zalihi na hemisko-biolosko oruzje.
Ako imase ke najdea nesto dosega. 6 godini se tamu. Sega i 'demokratija' ke im nosele. So napalm.

Sto sakas da kazes so ova?
Ne mora od zeigeist vidi nekoj drug izvor. I samite FED izdale kniga so 'Fractional margin reserve' ama toa e druga tema : Ekonomski i finansiski prevari i pravenje pari od NISTO. Zaprasaj se od kade parce hartija ima takva vrednost (pari).

Ima pari koi se kaj 'rajata' i pari koi ne se.
Bankite izgubile od 9-11 ?! Svasta...


Грешка си...Во Zeitgeist документарката најдобро е објаснето рушењето на кулите...Јас во ниту еден друг документарен филм не сум гледал толку детално објаснување. И во овој филм зборуваат стручњаци, ако не си го гледал целиот тогаш не трескај зелени.
jas ka\av fakti trilion zagubi a ako ;eka[ od filmovo objasnenie bi ti go preporacal STAR WARS...

i koi eksperti....i want you to get mad-e od sedumdeseti a biv[ operativec na M I-6 slapa.

nejse najinteresen e dogvorot za start na prvata svetska vojna NITU DOKUMENTIRANO NI{TO

a za vtorata od kaj znaele deka japan ke vojuva so SAD.


TOA E DOKUMENTAREC a ne perenje mozok!!!

i ti ka\av prven vrvot na zgradata po;nal da paga a koga bi imalo eksploziv ke trebalo prven podzemjeto pa eksploziv na sekoj tret kat(trebalo da ima 30 eksplozii be ejjj) ako ova e ubavo objasnuvanje:toe:

saka[ razberi saka[ NE
Член од
14 декември 2007
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Nikoj ne rece deka sadam ne upotrebil VX ama ako se sekavas togas nikoj nisto ne kaza okolu toa. Ne im smetase na amerite. Vo ratot Irak-Iran na cija strana bea?

Do 2000 sadam gi unistil site zalihi na hemisko-biolosko oruzje.
Ako imase ke najdea nesto dosega. 6 godini se tamu. Sega i 'demokratija' ke im nosele. So napalm.

Sto sakas da kazes so ova?
Ne mora od zeigeist vidi nekoj drug izvor. I samite FED izdale kniga so 'Fractional margin reserve' ama toa e druga tema : Ekonomski i finansiski prevari i pravenje pari od NISTO. Zaprasaj se od kade parce hartija ima takva vrednost (pari).

Ima pari koi se kaj 'rajata' i pari koi ne se.
Bankite izgubile od 9-11 ?! Svasta...
bankite ja namalija kamatata a i profitot vo interes na zakrepnuvanje na ekonomijata...pa imaa 5% pad BE
Член од
8 април 2008
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паѓаат до доле вертикално до самиот центар без да се прекршат настрана (и двете Кули и зградата 7 !??!?!?) до самиот темел ?!?! колку е тоа случајно за да биде случајно?


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
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bankite ja namalija kamatata a i profitot vo interes na zakrepnuvanje na ekonomijata...pa imaa 5% pad BE
Kolku nesebicno od bankite.
FED gi namalil isto kamatite pa taka ne znam kako toa izgubile pari.
Komercijalnite banki (onie kaj sto odis po kredit za kola) pozajmuvaat najmalku 10 pati poveke od sredstvata koi gi imaat na raspolaganje kako pokritie.
I nema nacin DA ZAGUBAT PARI!!!

Ako berber ti naplaka 1000 den. za potstrizuvanje a nego go kosta 5 den. za da te isisa i ako toj posle naplaka 500 den. poradi toa sto lugeto imaat pomala kupovna mok, toj ne IZGUBIL 500 den. tuku PROFITIRAL POMALKU OTKOLKU OBICNO.
Ima ogroman razlika megju ocekuvanite profiti (nekoj bankar kaparisal jahta od 50m) i onie koi se realni poradi X pricini (sega ke mora da se zadovoli so jahta od 30m).
E OVA ti e perenje mozok ko ke slusas za 'svetskata kriza' na vesti, a na cnn nema da ti kazt razlika megju ocekuvan i realen profit, ama ajde.

Bankite izgubile pari...

Au da sega imame i svinski grip, daj da iznkupime lekovi 'Tami-flu'.
A do pred godina dena ke umiravme od pticji grip, pred toa od sars,kravjo ludilo,antraks... i ako se sekavas imase Y2K demek ke crknele site kompjuteri nema da prepaoznaele 1999 od 2000.
Ne znam komu mu go perat umot.


The word “Addendum” implies a small addition or expansion of a larger body of work. Clocking in at 2 hours and 3 minutes, Zeitgeist Addendum is a full-fledged sequel to Zeitgeist the Movie rather than a mere addendum. “Zeitgeist 2” picks up where its predecessor left off by launching a detailed explanation on the mechanics behind the monetary system and fractional reserve banking. Using the American economic system for its examples, the brooding narration explains how the central bank issues notes to the government for deposit in commercial banks, who in turn loan a large fraction of these deposits to consumers. The explanation of money purely as an instrument of debt seems philosophically valid, if not a little cynical. Filmmaker Peter Joseph’s view of the monetary system as both a pyramid scheme and a form of organized slavery serves as a basis for the remainder of the film.

The second phase of the movie features a long interview with John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”. Perkins outlines the role and evolution of the so-called economic hitman – a private or public sector agent who corrupts foreign leaders and economies to enable cheap access to national resources. Foreign leaders who do not comply with agents of the corrupting nation (typically from the West) are typically assassinated and replaced with a more “business-friendly” regime. Perkins cites the Iranian coup of 1953 and subsequent installation of the Shah as the first true economic hit while citing Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Panamanian president Omar Torrijos Herrera (who signed the bill transferring the Panama Canal from American control) as examples of leaders who refused to be corrupted and were subsequently killed.

Visions of Utopia
Part three and four of the movie deal with The Venus Project, a visionary design for a resource-based economy whose proponents believe all of humanity’s problems can be solved by technology. In such world, the representatives claim, all humans can be fed, housed and otherwise placated by the abundant resources available in a society that uses technology to cater to social needs rather than military or capitalistic objectives. This portion of Zeitgeist Addendum is the most challenging to watch – not just because it is too long, but also because it mixes equal portions of science fiction (e.g. magnetic levitation tube trains traveling 4000 miles/hour), societal absurdities (e.g. no need for laws since every human’s economic needs to be met with technology and there will be no need to commit crime) and genuinely good ideas (e.g. harnessing solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal power to minimize or eliminate dependency on fossil fuels).

Focus returns to the monetary system, citing its inherent corruption as the primary reason why societies similar to that outlined by the Venus Project aren’t possible. After once again maligning the banking system as the root of all human woe, Zeitgeist Addendum offers a surprisingly practical list of what the average person can do to exploit the current financial chaos for social transformation. Among the suggested measures are divestment from America’s three largest banks, boycotting mainstream media sources in favour of independent news sources, avoiding military service (extra focus was placed on the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on Gulf war veterans) and removing from the energy grid.

You’re Either With us or Against us
The movie closes with a stark choice for the viewer – remain a materialistic slave of the monetary system and its divisionary institutions or discover truth and oneness by joining the Zeitgeist movement. The accompanying dramatic sequence depicts a series of business, military and religious people throwing down the symbols and tools of their respective institutions before looking to the sky and embracing a re-colorized earth.

Timing can mean everything to a movie’s success and Joseph chose the perfect time to release Zeitgeist Addendum. The monetary system is in retreat worldwide while defaults skyrocket among consumers and once-unshakable mega-corporations. One narrative at the end of the movie should resonate with even the hardest critic of anti-establishment sentiment:

As of now, the world financial system is on the brink of collapse, due to its own shortcomings. The comptroller of currency stated in 2003 that the interest on the U.S. national debt will not be affordable in less than 10 years. This theoretically means total bankruptcy for the U.S. economy and its implications for the world are immense. In turn, the fractional reserve-based monetary system is reaching its theoretical limits of expansion and the banking failures you are seeing is just the beginning. This is why inflation is skyrocketing, all debt is at record levels, and the government and fed are hemorrhaging new money to bail out the corrupt system – for the only way to keep the banks going is by making more money. The only way to make more money is to create more debt and inflation. It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and there is no one willing to take new loans while defaults grow, as people are unable to afford their current loans. Then the expansion of money will stop and contraction will begin on a scale never before seen.
-Narration, Zeitgeist Addendum
Sadly, Zeitgeist Addendum devalues such timely and thought-provoking observations with the same dishonest recitation and logical leaps that earned its predecessor the “conspiracy theory” label from skeptics.

Yes-Yes persuasion. This subtle but effective technique starts with reciting two or more verifiable/probable statements and forcing a conclusion on the plausibility of the previous statements. While a decent argument can be made that debt and interest will inevitably force some foreclosures in any society, one cannot therefore assume that the banks INTEND to bankrupt people and hold them to any kind of modern bondage. In truth, bankruptcy is bad news for the modern bank because most of the assets purchased with consumer debt have limited resale value … and of course the bank is out of the money it loaned. People in many U.S. states can legally walk away from their homes without legal penalty. Furthermore, the existence of a relationship between government and business does not imply premeditation, and in the case of the current sub-prime meltdown even most bankers were not aware of the exposure presented by mortgage-backed securities. If there exists a conspiracy to enslave humanity and consolidate power, it’s proving a colossal failure.
Willful omission. Attacking banks as omnipotent forces of profit may be fair game, but who owns the banks? The majority of banks are publicly held, traded on the open market. Huge contributors include pension funds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. The ultimate owners of these funds are the same “wage-slaves” said to be indirectly working for the bank, regardless of their actually occupation. With few exceptions, the slave does not own the farm. The recent collapse of Lehman Brothers did not result in mass freedom but did wipe out thousands of average people’s retirement savings.
Drive-by accusations. Alarming accusations and insinuations are placed amid factual statements without elaboration or future reference. While defining terrorism, the narrator claims that the organization Al Qaeda never existed, with the name referring to a database created by American operatives. Another passage insinuates that 9/11 was executed by American forces as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and revive the opium trade.
Shaman or Charlatan?
Zeigeist Addendum’s core message is somewhat contradictory. Firstly, the narrator suggests divesting from the three largest banks as a form of protest, but wouldn’t reinvesting those funds in alternative firms perpetuate the same fractional reserve system? All banks in a nation hold deposits with the same central bank – that’s why it’s a CENTRAL bank.

Secondly, the film suggests joining The Zeitgeist Movement to attain critical mass and inform the world that resources should be free for all of mankind to use. This, the narrator claims is “the only true sustainable solution”. Previously, the film dismissed the world’s major religions (Islam, Christianity and Hinduism) as closed-world views. Why, then, wouldn’t this criticism hold true for a movement promoting the inalienable truth of environmentally-conscious collectivism?

Thirdly, the film states several times that politicians cannot solve humanity’s problems since they are controlled by the same few corporations. These statements are accompanied by flashing images of Democrat/Republican symbols and pictures of the 2008 presidential candidates. However, the film also flashes a picture of failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul when speaking of honest politicians who are sidelined by the system. Paul also appears in a C-SPAN clip, sternly questioning FRB Chairman Ben Bernanke. How do we know Ron Paul isn’t also controlled by the same corporations, provided as a distraction to create the illusion of dissidence?

With such gaping inconsistencies in mind, who should watch this film? In some respects, everyone should view this film because it at least challenges our understanding of and allegiance to the social institutions we rarely question. The high points of this film are the initial explanation of fractional reserve banking and entire economic hitman segment – both can be easily verified and/or criticized. The rest is somewhat pie in the sky to this cold pragmatist but can stoke the imagination of more eccentric types. Like Zeitgeist the Movie, Zeitgeist Addendum is primarily a conversation starter, but now the presentation is a bit slicker and the content more relevant to current events.


Gym instructor.
Член од
22 март 2006
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доста факти али ќе ти ск*рчи од овие на англиски ме мрзи да ги читам сите :) се сложувам до некаде дека американците сами го направиле тоа ама држи вода и тоа со експлозиите.. 30 експлозии не ми се верува да имало :S


мое мислење е дека Американците си ги срушија, за да имаат причина за напад...
Член од
8 април 2008
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ајде малце подетално ...
Член од
1 ноември 2008
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ајде малце подетално ...
само да се надополнам на видеото
инаку во овој филм ви е најстручно

Jan 1, 2007
Why are Architects and Engineers Re-examining the WTC Collapses?
— Editor

The years since 9/11/01 have given us the time and space to emerge from the hypnotic trance of the shocks of these attacks and to rationally evaluate the existing and new evidence that has become available.

Architects and Engineers are trained to design buildings that function well and withstand potentially destructive forces. However, the 3 high-rise buildings at the World Trade Center which "collapsed" on 9/11 (the Twin Towers plus WTC Building #7) presented us with a body of evidence (i.e., controlled demolition) that was clearly outside the scope of our training and experience.

In addition, the shock that hit us on that date from the repeated attacks and staggering loss of life has limited our ability to rationally evaluate what really happened. We therefore found ourselves relying solely upon the judgment of outside "experts"... and, quite willing to, "go along" with the collective myth that has unfolded: that "the buildings failed structurally due to the aircraft impacts and resulting fires". After all, we saw the aircraft slam into the building, the resulting huge fireball, and the ensuing "collapses".

There is however a growing body of very solid evidence regarding these "collapses" that has emerged in the last couple of years - gaining ground even in the mainstream media. This new evidence casts grave doubt upon the theories of the 9/11 building collapse "experts" as well as the official reports by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST.

It lays out a solid convincing case which architects & engineers will readily see: that the 3 WTC high-rise buildings were destroyed by both classic and novel forms of controlled demolition. You will find the evidence here in our website as well as at the linked websites. We hope you will find the courage and take the necessary time to review each section thoroughly.

After all, if in fact these buildings were professionally demolished with explosives, and since it takes months of planning and engineering to place the explosives, and since these buildings were highly secure from foreign terrorists, then we are presented with a horrible conclusion that we cannot deny: that this entire event must have been planned and orchestrated by a group other than those who are blamed by our Government. The questions raised are numerous and ominous that must be answered in the context of a truly independent unimpeachable congressional investigation with subpoena power.

We can play a very significant role as building professionals because we have the necessary technical credibility that Congress will respond to. Please join us in calling for a re-investigation.

плус имате разработки во Lost Change филмовите па затоа нека не тропаат глупости со тој Zeitgeist оти некои дечки и вистински стручњаци многу повеќе и подобро се потрудиле да ни објаснат што точно се случило
Член од
8 април 2008
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плус имате разработки во Lost Change филмовите па затоа нека не тропаат глупости со тој Zeitgeist оти некои дечки и вистински стручњаци многу повеќе и подобро се потрудиле да ни објаснат што точно се случило
Точно има многу други примери објаснети и потврдени од експерти ... со детална анализа ...

но RAYTHEON23 освен Зајтгеист од оваа страна друго нема гледано ... а има исчитано некој никаков лит извештај без никакви реални факти туку некои си учебнички теории ... ништо конкретно ... :toe:
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Точно има многу други примери објаснети и потврдени од експерти ... со детална анализа ...

но RAYTHEON23 освен Зајтгеист од оваа страна друго нема гледано ... а има исчитано некој никаков лит извештај без никакви реални факти туку некои си учебнички теории ... ништо конкретно ... :toe:
имам многу гледано и читано во врска со 9/11 а и коментирано и разработувано на друго место така да Зајтгеист е нула во врска со останатите кога станува збор за 9/11


Член од
31 јули 2007
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jas ka\av fakti trilion zagubi a ako ;eka[ od filmovo objasnenie bi ti go preporacal STAR WARS...

i koi eksperti....i want you to get mad-e od sedumdeseti a biv[ operativec na M I-6 slapa.

nejse najinteresen e dogvorot za start na prvata svetska vojna NITU DOKUMENTIRANO NI{TO

a za vtorata od kaj znaele deka japan ke vojuva so SAD.


TOA E DOKUMENTAREC a ne perenje mozok!!!

i ti ka\av prven vrvot na zgradata po;nal da paga a koga bi imalo eksploziv ke trebalo prven podzemjeto pa eksploziv na sekoj tret kat(trebalo da ima 30 eksplozii be ejjj) ako ova e ubavo objasnuvanje:toe:

saka[ razberi saka[ NE

Како прво, ако ги знаеш правилата на форумот пишувај на кирилица, како второ доста вадиш текстови од Wikipedia ( ти го испрале мозокот ), кажи нешто што си прочитал или слушнал ( освен од Wikipedia нормално ) и имај став кога дискутираш за нешто не само да го пренесуваш ( копираш ) она што другите го кажале или напишале и ќе се правиш Радио Милева...И кога ќе пишуваш на кирилица тогаш ќе ги читам твоите постови а не тука хиероглифи да гледам и да се малтретирам.

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