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A blagodarejki na gugl, mozeme da najdeme drugi knigi,koi se "biblija" za antickite zborovi. Pa taka:
ALEXANDER. the companions of Alexander the Great
ALEXA'NDER ('AXaýava'poy), a saint an( statues of philosophers. (Plin. II. N. xxxiv. 8. s. martyr, whose memory is celebrated by the Romis' 19, 26.) [C. P. M.] church, together with the other martyrs of Lyon A'LEUS ('AMAds), a son of Apheidas, and and Vienne, on the second of June. He was grandson of Areas. He was king of Tegea in native of Phrygia, and a physician by professior Arcadia, and .....
ALEXANDER, an ACARNANIAN, who ha was, according to Aristotle, in his work upon once been a friend of Philip III. of Macedoni poets (Orepp 7roenrwv), the first person who wrote but forsook him, and insinuated himself so mu( dialogues in the Socratic style before the time of into the favour of Antiochus the Great, that I Plato. (Athen. xi. p. 505, b. c.; Diog. Laert. iii. 48.) was admitted to Ihis most secret deliberations.
I ALEXANDER. [PARIS.] advised the king to invade Greece, holding out
ALEXANDER ('AA^ar'apos), the defender of him the most brilliant prospects of victory over tl men, a surname of Hera under which she was Romans, B. c. 192. (Liv. xxxv. 18.)....
ALEXANDER ('AAEav8pos), a man whom who was staying at Thronium, on the Maliac gu Mithridates is charged by Sulla with having sent When the king, on his retreat from Greece, hf to assassinate Nicomedes. (Appian, De Bell. Mithr. reached Cenaeum in Euboea, Alexander died ai 57.) He seems to be the same person as Alexan- was buried there, B, c. 191. (xxxvi. 20.) [L. S der the Paphlagonian, who is afterwards (76, &c.)
ALEXANDER of AEGAE ('AA4_av3pos A mentioned as one of the generals of Mithridates, 'yawos), a peripatetic philosopher, who flourished and was made prisoner by Lucullus, who kept him Rome in the first century, and a disciple of tl to adorn his triumph at Rome. [L. S.] celebrated mathematician Sosigenes, whose calcultions were used by Julius Caesar for his correction of the year. He was tutor to the emperor Nero. (Saidas, s. v. 'AA4eavrpos Al-yator; Suet. Tib. 57.) Two treatises on the writings of Aristotle are attributed to him by some, but are assigned by others to Alexander Aphrodisiensis. I. On the Meteorology of Aristotle, edited in Greek by F. Asulanus, Vcn. 1527, in Latin by Alex. Piccolomini, 1540, fol. II. A commentary on the Metaphysics. The Greek has never been published, but there is a Latin version by Sepulveda, Rom. 1527. [B. J.]
ALEXANDER AEGUS. [ALEXANDER IV., KING OF MACEDONIA.] ALEXANDER ('AAxEavSpos), a son of AEMETUS, was one of the commanders of the Macedonian XaKcao-mnes in the army of Antigonus Doson during the battle of Sellasia against Cleomenes III. of Sparta, in B. c. 222. (Polyb. ii. 66.) [L. S.]
ALEXANDER AEMILIANUS. [AEMILIANUs, No. 3.] ALEXANDER ('A\X~avapos), son of A'EROPUS, a native of the Macedonian district called Lyncestis, whence he is usually called Alexander Lyncestes. Justin (xi. 1) makes the singular mistake of calling him a brother of Lyncestas, while in other passages (xi. 7, xii. 14) he uses the correct expression. He was a contemporary of Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great.
ALEXANDER AETO'LUS ('AAaavspo0r ' AirwAos), a Greek poet and grammarian, who lived in the reign of Ptolemaeus Philadelphus. He was the son of Satyrus and Stratocleia, and a native of Pleuron in Aetolia
ALEXANDER ('AAhewavpos), commander of the horse in the army of ANTIGONUS DOSON during the war against Cleomenes III. of Sparta. (Polyb. ii. 66.) He fought against Philopoemen, then a young man, whose prudence and valour forced him to a disadvantageous engagement at Sellasia. (ii. 68.) This Alexander is probably the same person as the one whom Antigonus, as the guardian of Philip, had appointed commander of Philip's body-guard, and who was calumniated by Apelles. (iv. 87.) Subsequently he was sent by Philip as ambassador to Thebes, to persecute Megaleas. (v. 28.) Polybius states, that at all times he manifested a most extraordinary attachment to his king. (vii. 12.) [L. S.]
ALEXANDER ('AAedavSpos), son of ANTONIUS, the triumvir, and Cleopatra, queen of Egypt....Antonius bestowed on him the titles of "Helios," and " King of Kings," and called his sister " Selene."
ALEXANDER ('AAe^avSpos), the eldest son of ARISTOBULUS II., king of Judaea,...(Joseph. Ant. Jiid. xiv. 5--7; Bell. Joud. i. 8, 9.) [C. P. M.]
ALEXANDER ('AA4eavapos), an ambassador of king ATTALUS...
ALEXANDER BALAS ('AAEavSpos Briasr),...
ALEXANDER, of BEROEA; he and Thyrsis suffocated Demetrius, the son of Philip III. of Macedonia, at Heracleia, in B. c. 179. (Liv. xl. 24; comp. DEMETRIUS, son of PHILIP.) [L. S.]
ALEXANDER ('AAhgavSpos), third son of CASSANDER, king of Macedonia, by Thessalonica, sister of Alexander the Great.
ALEXANDER. musicians is mentioned by Plutarch (De iiMus. 5), and there is every probability that Alexander Polyhistor is also the author of the work AtaSoyaai ieMorod6pcv..
ALEXANDER I. II., kings of Egypt. [PToLEMAEUS.] ALEXANDER ('Ae'avypos) I., king of EPIRus, was the son of Neoptolemus and brother of Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great.
ALEXANDER, son of Herod. [HERODES.]
ALEXANDER ('Ai(savspos). 1. Bishop of HIERAPOLIS in Phrygia, flourished A. D. 253. He was the author of a book entitled, On the new things introduced by Christ into the world Ti KaLwdv eoi-jveyKe XPIro'rs els -i K-'PCopOV. Ke >. 0'; not extant. (Suid.) 2. Bishop of Hierapolis, A. n. 431. He was sent by John, bishop of Antioch, to advocate the cause of Nestorius at the Council of Ephesus...
ALEXANDER ('AXE'avapos), ST., HIEROSOLYMITANUS, a disciple, first, of Pantaenus, then of St. Clement, at Alexandria, where lie became acquainted with Origen, (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vi. 14,) was bishop of Flaviopolis, (Tillemont, Hist. Eccl. iii. 415,) in Cappadocia. (S. Hier. Vir. Ill. ~ 62.) In the persecution under Severrs he was thrown into prison, (circ. A.D. 204, Euseb. vi. 11,) where he remained till Asclepiades succeeded Serapion at Antioch, A. D. 211, the beginning of Caracalla's reign. (See [a] the Epistle St. Alexander sent to the Antiochenes by St. Clement of Alexandria. Euseb. HI. E. vi. 11.)
ALEXANDER, JANNAEUS ('AAE.ayapos 'lavmvIaos), was the son of Johannes Hyrcanus, and brother of Aristobulus I., whom he succeeded, as King of the Jews, in B. c. 104,...
ALEXANDER LYCOPOLITES ('AX'iav8poT AvicoroMi'rs), was so called from Lycopolis,in Egypt, whether as born there,..
ALEXANDER ('AAihav6pos), the son of LvsIMACHUS by an Odrysian woman, whom Polyaenus (vi. 12) calls Macris. On the murder of his brother Agathocles [see p. 65, a] by command of his father in a. c. 284, he fled into Asia with the widow of his brother, and solicited aid of Seleucus.
ALEXANDER I. ('Ah.Eavapos), the tenth king of MACEDONIA, was the son of Amyntas I. When Megabazus sent to Macedonia, about B. c. 507,..
ALEXANDER II. ('AAIdavapos), the sixteenth king of MACEDONIA..
ALEXANDER III. ('AXeavapos), king of MACEDONIA, surnamed the Great, was born at Pella, in the autumn of B. c. 356. He was the son of Philip II. and Olympias,......
i uste stotici i iljadnici, poznati i nepoznati Aleksandarovci,na celata teritorija na Aleksandrovata Imperija,i pred nea, i po nea, site Makedonci. Kolku gejci imalo so toa ime? Skoro ic.
Iminjata na site pogore spomnati Aleksandari, so koine pismoto,se zapisani vo desetici varijanti,koi za zal,pri konvertiranjeto,se pretvaraat vo hieroglifi. No neise.
Istoto e i so iminjata na Filip, Aristobul, Ptolomej itn.
Ta neli bile pobratimi so gejcite?
Logicno e i vo gejlada da imalo taka cesti isti iminja,ama gi nema ni za lek.
Veruvale vo isti bogovi?
Kade na svetot eden narod ima baska-baska iminja i toa pri ista religija?
Koi se ovde Turcite (neka mi izvinat vistinskite Turci, ova e samo metaforicko) ?