When it comes to muscle supplement, protein is the best to gain lean muscle mass and get in shape. The body needs protein supplements for most of the activities it does. The protein diet that the body needs is abundant in fish, meat, poultry, and shellfish. Proteins from beans, grains, and nuts are also excellent muscle supplements.
However, out of the many protein supplements, whey protein is the best. It is the watery by-product of cheese making. Best whey protein contains 90% or more protein and very little fat and lactose. Exercise combined with an intake of the best whey protein will show greater improvement in lean tissue mass than a plain workout.
The Benefits of Protein Supplement
Protein is essential to the structure of every cell in the body. It participates in almost all of the processes within the cells. Protein, a complex natural substance composed of linked amino acids, is the primary component of hair, nails and skin. Protein aids in the growth and repair of tissues. A protein-enhanced diet helps athletes and body builders grow and maintain muscles. Likewise, a protein diet builds stronger bones, cartilages, and muscles.
Casein and whey, and egg and soy are convenient sources of essential amino acids. “The most popular supplement for increasing muscle mass for both men and women is protein,” says Dr. Mark Myhal, fitness director of World Gym Fitness Center in Ohio. [Article: Muscle Builder Supplements]
Protein, first described and named by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius in 1838, is a macronutrient, which means that the body needs large amounts of it. However, the body does not store protein, so it has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. Therefore, it is best to get the recommended daily dietary allowance to make sure the body is getting enough of the bodybuilding nutrient.
Whey is a byproduct of cheese production. The protein is separated from the lactose and fat by a gentle filtration process. The results are casein and whey that provide the best food sources of protein and many other beneficial fractions.
No other nutrient can build and maintain body muscles like protein. Bodybuilders and dieters take whey protein to enhance muscle form, function and strength. Whey protein is excellent for those who are into fitness sports because it has amino acids that can lower cortisol level, the hormone that destroys muscles.
Whey protein is the richest source of essential amino acids that the body needs for muscle growth, body energy, and vibrant health. Whey protein is a muscle supplement known for building a stronger and muscular body. Whey contains high amounts of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are used to fuel working muscles and stimulate protein synthesis. [Kimball Scott; Jefferson, LS (2006) Journal of Nutrition 136 (1): 227S.PMID 16365087]