Повели прочитај:
Кај беше кога ги апсеа Христијаните и родителите во на Бајден времето? Или не го пратиш тоа, тебе само Израел те интересира.
Немаш капацитет да сватиш што Трамп прави и сака да прави.
Русија може да испали интерконтинентални од каде сака и каде сака, само ако оди преку Европа, ќе бидат детектирани, ако оди од Азија страна, пак ќе бидат детектирани. Единствено не можеше од Арктик, затоа е Гренланд многу битен. Не е само за соборување или не, ако САД детектира испалување на многу интерконтинентални и идат кон нас, САД ќе испали исто така интерконтинентални за да возврати услуга.
The Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) came to Greenland in 1961, when the BMEWS-Site 1 was established there, initially designated as the 12th Missile Warning Squadron and later the 12th Missile Warning Group. Air Force Space Command assumed control of Thule Air Base in 1983 and the unit was re-designated as the 12th Space Warning Squadron in 1992. In 1987, the BMEWS mechanical radar was upgraded to the more efficient and capable solid-state, phased-array system used today, the Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR).
Исто така многу убаво кажано:
Thanks to its geographic location, Greenland is already of critical importance to the United States. Not only does the country’s security rely to a significant degree on
missile detection and tracking capabilities in Greenland, but having a military foothold here provides unrivaled access to the Arctic, in the sea and air domains.
Were the United States to control Greenland or at least have greater freedom to expand its military presence there,
it would be a logical outpost from which it could challenge Russia and China in the region. At the very least, its potential as a major logistics hub could be further enhanced, allowing the U.S. military to extend its reach further over the Arctic.